hitting the gym twice a day...

I am going to a local gym that offers classes in Zumba, aerobic/weight lifting, and aquacise. I have been going once in the morning for a 930 class and again about 530 for a 2nd class. I usually mix it up...if I do Zumba in the a.m. than I do a weight lifting type class in the evening or aquacise...My problem is I just never seem to do enough to drop any weight! I have been keeping my calories at 1600. I am now tapering it down to 1200. I am wondering since I have been literally dieting my entire life...I am 46 yrs old...maybe I have screwed up my body so much it doesnt know what to do anymore. lol. I am working out M-F. Taking weekends off from gym and just doing stuff with hubby and kids.


  • PlndrBunny
    Try switching it up and add something new! Instead of doing a second class, hit the elliptical for a little while. Or spend sometime on the weight machines. Or just hit the treadmill. Keep your body guessing, LOL Good luck!