First weigh-in Monday January 30th

Nothing like a Monday morning weigh-in to make you behave on the weekends!

For this coming Monday post your current weight and for the following monday's I'll post a progression chart for the following weeks.

Please post as follows

Name: Morganjannelle
CW: 139.8lbs
GW: 125lbs


  • My posts will all be in kilograms, and I will always be a day before the majority of you by living in Aus :-) The numbers should be going down regardless of how I measure it though!
  • Clael11
    Clael11 Posts: 12
    Excited for this !!!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Ooh, interesting, my usual MFP weigh-in days are Sundays.

    Looking forward to this!
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    Another kg person! I'll post in both. If I forget, can someone nudge me? >:D
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Haha, the title of this thread struck fear into my heart for a second. Ridiculous. I'll be here, bright and early on Monday!

    We'll see how it goes, since I stress-ate half the kitchen at work last night (migraine and both parents on call, so I had no idea when I was going to be able to go home and collapse into bed...) Oh well. Today is a new day.
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    Awesome! So excited!
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i'll definitely take part! i usually weigh myself on thursdays, but what the heck!!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Oh dear... I haven't weighed in for a few days in fear of what the scale says... I guess Monday will be a "wake up" call... also I'll be logging in Monday night when I wake up for work....
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I had a sneaky weigh in today but I will be there!
  • Name: Chimbob
    CW: 115.6kgs (254.3 lbs)
    GW: 85kgs (187 lbs)

    Lost 3 kilograms (6.6 lbs) so far! Woo!

    (This is my Monday by the way - not Sunday as it says on the time stamp :smile: )
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Name: Catrina
    CW: 137.4
    GW: 130

    P.S. This is my "monday morning" since I work 3rds.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Name: cherylpj
    CW: 159.8lbs
    GW: 120lbs
  • Glad to see so many of you have checked in already! It's still Sunday night here so I'll be back tomorrow AM.
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    Name: lulabox
    CW: 133 lb
    GW: 119 lb

    Should we also put our height for BMI?
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Name: fatty_to_fitty
    CW: 177lbs
    GW: 172lbs
  • kjj1984
    kjj1984 Posts: 14
    Name: kjj1984
    CW: 162.0
    GW: 140.0

    BMI is 24.3...hoping to reach 21.0!
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    Name: karagav
    CW: 148.4lbs
    GW: 130lbs
  • horsessrb
    horsessrb Posts: 13 Member
    Name: horsessrb
    CW: 142.4 lbs
    GW: 125 lbs
  • Name: Morgan
    CW: 139.8lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    And we can add BMI as well if people are interested in it.

    I'm 5'6 with a BMI of 22.4
  • Maksimow01
    Maksimow01 Posts: 11 Member
    Name: Danielle
    CW: 149.4
    Goal Weight- 130