INSANITY!!! Too much??

Hey everyone... I need some advice so please help!! Here's my background, I had a minor back surgery about 6 years ago and after that my range of motion came back and I felt great. As of recently I've put on weight and now am having back pain (severly bulging disk) which is causing my range of motion to be pretty limited without being on pain meds. As of right now I'm usure of what my treatment plan will be. It could be steroid shots, physical therapy or surgery again. I've been walking for 30-60 minutes a day but feel I needed more so I recently got Insanity and it looks amazing!! I'm worried about further injuring myself if I push too hard though. Are there any ways to modify some of the moves and get the results I'm seeking? Are there any other routines that would be less stressful on my back until I get "fixed"?! Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!! :):happy:


  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I'm not a Beach Body coach, but I think Insanity might be a little too much for you at this point with your back condition. Beach Body programs are great and I have used them for years. I would suggest starting out with a less intensive program until you get your back healed. They have one program called "Total Body Solutions" that my friend is using because she also has an injury. You might want to check it out and see what you think. Even though the less intense programs are not exactly what you want, they are a good starting point and you can work your way back to the more challenging programs. Beach Body also has a help line that you might be able to get some advise, find a coach and get some more specific answers. Good luck!
  • InsaneChic85
    InsaneChic85 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Heather I am a beachbody coach and former group fitness instructor and in my honest opinion, Insanity is too much for you like the PP post had stated. You can modify the moves but once you get into month 2, you will be doing nothing but modifing so it sort of defeats the purpose of the program. I don't want to discourage you from doing it in the future. I would recommend a low key program as well. Depending upon what you want to do. I would look into something like power 90 or turbo jam depending upon what your goals are. If you wan to chat more privatly please send me a message. I'd be happy to try to pin point a good workout for you.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I would really encourage you to start a dialogue with "insane chic 85" Beach Body coaches are an excellent resource and if they do not know the answer, they can find out for you.
    good luck and listen to your body (and your common sense :) )
  • InsaneChic85
    InsaneChic85 Posts: 26 Member
    thanks Mariacolumbus :)