August 2012 Babies



  • Mikaelas_Mommy
    Mikaelas_Mommy Posts: 12 Member
    I have not been on all week! Had in-laws in town.

    M/S is definitely on it's way..or maybe it's already here. Since Monday I have been battling nausea every day just about all day. Eating does NOT help...even if it's small frequent snacks/meals. But, not eating makes it worse. It's a lose-lose situation fir sure! Thought for sure I might add some UN-pleasant decorations on Target's floors this morning. But sucking on some hard candy seemed to save me from a great deal of embarrassment. Whew! I have not actually thrown up yet so I'm not sure if it's considered M/S yet. (Glad to be having symptoms though...let's me know things are progressing well).

    I'm ready to get back on track with my eating this week (can't believe I actually ate pizza last night! (first time since July) I'm sure that was helpful for my nausea!!!) and hopefully get some workouts in this coming week. I have been SO lazy lately. :(

    So how are the rest of you feeling?
  • Mikaelas_Mommy
    Mikaelas_Mommy Posts: 12 Member
    Oh and I forgot to share the good news!!! I had my first appointment last Thursday and they did an US on was measuring right on target (6 w, 1 d at the time) AND I got to see the little fluttering heartbeat. That gave me allot of relief! :) And I got to bring home pictures. Only looked like a little sliver but, it's still my baby & I love to look at it. :)
  • Hi everyone! I'm Dana and I am pregnant with a surprise baby #3. I only found out about two weeks ago and I am due August 18th. I have been pretty active in the last few months with the gym and working on getting my body back after having baby 1 and 2. My DS is 3 and my daughter is 21 months. I have promised myself I will continue to be active and try to eat healthy foods through out this pregnancy because exercise and healthy foods make me feel good. I gained enormous amounts of weight with my first two and am hoping to stick to the recommened 25-35lbs this time around. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Due August 29th!

    HI Lady's

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far! Almost to the weekend! YAY! I have been feeling okay- some days I have not m/s (or in my case night sickness) and others I dont. But today is one of those day's I feel really "gaggy" not really sick- but just enough to annoy you. Plus the stuffy nose is driving me crazy!

    I have tired to start working out again- but I am so tired after working all day- the thought of working out is just to much!

    Also- I know you emotions go crazy while being pregnant- but today must be one of those days that all I want to do is scream at people- it seems everyone is being stupid or crazy! and they are driving me insane.

    Other than that- ready for the weekend!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Last week we got our first peek at our Gummy Bear. Everything looks good, measuring well and it had the hiccups.
  • Hello all! I am due August 11 with my 3rd child. I have a 14 year old son and a 5 and a half year old daughter so this little one was a sweet surprise :) I gained 55lbs with my first pregnancy (was an underweight teen though, so ok) and 60 with my last! I was already overweight by 20 lbs when I found out I was pregnant so this time I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible and track all of my calories so I don't overdo it! Hopefully this time I won't blow up like a whale :)

  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    So I got to go for an ultrasound yesterday! It's definately real! I saw the heartbeating and that blew my mind. Up until this point I have been struggling with feelings of disbelief and denial and shock and awe and happiness. Now that I've actually seen a living being inside of me I'm now just in shock and awe and happiness :love: WOW!

    Now I am thinking of my body differently too.....I was at swimming last night and mid flip turn I started thinking about what I saw today and what the baby feels when I'm in the water. Good thing it's Friday because my head is NOT thinking about work today and I'm ok with that :happy:
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    Glad to find a group of ladies due when I am! I lost 22lbs between my m/c in septmber and getting my BFP 2 months later (lost 2 more after and now gained 1.4 back)

    Due August 9th (our 4th wedding anniversary!) with baby #2. We have a 20m old son. I have seen the baby on u/s at 7w1d, 9w and 11w6d and heard the HB on doppler at 11w1d. I've had some spotting and had a missed m/c at 10w2d (wasn't discovered until 11w3d and had a D&C at 12w) so I am on restrictions right now when it comes to exercise. At the last u/s the baby was measuring ahead (12w3d) so they took a look and are leaning towards girl!

    Congrats everyone! :-)
  • Two days of no morning sickness!! I even got in a good workout today. Crossing my fingers that I am done with the nausea! Anybody else feeling better nearing the 2T?
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Two days of no morning sickness!! I even got in a good workout today. Crossing my fingers that I am done with the nausea! Anybody else feeling better nearing the 2T?

    I've been feeling better and also noticed that I am feeling a lot less fatigued. Hoping this trend continues!
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm due August 22, and I've had all day morning sickness since 3 days BEFORE I missed my period. Had lost a little weight, but I think I'm back up to where I started now, or pretty close. I gained 37 pounds or better on my last pregnancy, so I'm trying for the 20-25 pounds my doctor recommended this time. I'm really short, and I have scoliosis, so it gets crowded in my abdomen very quickly.

    Can't wait for the second trimester, which I think I hit the day after Valentine's day.

    Heading in to hear the heartbeat for the first time next week (Feb. 8th).
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Well, I am due August 23rd and this is my second pregnancy. This time around is already so different, I have been sooo tired all the time, nausea 24/7, and headaches all the time. As of last week, though, I have had enough energy to go to the gym and walk for about an hour or so twice. I want to say I can't wait until the second trimester but don't want to rush it either. :)
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    12 weeks today, celebrated by wearing comfy mat dress pants. They are way too big still and I have to use my Bella Band to hold them up, but so much comfier. I am starting out a little lighter this time, thinking I might see about getting a couple of pairs of Medium Mat pants if I can find some long enough to get me through the first little while. Also need to get some new T-Shirts as my ones from last time are looking pretty worn out and maybe a few cute tops to change things up. Don't want to buy too much wintery stuff, as i have a decent winter wardrobe but nothing to wear, especially to work, come summer time. I am thinking there will be a lot of dresses come summertime.

    Just about time to hang up the hockey gear and the skis - that makes me sad :(
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Two days of no morning sickness!! I even got in a good workout today. Crossing my fingers that I am done with the nausea! Anybody else feeling better nearing the 2T?

    I've been feeling better and also noticed that I am feeling a lot less fatigued. Hoping this trend continues!

    I feel the same way- knock on wood- I am going to try and start back at Yoga!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Has anyone told their work yet? I haven't but was thinking I should do it this week, I'm starting to look a little thick haha. I've just been struggling with this because I work with mostly men in a construction setting so it's just an awkward conversation. Maybe it won't be, maybe I'm just nervous. Either way I know how long it takes for them to hire people so I'm sure they'll appreciate the honesty and time I've given them.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I told work (male boss) the day after my scan and it went well. He congratulated me and said was very good news! So, so far so good. Try not to worry and just tell them and then its done. x
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    Probably should have scoped out my profile in the mirror this morning before running off to work. A black sweater dress and tights seemed like a good idea, but I just noticed in the bathroom that my bump is totally showing. Now it looks super cute if you know I am preggers - but no one at work knows so it just looks like I've been eating Cheetos and packing on quite the gunt! Ultrasound tomorrow and if all is well I'll be out of the closet on Wednesday. I don't really WANT to tell work, but also don't want people to think this growing bump is anything BUT a Baby!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I told them this morning, not as awkward as I thought it was going to be although I was sure I was beet red. :blushing:
    I don't think I'll tell anyone else in the office until I start getting weird looks.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Two days of no morning sickness!! I even got in a good workout today. Crossing my fingers that I am done with the nausea! Anybody else feeling better nearing the 2T?
    I'm currently 14 weeks and I've just started to feel better! I've been battling nausea all day/every day since 5 weeks!!!
    Here's hoping we're done with it!!!
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Oh and hello everyone :)
    I'm due August 9th with baby #2 - my son is 3 1/2

    Been sick, hopefully that's behind me...working out has been good, I haven't been tired (until about 8 pm!!!) and I get to work out on my lunch hour at work so that's been good.

    Haven't had my u/s yet - I'm showing WAY earlier this time so everyone at work found out pretty early, but everyone has been really supportive, which is good!

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing :)