Calories Recalculated

I don't know if everyone knows this or not but as you lose weight you will need to recalculate your calories to stay on track. I started at 1370 to lose 1 pound a week. About a week and a half ago I checked again and it went to 1340 and yesterday it went to 1320. I'm going to start checking it once a week on weigh in. Just wanted to let everyone know since I originally did it by accident.


  • lynzinnc
    THANK YOU! I didn't realize this either... wonder how long I've been over-eating?! I lost 100 calories.
  • donniesgirrl
    Yes - the iPhone app gave me a message & actually asked if I'd like my calories reset. I guess it's different if you go through the internet...?
  • AJones1021
    AJones1021 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for the heads up!! I'm scared to recalculate now - LOL!