jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
I can not believe how fast time is going by and I am already posting a challenge for week 5! Ok so I was thinking and looking at numbers. Red and Green teams have been Biggest Losers of the week, BUT we have NOT been the biggest losers for the week YET.

So, our challenge this week is to give it our all and let's go for BIGGEST LOSER'S of WEEK 5! Please, post your exercise, nutritional and mental plans for this week. That will help us all, so we can all have a productive week!

PS. we may also be the BIGGEST Losers for week 4, let's see!



  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    So I got a notebook and I will write down all my exercise and food journal. I will also post my food diary and exercise on here.I am keeping it public, I think it helps me be more accountable. Ok so I live in a community that wraps around in a circle and lots of people walk/run/bike around it. A few of my neighbors that go around everyday tell me that it is a little over 3 miles, today I will drive around it and get the exact milage. I plan to go around twice a day (as long as there is no rain). Plus, I have a friend that was just told by her dr. that she is borderline diabetic so she wants to start walking with me at a nearby park, we will go around about 1 mile. I am HOPING to walk about 7 miles a day!!! I am commiting myself to this, 7 days a week. My neighbor really motivated me, she is skinny and if you see her she looks like she has been skinny all her life. But she actually lost 50 lbs. in a year by just walking the circle twice a day everyday. So now she maintains herself the same way, I see here out there everyday even in the rain! I will wear my Polar watch so I will know exactly how many calories I am burning. With my food, I am still working on that. LOL I will post later today what kind of meals I will be eating. I am trying to eat 6 or 7 small meals a day. That works for me because I stay fuller longer. Ok, have a great day everyone!
  • lgrier2012
    Day one 1/30/2012: wacky jacks,kicks(lateral,roundhouse, straight),squats, punches, bananas, bicycles, push ups, lots of cardio. I didnt kill my trainer ;)
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    I love this challenge. I had a lower than usual weightt loss this past week, so I'm completely on board! I am starting antibiotics again today and I'm really hoping the medication doesn't derail me again.

    My program is to eat every 2-3 hours, I have 5-6 portion controlled meal replacements (usually Medifast or EAS) a day and one lean protein & vegetable meal per day.

    I usually drink just water, hot tea, and occasionally something else non-caloric (or with very low calories/carbs such as Vitamin Water Zero.)

    I normally take a lot of vitamins but I'm backing off them for the next 2 days because of some stomach pain that seems to be from eating peanuts, which I have now given up.

    Exercise: normally my elliptical or recumbent bike at home at night, I walk/run the Couch 2 5K program with my dog, and take walks during my lunch break at work if possible. This week: as my illness permits. I don't want to over do it... I need to heal!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Ok so I drove around my community and calculated the exact miles around. It is 2.6 miles, I walked it twice around yesterday so I walked over 5 miles! It was hard towards the end, but I felt amazing for doing it. I am going to do that walk at least 6 days a week. Plus, I go with my friend to a park and we walk together. I am wearing my Polar watch while I walk so I can get get the exact calories I am burning. Yesterday I burned over 1300 calories, I have not burned that much in a long time, it felt amazing. I am going for it again today.

    I would like everyone to put their plans here that way it makes you a little more accountable of what you are doing with food/exercise.
    Have an amazing day everyone!!!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    Jomom over 5 miles is awesome! WTG!

    Currently I'm doing Zumba on Mondays and Fridays. Kick boxing Wednesdays and Saturdays and I'm going to start adding in Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. I figure it is about time I start adding some weight lifting, ect into my routine. Hope it helps!
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Wow 5 miles jomom!! Fantastic:)

    Hmm well lets see. Right now I am doing my own at home fitness which is basically circuit training with a mix of cardio and strength training. I am also going to be starting fab ab February this month so that should be a lot of fun:) I really want to start eating more small meals or really just to stop snacking so much at night because that gets me every time!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    How is everyone doing? I am keeping up with my walks, I am walking 3.5 to 5 miles a day. Except for yesterday, it gets hard with the kids. So I danced alot! LOL! I am really planning my days so I have time for myself. Today is a little challenging with the Super Bowl. But, I walked 3.5 miles this morning and I planned everything I will eat today. I hope I don't mess up. I also, have cooked some meals in advance to give me extra time. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I think I'm finally over the sickness! It's been 3 weeks of dealing with crap in my nose and lungs. I can actually breathe and now I can finally get back to the gym and my workout routine. That being said, I'm now training for a triathlon that will be in late June. I'm super excited because the last time I did this my body dropped a ton of weight because it really enjoys the variety. Keep up the good work everyone.