Who are you and what are your goals?



  • HI everyone...im Amanda and i live in Kentucky. I have been on the wieght rollar coaster all my life. I started out being about 285lbs lost a bunch then came across this app to help me with the rest of my goals. Ive lost 20lbs using this app but i have a hard time stayng motivated.

    starting wieght was 285
    current weight 209

    i want to lose at least 50 more pounds! I invite anyone to be my friend and to help each other along the way! looking forward to being your friend!
  • Hi, my name is Judith. I joined two days ago. I have 75 pounds to lose. I lost that amount many years ago and kept it off for 5 years. Then I gained it back over many years. I am tired of carrying all of this weight around and it's affects on my body. I am 63 and most people are surprised and say that I look younger. But I have noticed lately that the heavier I get, the older I look. It just isn't healthy. My daughter is going to have a baby in May and I have a 14 year old grandson. I want to be around many years to enjoy them. I live in beautiful San Diego, so I don't have any weather excuses. I feel very happy to have found this site and invite anyone to be my friend. I admire so many who have lost so much on this site. I want to become one of them. I have a cute golden retriever named Rosie. We like to take walks and I like to rebound. Rosie just likes to sleep on the little trampoline. I am going on a Washington D.C. trip in March with my granson's school and I need to get some of this weight off to keep up with a bunch of 8th graders :)
  • Hello everyone! I am a full time working mom of two. My current weight is 168 and my goal weight is 135. I have been dieting for 3 weeks now and have just lost 3 pounds. It's seems it took forever to get the first 3 pounds off. I hope the rest comes off quicker than that. Good luck everyone!
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! What kind of things are you doing? Are you just dieting or exercising too? I'm starting my 4th week of the Insanity workout and haven't lost one pound, but I have lost 2 pant sizes. I workout because I like to eat. I have cut back on the amount I eat, but I'm still eating what I want.

    Good luck and just keep working at it.
    Hello everyone! I am a full time working mom of two. My current weight is 168 and my goal weight is 135. I have been dieting for 3 weeks now and have just lost 3 pounds. It's seems it took forever to get the first 3 pounds off. I hope the rest comes off quicker than that. Good luck everyone!
  • JohnTR25
    JohnTR25 Posts: 16 Member

    Was in a hotel spa recently and weighed myself........OMG what a shock, I knew I was getting heavier after a long cruise followed by Christmas and New Year, but not that much. So something has to be done!
    Found MFP on ipad and downloaded the app.

    However your help would be appreciated as I need encouragement and motivation....even nagging!

    Add me and lets help everyone to succeed.

    John x
  • Hi Everyone! I'm from Arlington, Texas. I just joined yesterday. I wish all reading happy losing the healthy way!

    I am 48, married,and have 3 children ages 20, 18 and 16 (all girls). I have chronic pain from health conditions called Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and Fibromyalgia (FM). Between three pregnancies and all the meds I have taken in the past 20 years to combat the pain I have I added 90 pounds to my frame! :noway:

    I broke my ankle, have fought a BAD bone infection for a year and a half and, well, now I'm chosing amputation of my lower leg to get me back on my feet. No pities, please! It's a SCARY decision, yes, but I'll be able to walk well again in just a few months!

    I have about 63 pounds left to lose. So here I go! Thanks for reading.

  • shalomabeth
    shalomabeth Posts: 63 Member
    If i can lost 10 lb in feb then i am doing good i want to lose more but i set small goals for starters
  • Maripoza28
    Maripoza28 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Here is a bit about me:

    -from Houston, TX
    -working mother of two
    -2nd time trying MFP, fell off the wagon for 6 monhts (feel free to scold me!:cry: )
    -today is my first day back :happy:
    -my goal is to loose 20lbs, i have no idea how much i weight, haven't weight myself in 6 months!
    -not doing insanity yet, I plan to start with small changes, like logging in daily, drinking 10 cups of water a day, walking etc
    -i need lots of motivation!!
  • My name is Shonette I'm 40 and want to lose 100lbs. today is my first day and i'm looking for all the support i can get. My bff is new to this as well but we dont mind extra support.
  • Hey there I'm Madilyn. I'm 13 and EXTREMELY overweight. I weigh 160 at the moment (at 5'7) I recently noticed how weak and overweight I am and decided to make a change. I kicked in gear last month and I just started Insanity, week one day 3. It's killing me, but i like it haha! My goal is to get down to 125-135 by Feburary. The goal is pretty out there but I'm willing to be out there to get the body i want!
  • arielkaylou
    arielkaylou Posts: 85 Member
    My name is Ariel. I'm 20, engaged and will be married on March 16, and 17 weeks pregnant today.
    The day we started trying to get pregnant, I weighed 210, now at 17 weeks, I weigh 211.

    A year ago, I weighed 175. I put on all this weight working at a gas station and not worrying about what I ate (it also doesn't help that the boyfriend is an AMAZING cooker).

    Current Weight: 211
    Goal Weight: 130.

    I have 81 lbs to go. Hopefully watching what I eat and working out, I lose a little and try to maintain my weight (the doctor gave his approval). So I won't have even more to lose after the baby gets here :)
  • Hello My name is Sheria and I am 23 years old. I actually started Insanity last year, but I really want to get serious and lose 50 lbs. I'm 5'9 and 265 lbs. I really want to get down to 200, but right now the focus is 250. So I hope you all are keeping your goals.