Introduce Yourself!

teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
Hi everyone~ Welcome to the IBS Support Group! Now we don't have to suffer alone! Yay!

Take a minute to introduce yourself if you, where you live, job title, kids, how long you have lived with IBS...anything you want! And again, Welcome all!!

My name is Melissa, I live in South Florida and am 31 years old. I am an elementary teacher by day, college professor by night. I have no kids of my own, but I do have 44 little ones at work. Actually, they are fifth graders, so not so little! I have had IBS for probably most of my life, but it really started flairing up when I became a teacher. Stress plays a huge role! I also have food intolerances, cysts, and some lactose intolerances, which all add to my problems. Needless to say we all know it is not a fun thing to live with!


  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Hi, my name is Jill. I was diagnosed w/ a spastic colon- which is *sometimes* synonymous w/ IBS, but not always the same symptoms.
    * I will NOT be offended if you prefer I don't join- that this isn't the right place for me- but I'm hoping to learn how to cope with
    things that affect my ENTIRE LIFE when there's days my life comes to a complete HALT because I can't leave home without fear of humiliating myself *

    To add to my struggles, I also have diverticulosis, and when it flares up, I am back on a low fiber, low residue diet for 10 weeks while everything heals.
    Up until I found MFP, I always put on a LOT of weight since I followed the diet they described.

    I hope I NEVER get another flare up, but if I do, you can bet it won't be puddings and mashed potatoes again :wink:
  • earlgreygirl09
    Hi there! I've had IBS ever since I was in my early teens.......and I'm 30 now. At times it has felt like something that I'll never understand its rhyme or reason! I keep with me a steady supply of ginger chews or peppermints for flare ups. I think it's something that all of us will have to learn to not overcome, but manage, since it is something that will never go away. :)
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    Hi, I am 23, full time Student and work full time for a Biotech company. I have had IBS all my life and as many of you already know, you are just told to deal with it.
  • skindeepp
    I'm Jessica, 21 and am a full time student studying PR. I was recently diagnosed with IBS. I've been lactose intolerant since i'm a sophomore in high school. my stomachs only gotten worse with age. I have started taken align, which is an otc which is helping me deal with IBS. but it sucks and when it hits, i blow up. we all know how that works.. good luck to all :)
  • amyB27
    amyB27 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello all! My name is Amy. I'm 27 & live in a small town in KY. I am a
    stay at home mommy & wife with a very busy life. I have been
    married 8 years & we have 4 awesome little boys ages 7, 6, 2, & 7
    I've had IBS since I was 13. The doctors had no clue then what was
    wrong with my horrid stomach pain & at 17 they had me on 6 pills
    that I was to take 4x a day. They didn't help at all & I didn't stay on
    them long. my worst time with IBS was when I was 17. There were
    times when at work they'd find me in a corner doubled over sobbing
    from pain. When I turned 22 the doctors finally figured out I had
    IBS. For a couple years I took a medicine called Librax which for me
    worked wonders. I just had to quit taking it while pregnant. I'm no
    longer on it & my flare ups are mild & mostly stress induced as I've
    learned most of the foods that cause my flare ups. I take it one
    day at a time & remind myself that it will be ok & I can get through
    the flare ups & past the wild scale numbers it can produce. I have
    "gained" as much as 6lbs in one day from IBS.
    Its nice to have others who know what I'm dealing with
  • Cr0wned_Dynam0
    Hi! I'm Stephanie. I was diagnosed with IBS in my early twenties and participated in a clinical trial last year. I learned a lot during that trial, including the fact that if I can manage my symptoms I can lose weight. I find that when my symptoms are running rampant, I can't lose an ounce. I'm hoping to help others and learn from others as well, who suffer from the same anxiety I do when it comes to worrying if a bathroom will be close by!
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! My name is Ishbel, and I live in the UK. I graduated from University in July, and work in a supermarket at the moment which has definitely helped with my weight loss haha. I'm 21 and have been suffering from IBS since around the age of 13, although didn't realise what it was til I was around 18 which was very frustrating especially when my mum thought it was all in my head in my teens (and was somehow making myself ill!).

    Glad to know what it is, in order to try learn as much as I can so I can try and help the situation. I am also lactose intolerant, and tomatoes, fruit juices and fried foods etc tend to make my IBS flare up, with stress playing a major role! Learning which foods make me ill has helped immensley, exercise can help sometimes overall but generally I'll get stressed then I'll be ill and I just have to deal with it.

    Sorry for rambling on, just so glad to finally have a place to rant about this when it gets bad! Had my Christmas work party last night and have been worrying for a few days that I would get super bloated or ill! In the end I was ill but non-brand Immodium type pills sorted that out and thankfully didn't get too bloated :D
  • PandaPop87
    Hi my name is Leanne and I have always suffered with IBS as long as I can remember - I remember my mother having to call the doctor out when I was about five because I was in agonising pain. I never really thought much about it until I started having other troubles, and I've only recently been diagnosed.

    I don't really have trigger foods, I mean I get bloated when I have bread but that's about it. What triggers my IBS is stress, and belive me, I am a STRESS HEAD.

    I'm glad this group is here, as it is tough when you think you're going it alone!

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello all. I'm 67 and in fairly decent shape for someone my age. In fact, for someone of any age. But, like you, I suffer from IBS. I was first diagnosed with "spastic colon" when I was a child.

    As you know, we have lots of issues and weight gain is one. We tend to bloat up and it's not really fat. Yet, we feel fat and may look fat (or think we do.) That's because we have lots of trapped gas and some water, etc. So, that's makes losing weight much harder than others might find it to be.

    At any rate, I'm here to learn from you and offer what I know. I'm glad someone started this group and hope it becomes active.
  • Rory48
    Rory48 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone-I was diagnosed with "spastic colon" when I was thirty years old. I also have diverticulosis. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what gives me problems i.e-gas and bloating. I am sixty three now and still same problems. Oh well, have learned to live with it, sort of, kind of-oh I'll admit it- its a big pain in the butt. Nice to meet everyone.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Gaining weight and bloating is one of the bad things about IBS. My waist can go up one or two inches in a day. I always say I'm gaining weight when in reality it's not actually fat weight but IBS. I use ginger caps for the nausea and peppermint. I think I've tried everything.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi all I'm 31 and have been living with IBS for about 5 years now. Haven't been to a gastro doctor in a while though. Costs too much for them to tell me nothing and put me on meds that don't work. Trying to control it with diet, exercise and losing weight. My biggest issue now is bloating. I'm always bloated no matter what. Once in a while first thing in the morning i'm not. If anyone can offer any ideas here that would be great!

    Once in a while I will get a flare up of massive pain that knocks me down. I can't move literally. This blows the worse. I hate these. Glad we can support each other here!
  • harleyshan1
    Hi I am Shannon. Live in NY, am 38 yrs old and suffer from what they call Colonic inertia. I have been successful with weight watchers while on zelnorm but since going off I have gained 25lbs and my weight just seems to go up and not down. I lose 5-7lbs and then back up.. Sometimes all in the same week. I recently stated suffing from severe bloating of the abdomen, starts right under my breastbone and then my entire belly and hands swell up. I went to see a specialist in NH, I live in NY but am waiting to hear on some tests. Very frustrating for sure.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm 31, from Sacramento. My IBS came on strong about 3 years ago. Seriously - one day I was fine - the next day started a new fresh hell that lasted 2 years. In the last year things have become much better. I was missing 2-3 weeks of work unpaid because of it! I couldn't even go out to eat at the Chinese place three blocks from my house... NOBODY understood what I was going through. It was so tough to keep declining dinner invites. Most took a couple years to get the hint! I wasn't subtle about it either. Go figure, right? I'm sure you can all tell this same story exactly.

    At the worst of it, I was taking 2 immodium before bed, 2 in the morning, then eating them like candy during the day just so I could function.

    This year... I haven't missed a single day of work so far due to the IBS. I found a lot of success in eating many small meals and eating at a calorie deficit. The weight loss and exercise plays a huge role.

    Now I'm taking Muay Thai 3-4x a week, and I can sometimes even sit down at a restaurant... I still have to be super careful about food, but it's not hopeless anymore.

    Good to meet you all.
  • Blue71
    Blue71 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi - I'm Kathie. I've only recently been diagnosed with IBS, but I've suffered with the symptoms on/off for 20+ years. To make it more interesting, I also have lymphocytic colitis & a gluten sensitivity (not quite an allergy). For me, following an Atkins based diet, avoiding wheat/grains plus high fiber veggies, taking a probiotic (and lansoprazole) & committing to exercise has made a world of difference. I allow myself some freedom w/these restrictions about 1x week and I'm still able to avoid the brutal symptoms that used to plague me. I truly have found the delicate balance that work for me - I credit my gastro specialist for helping me get my life back. (As a bonus, my menstrual cycles have improved substantially.)
  • LaughingFirst
    Hi my name is Shemeka. I am 29 and I work for the Department of Mental Health. I've had stomach issues my whole life but recently they have gotten worse. RIght now my doctor is in the process of elimination. Which means a lot of blood work and an upcoming ultrasound on my right side.
  • carynlondon
    carynlondon Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Caryn, 28, and I've had IBS since my early teens, but was finally diagnosed at 21. Over the last five years I've really learned to control my cravings for trigger foods, and learned how to balance what I'm eating. Even with controlling what I eat, I still have flare ups due to stress.

    For the last three years I've been taking Hyoscyamine (Levsin?) about 30 minutes before I eat a trigger food. I really only take this about 2-3 times per month, and when I do it's always when I'm at a restaurant or having a glass of wine. I hate taking this since it makes my throat and eyes extremely dry, but it does work. I also was prescribed an anti-anxiety that I use for big events- my own wedding, a 7+ hour plane ride, etc. This I only used about 6 total times last year. Following a low fat, high fiber diet and exercising 3+ times per week is what's really working for me. I love using MFP to monitor my nutrients, especially my fat intake.

    I'm glad this group exists and I'm happy I found it!
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    HI, MY name is Tiffanie. Im 38 and have two teenagers.. ( I think teenagers are an IBS trigger) I have recently been diagnosed with IBS. I also have Barrett's esophagus. So basically my whole digestive trait is messed up.. It seems every time I try to get into shape and lose weight I start to have severe stomach trouble. So now I understand why. I have lost 20lbs so far and I attribute most of it to MFP for keeping my active and watching what ieat. Now I take Bentyl, Phillips colon heath, citurecel, increased Nexium, supplement that with Priolsec. I am frustated that most of the "good" things to eat in a diet are on the trigger list... I'm here for help to get through this
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Im cherry 42 I have ibs d started in 1995 when I was pregnant after 8 years infertility treatment it lasted till 2000 when I had my scond child and went until 2004 when I was pregnant with my youngest and has stayed this time?
    I have it very bad at imes I cant go too far without a toliet being near certain foods make it worse.I know stress and anxiety make it awful and the last 3 years have been awful.
    When eat better it become 80% differnt symptons.
    I feel this rules my life always having to dash to the loo in minutes without warning
  • coreenbean
    I am 53 and live with my husband in Massachusetts. I have not been diagnosed with IBS because these “attacks” used to happen months apart and when I told my doctor she just said to eat more fiber.

    A couple days ago I got an attack and had to leave work - then another one two days later and left work again. I call them attacks because I can’t sit when they happen – I have to lie down – they only go away after hours of lying down.

    Now I have been bloated and uncomfortable for days and my internet research makes me think it is IBS-C.
    I don’t know how I could keep my job if I have to go home to lay down every couple days!