


  • This was my first week on MFP and it went pretty good, I lost 5 (and I intend not to ever find them again). Now I have a whole month to make improvements.

    1) Lose 10 the month of February
    2) Amp up exercising from 3 30 minute intervals/week to 5 30 minute intervals/week
    3) Increase my water intake to 5 glasses/day...everyday

    I think this will work for me. I'm somebody who has never exercised and never drinks water, so that should pretty much occupy me.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    You ladies all have some fantastic goals!!

    My February Goals:

    1. Remember to eat AND make it healthy.
    2. Time to add some strength training for muscle tone. 3x's a week should do it.
    3. Keep up with the water intake.
    4. New random Happy Thoughts on the walls every week.
    5. Relax and reward myself for positive progress!!!!

    Yep. That should do it :)

    Good luck everyone!!!! Happy February!!
  • ellumi
    ellumi Posts: 90 Member
    January was not horrible, but I was fighting to maintain after the holidays and under too much stress! My goal is to break the maintenance/plateau cycle. In order to accomplish this my goals are:

    1. minimum of 64 oz of water every day!
    2. kick up my running schedule and work toward 5 miles/3 - 4 days per week
    3. add in weights
    4. stay away from refined carbs...they are my kryptonite :angry:
    5. continue meal planning diligently
    6. focus on training for upcoming races for inspiration
    7. drink less coffee and more herbal tea
  • Blue71
    Blue71 Posts: 28 Member
    Weekends are brutal for me foodwise - hitting Starbucks 2x instead of my allotted 1x is killing my progress! You all have motivated me to make my own list:

    1. Limit alcohol to 1 drink on Fri & Sat nights.
    2. Re-master camel spins & axel jump - skating (it's been over 20 yrs!).
    3. Eat slower & stop when full.
    4. Journal each night - noting something positive that I or someone else did or said. Review previous entries for motivation.
    5. Limit Starbucks reward to 1x each week (always nonfat, w/no whip ;).
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    January was tough emotionally. Lots of stress at work! And then wedding planning. I slipped a lot and would start off good and then give in to cravings or stress or something and just not finish logging for the day.

    My goals for February:
    1) be honest in my journal. Log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth and HIT COMPLETE ENTRY at the end of every day.
    2) 3x/wk strength training or yoga type exercise.
    3) 2x/wk cardio of 20+ min
    4) bring my lunch to work (which means I need to make and freeze some crockpot concoctions)
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    February is going to be hard because I'm going on a 10 day trip away from my kitchen and gym and towards sleeping on trains and couches and hanging out with people who haven't seen me in 5 or 10 years. So if my goals seem weak or weird, that's why.

    February goals:
    1. To lose 4 pounds
    2. To jog four continuous miles (at any pace.)
    3. To while in Chicago, hold to my training schedule: run 3 times a week, arc trainer/bike/zumba 2-3 times a week, resistance train 4 times a week. To while in New York/Philadelphia: Walk whenever possible. Take any opportunity to jog. Work the core. Move as much as possible while on the train.
    4. While in Chicago, stay under the 1600 calorie a day limit. No more than 1 glass of wine, and only if we're still under goal. While in New York, try our best, eat as many vegetables as possible, and no more than 2 glasses a day. No beer and no cocktails. I must not let my mother pressure me.
    5. Continue to track, no matter what I eat.
    6. To stay positive. To remember this is about my health, not just about getting to wear a bikini. Even though I never have.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Hey all! I have my list of goals ready and I know what messed me up in January, so I am going to try to learn from my mistakes.

    1. Keep my calls 1500 or lower
    2. Stop losing all focus on the weekends. It's been an all out free for all of bread, pasta, wine, cheese etc... I do the same thing that some of you do- I lose during the week and gain almost all of it back on the weekend.
    3. Drinking alcohol once per week and no more.
    4. Run 4-5 miles. I can do 3-3.5 comfortably. 4-5 is still really tough. I need to push past it.
    5. 80oz of water daily. I drink more than that during the week but on the weekends I drink nothing (but wine!)
    6. Lose 7-10 lbs this month and get into the 220's!

    AHHHH weekends are my weakness! I need to get it together!
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    This was my first week on MFP and it went pretty good, I lost 5 (and I intend not to ever find them again). Now I have a whole month to make improvements.

    1) Lose 10 the month of February
    2) Amp up exercising from 3 30 minute intervals/week to 5 30 minute intervals/week
    3) Increase my water intake to 5 glasses/day...everyday

    I think this will work for me. I'm somebody who has never exercised and never drinks water, so that should pretty much occupy me.

    Hi Friend, I had a hard time with the 64 ounces of water thing too. That is until I purchased a 32 ounce water bottle. Now, I know I have to drink 2 bottles of water to meet the minimum! And I try to add something to the bottle in the mornings to flavor it up (orange, lemon, or lime slice. Today I added sliced fresh ginger and an orange slice) Anyway, just wanted to share my new trick. It has been working for me and maybe can work for you too! ps: purchased at walmart for under 5bucks. :drinker:
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I've come up with a similar list of goals to Rach's.

    1.) I will stay within a 1200-1500 calorie range depending on level of exercise
    2.) I will prepare lunches rather than just eating cheese and meat everyday
    3.) No more than ONE non-home prepared meal each week
    4.) Drink at least 64 oz of water each day
    5.) Workout five days a week (I have a list of acceptable workouts, too)
    6.) No binging on pizza! It's seriously 1 of my 2 weaknesses
    7.) No pop/soda for the whole month (my other weakness)
    8.) (non-fitness related goal) Clean my house for at least 30 minutes a night.

    Adding to my challenge is a freelance project I'm picking up that should take over most of my free time for the entire month of February.

    So how did everyone do with Day 1 of FABruary? I hit all of my goals, except I only cleaned for 20 minutes. I really had to force myself to workout at all, so I'm glad I did any cleaning at all.
  • wildbio
    wildbio Posts: 42 Member
    Okay, I'm getting back on the wagon! Here are my February goals:

    1. To go to the gym 3x per week
    2. C25K, I think I'm on week 5, so let's go with be at week 8 by the end of the month (I hate running, so this is major! hahaha)
    3. To only eat out 2x per week (almost every night right now)
    4. To log EVERYTHING on the weekends. Weekdays I'm pretty good, but I usually blow it on weekends.
    5. To be up by 8am on weekdays while not working; by 930am on weekends
    6. To drink only 2 adult beverages a week, INCLUDING weekends.
    7. To have at least one of my workouts be weight training.
    8. To stay below my calorie goal 6 out of 7 days.

    Okay, I WILL do this! But I will likely need your girls' support. Here we go February!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Okay, my goal for February is to get down below 143. It's a small goal, but attainable and since I've been bouncing around between 142 and 146, it's a good one.

    I NEED to force myself to work out 3x per week, this 1 day a week has got to stop. I feel better when I workout.
    Along with that, I want to work on my running. At least 1 day a week of running a full 5K. Trying to work up the motivation to run one with friends in the spring.

    I need to keep my calories w/in my range. Cutting back on the vino and monitoring every bite that goes in my mouth. I'm really working on combining the carbs and protein in every meal to see how much it helps my digestive issues.

    Water is hardly ever an issue with me unless I'm sick.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    1. I will stay within 1300-1500 base calories, no more than 1800 on exercise days.
    2. I will cook all my meals and prepare lunches for work, the day before.
    3. I will finish my Jillian 30 day shred.
    4. I will not eat after 8pm.
    5. I will drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.
    6. I will limit my self to 2 drinks a week..
    7. I will workout Mon.- Sat...
    8. I will do my best to stay away from fast foods..
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    What are your goals for the month of February? Get myself on a good schedule for eating, exercising, etc. Lose 5 pounds.

    What didn't work for you in January, and how are you going to change it? I have only been at this for 10 days so January has been a learning process for me. I am changing it as I have started making sure I measure everything I consume. I have not been exercising enough and I know I need to figure a way to exercise more.

    What did work, and will you continue to incorporate it? As funny as this sounds....this site/diet is a "secret" from my family/friends (except hubby). I like it that way! No drama and no judgements! I have found the people on here to be amazingly supportive so far (something I lack from my daily life other than hubby) and I am so grateful!
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member
    January was a fairly good month for me, but it is hard to for me to really count it, since most of it was used re-losing the weight I gained over the holidays. :) But, it's gone now and took some friends with it and for that I am happy. I am coming up on my one year MFP anniversary. I spend so much time looking at how far I have to go, I forget sometimes to properly celebrate how far I have come.

    My goals for February are:
    1) get into the 180s

    To accomplish goal 1, I will:
    2) log my food daily
    3) stay within my calorie allotment
    4) track my water
    5) stay active on MFP and check in with my fellow pin ups!

    Good luck ladies!!! :)

    I totes understand the feeling. I finally broke though to the teens in january after being 2 lbs away n november. I diff learned a good lesson. It'll all still be there to eat next holiday season. When i'm hopefully on a maintainenece routine. :cry:
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member
    This was my first week on MFP and it went pretty good, I lost 5 (and I intend not to ever find them again). Now I have a whole month to make improvements.

    1) Lose 10 the month of February
    2) Amp up exercising from 3 30 minute intervals/week to 5 30 minute intervals/week
    3) Increase my water intake to 5 glasses/day...everyday:drinker:

    I think this will work for me. I'm somebody who has never exercised and never drinks water, so that should pretty much occupy me.

    Hi Friend, I had a hard time with the 64 ounces of water thing too. That is until I purchased a 32 ounce water bottle. Now, I know I have to drink 2 bottles of water to meet the minimum! And I try to add something to the bottle in the mornings to flavor it up (orange, lemon, or lime slice. Today I added sliced fresh ginger and an orange slice) Anyway, just wanted to share my new trick. It has been working for me and maybe can work for you too! ps: purchased at walmart for under 5bucks. :drinker:

    My tip.......use water as a filler. I have learned that those middle of the day cravings .... for nothing really .... give way under the drinkg of several glasses of water. :drinker:
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member
    What are your goals for the month of February? Get myself on a good schedule for eating, exercising, etc. Lose 5 pounds.

    What didn't work for you in January, and how are you going to change it? I have only been at this for 10 days so January has been a learning process for me. I am changing it as I have started making sure I measure everything I consume. I have not been exercising enough and I know I need to figure a way to exercise more.

    What did work, and will you continue to incorporate it? As funny as this sounds....this site/diet is a "secret" from my family/friends (except hubby). I like it that way! No drama and no judgements! I have found the people on here to be amazingly supportive so far (something I lack from my daily life other than hubby) and I am so grateful!

    Welcome! My greatest success comes from making all my food at home ... which i have come to enjoy .... and not gettg pulled into the non stop dieting @ wk which always ends with binging on poor food choices. :flowerforyou:

    This is a lifestyle change not a diet. Ive learned so much! Feel free to add me as a friend if your looking for a cheerleader!
  • MarieKae45
    MarieKae45 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm very excited to get started. So far Feb has been very good to me. I have started Hiking...which is sooooo crazy....and i love it. :heart:

    My goal for this month.....

    I will walk @ work & log every day.
    I will not eat my calories burned.
    I will continue to cook & pack my own food daily logging every piece of food put in my mouth.
    I will be supportive of our Team.

    January was great because I hit 219!! I rededicated myself to cheer for Friends and to find a Team & participate fully with U all. I had not done as much during December (always diificult 4 me emotionally) and while i didnt gain I didnt lose either.

    I appreciate all you all do! Thank you for helping me change my life. :flowerforyou:
  • These are great!

    My goals are to:
    1. Log everything that passes my lips. On weekends I also tend to be less dedicated to tracking and it is to my detriment!
    2. Drink 64 oz of water a day (this has been my Everest since I began - I can usually make 6, but 8 glasses are a real challenge!)
    3. Run 3 times a week. I had trained for the Death Valley marathon in December, but since Christmas, have neglected my runs and focused more on strength training. I need to re-incorporate these if I want to achieve my goal of running a 10K PB (goal time: 48 min!) Also, the weight loss will help me complete my goal of completing a set of 8 unassisted chin-ups by April!
    4. No eating after 8, except Fridays and Saturdays (no eating after 10 - I work late those days)
    5. Work on my food and training blog at least 2x a week
    6. (Unrelated to fitness) Prepare my lecture notes on the weekend so I'm not working on these in the evenings!
  • jilleencaizzi
    jilleencaizzi Posts: 64 Member
    January was tough but I've been back on track!! I can't wait for Feb 6th to start having support and people to share this journey helps so much!! :drinker: I have not had any alcohol the month of January I can't waste the calories but I will also not eat any high calorie junk this month either. I will also cut back my coffee intake my main weakness!!


    1. not to go over 1500 cals a day
    2.up my water intake from 72oz a day to 96oz a day
    3. workout at least 6 days a week
    4. two cups of coffee a day ( Stay away from Starbucks or try like crazy)
  • Shabambam
    Shabambam Posts: 36 Member
    Hello I'm new to the group and I could use some motivation to keep me going!

    Here are my goals so far:

    - I will stay under my 1600 caloric intake...1800 if I exercise that day.
    - I will prep/cook my meals on Sunday and Wednesday when I go food shopping.
    - I will try one new recipe a week.
    - Drink at least 64 oz of water a day.
    - Workout four days a week (Give xbox evolve another try!)
    - Make my own low-fat version of honey walnut shrimp instead of ordering take-away (thank you Hungry Girl!)
    - Take vitamins daily!