RED TEAM WEEK 4 WEIGH-IN (1/31/2012)



  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    PW: 148.6
    CW: 146.2:wink:

    It's only a couple pounds but I can feel it! My pants are so NOT tight anymore!:bigsmile:
  • PW: 169.2
    CW: 169.6

    No excuses, but boy am I disappointed. Hoping for a better number next week.
  • PW: 157lb
    I exercise and eat right, but then I go a little overboard with night snacks. It's hard. I need to get back to the crunches.
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    PW: 149
    CW: 148.8

    :) Better then last week GOOOOO RED TEAM!!!!!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 651 Member

    Although this week was NOT a big loss in is a HUGE accomplishment for me!!!! I am kissing goodbye 170's!!!!! And I NEVER want to see that number AGAIN!!!!!!!!! This was one of my personal mini goals! Now time to set my next mini goal!!!

    I am with you on this one!! I too NEVER want to see the 170's again!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member

    Although this week was NOT a big loss in is a HUGE accomplishment for me!!!! I am kissing goodbye 170's!!!!! And I NEVER want to see that number AGAIN!!!!!!!!! This was one of my personal mini goals! Now time to set my next mini goal!!!

    I am with you on this one!! I too NEVER want to see the 170's again!!

    CONGRATS to you too!!! We are now in the 160's club!!!!!!!! LOL!!! Our next journey is to enter the 150's club :)
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    PW: 177.1
    CW: 178.5


    Was pigging out towards end of last week because I had a cold - aeating makes me feel better. Then friends bought me a massive box of chocolates for my birthday when I saw them at the weekend (which I ate) and now I'm worried about my family and ate silly amounts of chocolate last night.

    I guess at least I've weighed in. Need to update my food diary to reflect my eating at the weekend though.
  • Aww! I forgot to put my weigh in yesterday :(

    PW: 140.5
  • bobkat67
    bobkat67 Posts: 13 Member
    PW (170.4)
    CW (171.4)
  • PW 153
    CW 154

    To be honest I am quite pleased with this, I thought I would have put on a lot more as I was out 5 times last week at different functions, with the combination of food and alcohol i thought it would have been A LOT more. Last night i felt myself slipping back into my old ways, chocolate here biscuit there... so I decided to go to my room and clear out my wardrobe so i wouldnt snack away in the kitchen....

    It turned out to be the best decision I made, i tried on clothes that haven't fit in a long time ( even though they are still a little tight ) another 14lbs and they will be looking amazing. I tried on half my wardrobe and i realised I am getting there an it takes time.

    SO I AM BACK ON TRACK. Everyone falls off the wagon now and again and has bad weeks which I have realised. But there is no point in undo-ing all your hard work and going back into old habits.

    Instead of putting all my clothes back into my wardrobe and hiding them until I am thin enough to wear them again, I decided to have a moment of thin-spiration. I got my jeans, my bikini and my shorts ( none of which I currently can fit into) and instead of putting them back, I have hung them around my room. So if i do have another relasp I can remind myself of why I am doing this.

    Next week I am going to have the 3 pounds back off that I have crept on!

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    OK RED TEAM! We have concluded WEEK 4 weigh ins! The following participant will be deleted since I have not received the weigh in info: