OMG! Forgot all about these crackers!

acantu59 Posts: 25 Member
So, I've just started this GF way of eating and I'm already seeing results - I'm ecstatic! One of the ladies here at work was eating her lunch and she had the Crunchmaster Gluten-Free crackers from Sam's Club - I had completely forgotten about them being GF!! I have a bag at home and will definitely be having them with my hummus this evening instead of cucumber slices!!


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    They probably have a few (hundred) more calories than cucumber. Maybe make a plate for yourself of cucumber, celery, baby tomatoes, and crackers to have with the hummus, so that the crackers are in a smaller portion but you can still be satisfied.
  • acantu59
    acantu59 Posts: 25 Member
    I counted out 10 - it was just the right amount for my 2T of hummus, and just the right amount of crunch to satisfy a craving. Writing things down keeps me from overeating - I have to be honest with myself if I'm going to succeed. You're right - there were a "few" more calories, but I actually needed them to make my 1200.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Perfect! Good for you!
