Welcome! Tell us a little about your goals!



  • Hi, I have been doing insanity for about a week now, my goal is to be slimmer at the end of the 60days. After this I would like to try the Insanity Asylum, anybody know what that is about ?

    Insanity on CRACK lol
  • Hi! :) I'm 26, I have a 5 year old daughter, and I'm finishing up my first week of Insanity. I did it a couple years ago, but I stopped when we were moving; the I ran out of room with all the boxes in the living room, and once I got out of the habit, I never got back into it. Anyway, water under the bridge. I've started again with renewed ambition. :) When I finish Insanity, I am really jonesing to try out TurboFire; my goal is to lose 55 pounds by the end of July.

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • sara243
    sara243 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello everyone! I am in week 3 of BBL~ Tough workout this morning with Cardio Axe AND Bum Bum, but I made it through and burned over 600 calories!!! I got the Brazil Butt Lift program in December and did 2 weeks, through to New Year's Day, then took a couple weeks off because I was sick. Back on track and started my 3rd week yesterday. Some parts of the workouts are getting easier as I learn the routines, but I like having all the different programs to work with and it keeps things fresh.I do wear a HR monitor to keep track of my workouts and it makes things easier and I feel more accountable. I'd like to loose 25-30 lbs before summer, and get my old body back... wish me luck.
  • Hi,
    Personally, I'm not interested in spending a lot of money on videos and equipment. I do have an ongoing gym membership and all I need to know is how to get the best results the fastest. I've been working out and dieting on and off for 12 years and have never been able to maintain my motivation, even though I've actually been working out steadily for the last 2 years. I should by a dynamo by now, but because of all the yo-yo exercising and dieting, I keep delaying my progress and feeling worse about it every time. If this is the place to find and maintain motivation, count me in!

    Hi! I was a member of a gym for a couple of years and we all know sometimes you just don't make it there as often as we'd like. I discovered Beachbody products a little over a year ago and it made sense. They are a one time fraction of the cost of gym memberships and you have them for life. I'm sure if you ask your friends, a few of them will have have a program that you could try out and borrow. My favorite one is Insanity - you don't need any equipment, just your own body weight and it does wonders on your body and stamina. Just a tip. Good luck! :)
  • Hello all! I am 26 years old and looking to be a more fit and lean "me". I've always been small, only standing at 5'1 and I'm very petite. I am what you would consider "skinny fat", carrying most of my weight in my belly. I had no endurance, no upper body strength, and no stamina. I discovered Insanity early 2011 and did it to get in shape for my May wedding. It definitely cut down a couple of inches in my mid section and gave me strength. I loved it!
    Anyway, during the past 7 months, the husband and I put working out in the back burner and we've both gained a little happy weight.
    We are now trying to whip ourselves back into shape and I am in search of that flat stomach that's been eluding me all my life!
    We are week 3 into Insanity.
    Just wanted to share with ya'll and hope I can make friends along the way!
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    I'm looking into trying Beach Body products :)

    I'm a 25 year old stay at home mom of 4 (ages 8 months-5.5 yrs old.) My days are pretty structured around the house so I'm looking for something I can get results doing (toning and losing weight)at home when the kids are napping or in bed for the night. I have a friend who I can borrow the videos from, but I'm trying to decide which to do. I tried P90x about 2 years ago, but it was way above my ability level and I got discouraged quickly. I need something I can do at my fitness level and that doesn't need extra weights or equipment with it. My goal is to be a size 11/12 and my weight in the range of 135-145. I haven't been a size 11/12 since middle school, so I'm not sure how much I'll weigh when I get there.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello! I am 29, and I a mother to 2 young kids (2 & 5 years old). I also work full time and am studying at night to pass an exam for my job. A few months ago I decided that I have lost most of my extra weight, but I wasn't in the shape I wanted to be in. "Skinny fat" is a good way to put it. I bought ChaLean Extreme and started exercising first thing in the morning, about 4:45 am. This is my last week of the 3 month program. I have gotten a lot stronger, it gave me energy, and although I have only lost an additional 2 lbs, my body has changed a lot.

    Next week I plan on starting Insanity. I am a little nervious about not lifting weights for 2 months, but I am planning to do the full program anyways. After that I want to do an Insanity/CXL hybrid. Has anyone else done that hybrid before?

    I am always looking a a good support group and friends with similar goals.
  • Hello All! I am a very busy 26 year old! I am just 2 days away from completing my first round of Insanity! On monday I will be starting a p90x/ insanity hybrid. I have talked to a few people who say they achieved great results from the combo. I have lost all the weight that I really need to lose (except that damn stubborn thigh fat) and now i am just looking to really tone everything up. Hopefully this hybrid gives me the results I am looking for. Anyone else tried it?
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Hello everyone! I am currently on Week 2, Day 12 of Turbo Fire. I purchased the program over a year ago after I'd had alot of success with Chalene's Turbo Jam. I lost over 60 pounds! Sadly, after breaking up with my fiance, I ate my way through my misery and I'm back up 50 pounds. I never finished Turbo Fire; however, this time, I promised myself that I would do it and that I would reach my goal of 135 pounds. I have alot to lose, probably more than any of you in this group but I have the same amount of will and determination if not more.

    My goal is to finish Turbo Fire in August and then start P90X.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'm on my 11th week of P90x-lost maybe 8 lbs. Been eating clean (80-90% of the time) since Jan.

    Haven't seen much of a difference between my Day 30 and Day 60 pics so I'm a bit bummed.

    Thinking about doing another round of P90x and doing the lean version, but not sure if I should do that or P90x2...my muffin top is beyond stubborn!
  • deanna_rosenbaum
    deanna_rosenbaum Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all! I'm doing Slim in 6 right now and then moving on to ChaLEAN extreme! I want to fit back into my jeans and feel good again!!
  • Hey All! I'm a 38 (seriously?!?!) mother of three. I found Slim in 6 nearly 6 years ago and with that and the other Beachbody programs have lost over 105 lbs. I loved the products so much that when they offered more, I jumped and have been with them for 5 years (since the beginning). I was also in the Slim in 6 infomercial a few years ago.

    Since then I've had a lot of health issues pop up that have the doctors stumped as to what is going on. I have been diagnosed with Celiac's (similar to gluten intolerance) and they believe early menopause which has caused my weight to start heading back up. Like most people, maintainence has been a struggle. The doctor actually has me on a medication to stimulate my near-dead metabolism.

    I am currently doing Insanity with my 2 boys (11 & 13) while they prepare for football but my heart is in Les Mills and Turbo Fire (which I keep subbing in instead). I am a Turbo Kick Gold Instructor, although I haven't taught in a while, and I still love all of Chalene's programs.

    Other than that, I'm just looking forward to the accountability and motivation here as well as getting to know other people who love the various programs!

  • Hi everyone! I am currently finishing up my second week of Insanity. I am an actress and am currently on tour with a show, so I was looking for a workout program I could do in my hotel rooms. Insanity has been great for that (and TOUGH). I love how hard I work and I can already see/feel myself making progress fitness-wise.

    I don't really weigh myself (disordered eating past), but would like to lose some fat/build muscle. I want to become stronger and firmer. I really struggle with the nutrition portion of the program, as I am constantly eating hotel breakfasts and dining out, but I try my best.

    Feel free to add me! I sure could use the motivation.
  • Lizzymaep
    Lizzymaep Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, my name is Elizabeth and what inspires me is motivating other people, the rush of adrenaline after working out and getting fit for my wedding. I've currently lost 17 lbs since I started my journey on MFP (March 5th, 2012) and tomorrow I am embarking on my newest journey... the Insanity workout. Ideally, I'd love to become a part time fitness trainer/instructor and a full time Veterinarian, but until after my wedding I cannot afford to become a fitness instructor/trainer. =(

    Anyways, hello all! =D
  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi!!! I am so excited and motivated to see everyone's before and after pictures!!!!! I just started the p90x lean yesterday. It was my first day. Rough, but not as rough as I thought. I am sure today will totally kick my butt. I have lost (up to date) 150 pounds...150!!!!! I want to lose about 20 more, and need to start toning up. My personal trainer is leaving to England at the end of the month so I figured I would try this. Any suggestions? I am having a hard time calibrating the caloric intake. What has worked for everyone regarding the nutrition?
  • svioleta
    svioleta Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 25 years old and a mother of two (7 years & 16 month old). I did a round of Insanity in January and lost 30 lbs. I took a break for about 3 weeks after finishing up my round and started P90X yesterday. I am doing the P90X lean and we'll see how that goes.I not only want to lose weight but also get to a place where I feel good in my body and my clothes! Bring it!

    Feel free to add me! I need all the motivation I can get!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Hello, My name is Carla. i am 34 years old and the mother of 3 children. i have never really committed to any workout before this. I started the p90x yesterday and i think i will enjoy it. I am really just looking to lose the last 10 lbs that i cant seem to get rid of and tone up. id love to have a flat stomach sometime in the near future. After reading most of these posts I realized that most of the women who are doing the same program are doing the lean version. With my goals in mind, should I also be doing that as well? I am glad that there is somewhere I can go here for support as i can always use the encouragement and I know many other people need that too. i would love to make some friends as well that are improving their lifestyles. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I would be glad to accept.
  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    Hi, I'm Jo and I just started Insanity a couple of days ago. I am so impressed with the workouts, a really great mix of super-high intensity intervals and proper genuine rests in between.

    I'm also on a mission to kick the last 5-10lbs (haven't really decided on a target weight yet, depends on how I look!) and tone up a bit more than I managed with Shred and Ripped.

    I've actually got a copy of ChaLean that I bought on eBay a few weeks back too, so I might do some kind of Insanity/ChaLean hybrid if I actually survive Insanity.
  • lizbet
    lizbet Posts: 11
    Hi! I am 26 years old and have a nine month old daughter. I am currently at 205 and would like to be around 140. I was a gymnast through school and quit when I went to college...gained the freshman 15, then had serious knee surgery sophomore year followed by a blood clot. I put on a ton of weight and it spiraled downhill from there. I just want to be in better shape for myself, my husband, and most importantly, my daughter. I just finished day 2 of insanity (first time) and feeling sore. Realistically for first timers, how often do you find yourself having to take a break? I pushed myself really hard but I did feel like I could not keep up at all! Since starting my lifestyle changes and eating better in April, I have lost 10 pounds and 1-2 inches. Just looking for that extra push to get me under the 200 mark!
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy. I'm 27/Ohio. I have always been the "overweight" friend and I needed to change that. About two years ago, I had a gall bladder attack and it started to fail and when they wouldn't take it out immediatley I had to survive on a lot less foods and only healthy foods. That was that the start to my journey. Then, I was around 185 (not sure the exact number I would NEVER step on the scale back then, I HATED it). After my gall bladder was removed, I committed myself to losing weight with diet and exercise. I got down to 138 about a year ago and then moved back to Ohio (and back in with my parents who dont eat the greatest) and I gained it back. I am back down to 136 and ready to commit to insanity to lose the last 15 lbs and tone up to be in the best shape of my life and actually like how I look and be able to shop for whatever clothes I want!