The Stages of Weight Loss

Hi Everyone!

I know I haven't been an active participant of the group since invited (my apologies!!!!), but the last month has been full of a lot of stress due to my mother's health. Hoping now, that the worst has passed, so I'm making my way back to MFP and wanted to run something by all of you.

I started this weight loss/journey to health 4.5 months ago and I'm pretty much at my goal weight (just a few pounds shy). Having lost 27 pounds, I've noticed my mindset and body go through different phases. I found it easy to keep my calories low by eating healthy, filling foods, drinking lots of water, etc and I really felt like I was making positive changes in my food choices. I always felt satisfied. I've been doing so well for months.

Lately, though, I'm feeling hungry all of the time. I've upped my goals from 1lb/wk to 1/2lb/wk loss, and finally today I changed to maintenance because I just don't feel like I'm getting enough. I also crave a lot of the old foods I used to eat (fast food, sweets, etc). It's not like I drastically switched my diet, I still ate my normal foods - just less of them :) I don't need to push myself to lose the last few pounds if my body is saying enough is enough, but I'm also scared of gaining the weight back.

Anyone else experiencing any of these things? Are there other things you are experiencing at a different stage of weight loss? Might be interesting to share what we're noticing to see if others have gone through it!

Thanks everyone! Crystal


  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Might be the cold weather? Comfort foods always come into play when we're cold, I think. I don't really know.
  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    LOL- maybe! I hate being cold. And I am craving mac & cheese! grr.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I say stress and the cold. Those two things have us craving comfort foods... All the things we used to eat. If you've been gone, it's kind of like you are starting over. I bet you left this way when you first started too... I'll get better I think.

    I hope your mom is doing better! :flowerforyou:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    The cold AND the dark AND the stress probably...maybe check in with a doctor to see if you have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is (in extremely non-medical speak) where people get bummed out in the winter because of the lack of sunlight.

    Maybe try pampering yourself in other ways...baths, books, music, whatever you like...and see if that helps?

    And I hope your mom does better too!
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    Try looking back through your diaries, maybe there is a food that youe have eat more of recently that might be triggering your cravings???, I know i tried to do a HIGH carb day, (healthy carbs) but I was going crazy for 2 days afterwards craving my old junk (all carbs) so im pretty sure that is not for me. Just a thought
  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Thankfully, my mood has not been affected at all, so I'm not worried about winter bringing me down. I do think my eating habits have changed though, as I've started to feel more comfortable with my weight and as long as 'unhealthy' things fit into my totals for the day, I've been eating them. Realistically, that is probably what makes me hungry since those foods aren't always so filling. I'll have to try to focus again on healthy filling foods, and when I have cravings to balance them with healthy choices the rest of the day.

    I also wonder how long your body can handle a 1200 calorie total though. That was my limit being 5'2". That might be part of it too, that's just such a low amount that eventually it just might not have been enough.

    Glad I changed to maintenance - I feel so much better!
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    All the things mentioned can play a part in cravings. You could be lacking something to (I think Theresa mentioned this) I've heard that green smoothies will defeat the crave monster if this is the case. Its always worth a try :) And considering what you have been going through you are doing AWESOME! Keep it up!