Challenge: Pushups! by Feb. 29

The last push-up challenge was a success! Some wanted to start the 100 pushups program, available here:

No, you don't have to commit to doing 100!

The challenge is to start at the appropriate number of pushups (they guide you through, you can start at 0) and then follow the program by increasing your pushups, a little at a time, 3 days a week.

Who's in?


  • oharabear
    Me me me me!!! I was just whining to my SO about not being able to do the pushups part in my Jillian Michaels DVD and how I wanted to work on those separately. PERFECT timing!

    I have to go get ready for work, but I bookmarked that page and will come back and read it tonight.

    So excited!!!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in ...... I'm going to follow the 100pushups plan for Feb. Started today w/day 1.
    :) J
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    OK, I am in this time.
  • KCoyoteco
    100 non-knee pushups at one time with good form? lol I've got a bit of bravado about physical achievements, but I'm not too sure that's achievable for me. 100 knee pushups with good form - no problem. Those knees off the ground and staying straight and in good form.............. I looked at the chart - with knees down and good form I'm easliy at level 3 - probably 4 if I had pushed myself. Real pushups, though......gulp! I could say that my knee won't take it,and the may end up being true, but that isn't the cause of my hesitation!:)
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    KC, just do what you can. I have a bum ankle that does not bend correctly, I will be forced to do the girlie knee ones.
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I am doing the knee push-ups too... no shame here. Just get started & stay with it is my plan.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'll be continuing with the 100 Push Up program on Monday. I'll be on Week 4.
  • KCoyoteco
    OK, I'm in for the 100 purshups. I may use this program or do it another way. I'll try this. Years ago my brother told me to do 100 pushups per day. He said it didn't matter how many I did at one time just so I completed the 100 (mostly the knee ones for me.) I did that for years. It was a very good thing. For this program, maybe I'll shoot for 10 percent knees off the floor, and 90 percent knee pushups.

    BTW, you've dragged me kicking and screaming to this! lol - I think that's what this group is all about - motivation, right?:)
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member

    BTW, you've dragged me kicking and screaming to this! lol - I think that's what this group is all about - motivation, right?:)

    >chortle, snork, choke< Ummmm, yeah.... you just made me snort my breakfast smoothie! Thx!
    Now off to do a few push-ups myself! :)
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Sorry all, I am failing miserably at doing my knee push-ups this month... it just isn't happening this time!
    However, for all those who ARE actively pursuing this challenge... I applaud your Grit & Motivation!
    Keep on keeping on!

    :) J