First step back to glory - THE "ORIGINAL" 300 WORKOUT

Pullups - 25 reps
Barbell Deadlift with 135 lbs. - 50 reps
Pushups - 50 reps
24-inch Box Jumps - 50 reps
Floor Wipers - 50 reps
Single-Arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps
Pullups - 25 reps

Read more at Men's Health: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/muscle-building-11#ixzz1lFEy72t1


  • belgianal
    I am 52 years old and was a college swimmer. I am lifting weights 3 days a week and doing 1 1/2 hours of cardio 3 times per week and 1 hour 3 times per week. I use the elliptical to do my cardio and I average a little over a mile in 15 minutes.

  • m_mackin
    Mad props Allen, do you ever have the opportunity to get in the water?
  • belgianal
    I also coached for 16 years, both high school and age group. I do not swim much, anymore, I am to embarrassed to be seen in public in a swimming suit! Once I get down under 240 I will think about swimming again. I have always wanted to do a triathalon. That is one of my goals.

  • m_mackin
    The easiest way to get back down is to up your cardio and the best cardio on the planet is swimming. Next time you are feeling froggy hop in the water - don't be embarrassed, you will be more inspiring than anything being the one that jumped in rather than watching the kids splash around from the deck. Find a local fitness center where you know everyone is there for the same reason. Maybe find a lane buddy and try it out, nothing will make you feel better and look better than getting back in the pool. I'm one year out of collegiate swimming and I already feel like I forgot how to swim - the longer you wait the harder it is going to be. Start out with one or two cool-down swims after lifting to get back into the swing of things, you'll never regret it.
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    One of my goals this year is to learn how to swim. I hear it's a great activity for cardio plus it's not bad on your joints. I played Football in H.S. and remained pretty active doing running, martial arts and shooting hoops until about three years ago. I got married and we have a little one and now I'm back on my horse again trying to get back in shape. It's a pleasure meeting you gents.
  • m_mackin
    Good luck! The first step to learning is jumping in the deep end! Haha but in all seriousness, grab a kickboard or pull buoy and learn with some assistance, figure out how to float, then add some distance every time. Check out the Level one workouts on http://www.virtualswimcoach.com/ if anyone wants to challenge themselves with some beginner sets :)