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Is exercising selfish?

jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Anyone else feel like they have to be completely selfish in order to get their exercise in? Sometimes I feel like I have so many balls in the air that sticking to an exercise routine is just one more thing I have to do. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but I'm starting to feel like it is just one more hobby I have to stick on the back burner while I deal with being a mother, a wife, a teacher, an employee, a housekeeper, a church member, yadda yadda. I know doing it gives me more energy to do the rest, but sometimes time is really a commodity I don't have much of. Any thoughts/motivation/support would be greatly appreciated.


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yup. My kid hates it when I exercise. He bugs the heck out of me and wants all kinds of attention. Always has, even when he was a toddler and I would do yoga and he would try to climb on top of me. Tough. He will have to suffer through being neglected for a half hour at a time while his mother models healthy behaviour. And when he wakes up too early in the morning and I am still doing my major workout, or out for a run, he's going to have to find something to do, because I am occupied. And on Saturday mornings, he's going to have to suffer through watching cartoons while mom and dad go for a run for a couple of hours. (He's 13, and he has been invited every time to come with us.) And it seems like every morning, my husband makes him choose between playing basketball with him, or keeping himself occupied while dad goes for a run. It must be hard for a child so young to have to put up with such neglectful parents.

  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    It is hard to get excersize time in, but no way is it selfish. It is selfish for us not to take care of ourselves and for our adult children to have to watch and even put their lives on hold to take care of us due to health problems we could have prevented. It is the most sickening feeling in the world to worry about a parent who has weight related health problems, and best to do what we can to spare our children from feeling that way.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts. It is good to know that I am not the only one who gets the guilt routine from my kids when I try to exercise. You are completely right about having to take care of ourselves to avoid the stress on our children later. That is a great way to keep it in perspective. :)
  • I used to think I was selfish for doing little things for me. But then it occurred to me, I could be putting my kids in public school for 7 hours a day while I have massive amounts of "me" time, or work full time, but I don't. I spend so much of my energy pouring out my life on their behalf and in serving my husband and keeping our home a haven. I am grateful that I am able to home school and be a keeper of the home; however, I'm not going to feel guilty for eeking out an hour or two to replenish myself.

    Now that I have committed to a workout class 3 days a week, I am twice as effective when we are schooling, twice as energetic around the house, twice as joyful and playful, twice the woman my husband desires. Our home schooled kids receive so much more time and attention than the average American child on a daily basis, they can learn to sacrifice for their dear mommies!

    The only time to reassess is when your priorities are upside down. If your house is not getting cleaned, if dinner isn't being prepared, if your school standard is falling, if your husband is being neglected...if this is the fruit produced by too much "me: time then reassess your schedule.

    Good Luck! Remember: if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

  • LKissam
    LKissam Posts: 44 Member
    Wow! yes i was doing the same thing! i was getting a workout in in the evenings and if i tried during the day i was pushing them away to go play in their rooms or to just stay out of my way and felt bad because my kids weren't getting any exercise during the day. :o( (terrible mom) but then we started taking them to the track and they would have to walk the track while i got my run in.. now they run 1/4 mile with me and then walk the rest of the time. we also do a circuit training with fun exercises (froggie leapies aka jump squats) up and down the hall, we add about 7 exercises and go through them 3 times. the kids have fun and our 3 year old works out with us (not on us lol) because she is having so much fun doing the exercises!We will also go to the park and the kids play while i walk around the park. but i do still workout in the evenings for me time after the kids have gone to bed and i don't feel as guilty because they got their exercise so the evening is MY time.

    SO TRUE!!... if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
  • Wow! I love the idea of circuit training, which is pretty much what I am doing in my fitness class. I never thought to add music and create fun moves for them. I like the track idea, too. :):)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    ALWAYS!!! But then I remember the truth!!

    The truth is that ....
    when I was 63 pounds over weight, I was often depressed and grumpy. Now, we laugh and have fun together.

    When I was 63 pounds over weight my free time was spent reading novels. Now we play together.

    When I was 63 pounds over weight an outing was McDonalds. Now we head to the park or the beach or any field trip.

    When I was 63 pounds over weight I was always tired and school started late. Now we live by a strict schedule because I guard my work out time as it is vital. The result is we get 10X more done.

    When I was 63 pounds over weight I always felt guilty so I did most of the housework myself and often felt sorry for myself. Now we have a schedule and assigned jobs. Everything gets done and the house is always presentable. I do not feel like a slave but a member of the family.

    When I was 63 pounds over weight I was always self conscious about marital intimacy. Now....well...you know. My husband is a happy man.

    Happy Mama, Happy home. Energized mommy, productive home.

    Plus, I know that I am teaching my children something wonderful!

    I do not think it is a coincidence that my oldest son is overweight and that the rest who have seen my transformation and lifestyle all want to be fit and active.

    Just do it.

    Pope John Paul II, says that we understand who we are as humans when we make a sincere gift of self. It is a good thing to allow our children to sometimes make a sincere gift of self to us as their mothers. We serve them all the time...it is a good thing for them to give of themselves as well.

    Love homeschooling! Love my life!

  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I've had this argument with myself many times. I suppose it is "selfish" in the same way that brushing my teeth, getting enough sleep (or trying, at least!), eating good food, using the computer, etc. is selfish.

    There have been times when my family made it difficult to make time for working out. Not necessarily that they *tried* to make it hard, they just did. And then instead of telling hubby how important it is to me, I'd play the martyr, make everyone miserable, and then feel REALLY ridiculous when I'd finally admit to DH that the reason I was pouting for three days was because I couldn't run on Tuesday. :laugh:

    So, now the family recognizes that sticking to my self-imposed workout schedule makes me a happier person. DH and the older kids are more than capable to hold down the fort for an hour a day, and once they understood the importance, they are more *willing*.
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    I do feel as though I am being selfish sometimes... or that there are other things I should put ahead of my workout that day. It's something I am really struggling with. Like I made the choice to have get married, and have children... i've made that committment, and they should come first. BUT now I am really beginning to see that I am modeling a habit I want them to get into. I'm investing in my future, as well as their futures. I think the idea of joining them in whatever exercise you are doing is a good one... I get the kids involved in Tae-bo, or any kind of martial arts workout DVD i have on... they really love that
  • I think it's more selfish not to exercise. My thought process on that: If we don't take "Me" time away from the family, we will come dangerously close to burn out (or jump right into the burn out bonfire). Our kids (and husbands) need us to feel good & be positive...not crashing.

    Exercise is good for our health (by not exercising, we are cheating our families of a healthy mom), it's a mood regulator (if you are fighting the blues, get some exercise in! It will help!), it sets a good example for the rest of the family (do you want your kids to grow up with good or bad habits?), and it gives you time to remember that YOU are a person, too, not a shell of a person lost somewhere in the overwhelming world of mom/wife/teacher.

    I wish I had realized this a couple of years ago. I experienced an insane burn out, which lead to me speeding to the public school registration office (literally). That was a rough year.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I agree with what the others have said--it is not selfish to take care of yourself! When you are running on empty, what do you have to give?
    My husband deserves a radiant, energetic wife. My kids deserve a joyful, playful mother. When I take care of myself, I can give them that. :-)
  • Melanie_Robinson
    Melanie_Robinson Posts: 36 Member
    My older kids are happier when they see my workout. They know I will be happier and feel better. My two younger ones love to do the Leslie Sansone DVDs with me. I do get aggravated with myself when I have to do it in the middle of the day b/c I did not get up before them and do it. But, either way, the day goes a lot better and we all get more done when I am doing what I need to do to take care of myself.
  • katieacor
    katieacor Posts: 43 Member
    Funny Funny Funny Miss Melanie! I too get upset with myself when I do not get up before the Babies to exercise! Isn't a great time to exercise? I get up at 5:35 and read the Bible then do my walk/runs (with C25K). LOVE it!
    I agree with a lot of you too. I feel as if I am depriving the kids from time spent with them if I am exercising. But I also know that they are getting a kick seeing Mom actually do all that we just covered in Health and Science! We are in the middle of a 8 week unit on the Body and It's Systems!
    Blessings to you all! Katie
  • I feel the same way... for years I let it slide. Feeling like I was a bad person .. I even had a few times when my son got in the way of sit ups a got a bloody nose. But in the end I decided its not selfish.. Its just doing whats best for me.. so I can be there for my kids for a long time.

    But incorporating exercise as a gym class is the best way to go in my experience. D0 a video with them, take hikes or walks I have a great christian show thats on tv and I set it to tape.. called christian fitness.. and sometimes they do kid friendly exercises that the family can do together. Or even just an evening walk together as a family. Its small.. and its not necessarily as good of a workout as the kind you do alone.. but its a start.. and it burns calories. We can do this.. we just have to take a different approach.. and be creative.. Jumping on the trampoline with the kids.. or racing with them. (we do relay races) Or hiking with a small child on your back burns almost twice the calories.. Yoga has definitely not been the exercise of choice for my family.. I mean who can find inner peace with screaming kids?? lol. i know I can't. Playing kids games like tag, ring around the rosey, etc are pretty good calorie burners.. lol

    Oh. .. and sometimes we play party quirks (a game I got from watching whose line is it anyway) you basically chose a character and the kids have to guess who you are.. you might be amazed how many calories you might burn from rolling around the floor acting like a fish while your kids are trying to guess what you are. LOL

    Its not selfish to exercise the other way .. I think we all could use ME time..... but there are alternatives for those of us with lots of kids around.. Just to make it easier. Its all about Multitasking!! :) Exercise and entertain the kids at the same time!!
  • katieacor
    katieacor Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks jessiesunshine's for all those wonderful ideas of getting the kids involved while burning calories. I think as the nice warm weather is returning, we can all enjoy our families more while taking advantage of these tips!
  • jaded082
    jaded082 Posts: 107 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I feel it every morning when I tell the kids I am going or for a bike ride or out to the garage to workout for and hr or hr and a half. It's even worse when they say, "Mommy please don't go!" Ahhh, it makes me feel so guity. But I know I need this. I know I need it for my sanity, my health and my diet (if I don't workout I eat like crap!).

    I know the quilt is just that, but unfounded. I know I am a good mother and am here all the the rest of the time with them. Plus lots of times if I am working out in the garage my daughter will love to come workout with me. It's so cute (she is only 6).

    So, yeah, I think we all get these feelings. But unless you are a workout-aholic and are workout out 4-5 hrs a day, I wouldn't feel too guilty about it. ;-)
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