Anyone else seeing a difference?

I feel stronger and I can do more reps each week. I look forward to each workout (except Yoga) and I have not missed a day. I like to sneak in a run every now and then to add some extra cardio.


  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    I can definitely see and feel a huge difference since day one, and I've actually come to appreciate yoga, even though I cursed its name every week!! I too, haven't missed a day and I do C25K 3 times a week. I see definition in my arms and my before and current pic is crazy, although the scale hasn't gone down as much as I like, the inches are coming off so I'm happy :)!! I hope everyone else is getting some good results too!!
  • I am seeing DRASTIC changes already!! I just completed my first month and ive gone from 213lbs to 187 and down 6 notches on my belt. My arms, chest, and back strength have seen some excellent progress and visual changes, just need to get these abs to start popping through!

    Still getting used to the severe change of eating McDonalds, Burger King, and energy drinks everyday to rabbit food, small child size portions, and water though.... :)
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I already lost 10 lbs and lost 7 inches all over. My 30 day pic looks better than when i did P90X over a year ago at the 30 day mark. But I'm also doing Insanity in the morning, so that may have something to do with it. Also, on ab ripper I can really bring it and complete all the moves right along with Tony and the rest of the gang. I dont even cheat at Fifer Sissors. I'm actually excited for Yoga tonight (I usually hate it like everyone else), hoping to be able to work the crane and stay on the one leg the entire time during warrior 3 sequence (man that thing is a killer). Great job to everyone. Cant wait to see what this next 30 days brings!!
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    My scale is starting to move again, I've lost 42 lbs since august, then plateaued for a while. Now in week five I am getting stronger, more definition, I can do more plyo, and almost 2 pull ups. I did about 10 minutes of yoga this morning but decided to go to a Krav Maga workout instead (self defense training) I haven't had the drive to get into the yoga, but I will keep trying. I have been pushing the weights more, and am trying to go as heavy as I can. I am really looking forward to the rest of the program. Good luck to you all, stick with it!!!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    No big changes in the scale for me but I have to keep pulling my pants up...should just wear a belt but it is a good feeling! I still need to work on better nutrition. I'm sure that would make the scale move.
  • I'm going into my second week of P90X and I have already noticed physical and mental changes. Not only do I feel stronger, my attitude and energy levels are at a all time high. My biggest challenge is following a more strict meal plan. Before I started this program I would eat just about anything you'd put in front of my face. Eating more healthy has been difficult but with the support of MFP and these groups, my goals will become a reality in no time.
  • about to complete my second week into P90X lean- lost 4 lbs so far. I love the workout, however I don't like the Yoga. Its 1:42 long! I can barely squeeze the 50 mins workouts into my busy life, lol. I have about 40-60 lbs to lose so after P90X I am going to get Insanity.
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    Definitely!! Week five and I see a thinner me. I've been trying to cut down the weight for the last two years and always get discouraged by not seeing results. Dedication to diet played the "X" factor for me but I give big props to P90x