Hello! I'm new to the site and starting my healthy body joun

Hello :)

My name's Staci and I am 23. I have struggled with weight and healthy body habits my whole life! I am finally at a place where I want to lose weight and be healthy to glorify and honor the Lord! (not to be skinny and the worlds version of pretty) I am excited about this journey, but also nervous about failing... it's what has kept me from even starting before. I just feel like it's time to give this part of my life to the Lord and trust Him with it! Talking about it, and sharing it with people will be an encouragement and accountability.

If anyone has any tips, advice, or anything please share!

God bless,


  • mamaw53
    Hi Staci! Welcome to MFP, I think you are going to love this site! My advice to you is to make small changes at a time (such as cutting out soda, chips, or whatever is your BIG downfall), drinking more water, and start exercising-even if it is just a 10 minute walk. As you make these small changes you will notice a difference and want to make even bigger changes. God bless you on your journey towards better health! Rhonda
  • calpollyana
    Hi and welcome! My advice is to not even think about "failure." The enemy loves to plant failure into our thoughts even before we take our first steps into something new. Reject it! Just start moving forward. Each day spend time in the presence of your loving Father. Tell Him your worries and let Him breathe energy, strength and peace into you. Ask Him to satisfy your desires. He is "El Shaddai", the all sufficient one! When you want to turn to food to satisfy you in some emotional fashion, turn your thoughts to Him, cry out and ask Him to fulfill you even more that a twinkie can! He can do it!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey, I'm new to the group, but not mfp. this site is awesome as far as encouragement and accountability goes! As for my favorite verse, it's:
    "satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love that I may sing for joy and be glad all my days.". Psalm 90:14
  • snbyrd17
    Thank you so much for your words an encouragement! So far, so good! I've already seen and felt such a difference. It is SO good to feel control over my food, and my body instead of them controlling me!

    God is good!
  • slimmersooner
    slimmersooner Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome! I have been here for 1 week. This is a wonderful place to come for encouragement! I am glad you are here.
    You can do this. Keep your eyes focused on the one above and He will never lead you astray. He wants you to have a healthy temple to bring honor and glory to Him.
    Would love to be your friend to encourage you and pray for you.