Free Zumba Class Via Webcam tonight

MTF is hosting a Free Zumba class over the internet. Its going to be on all you have to do is click the link at 7:30 PM EST and it will take you into the class. You can stay off camera, or join on in! Its going to be a blast and I hope everyone can come out. Dance those calories away! Tell your friends all over the country, because now you can Zumba in the comfort of your own home. Which for me is great, because I always look like a mess!

See you there!



  • HamiltonJulie
    HamiltonJulie Posts: 3 Member
    Wish I could be there Jackie but I have boxing. Will she be doing it again some time? This is my last week of boxing until march some time. I would like to check it out.

    GREAT workout this morning, I really enjoyed being slaughtered.:laugh: Thx again see you later in the week.:smile:
  • It went awesom! Lots of interest so we are looking to set up a Zumba class Mondays at 7:30. What a blast too, Sandy joined in! I burned 402 calories and 50% of the time I was typing to participants.