RED TEAM WEEK 5 WEIGH-IN (02/07/2012)

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
OK Red Team!!!! It is time to weigh in!!! We have conquered WEEK 5!!! Good Luck to everyone and let's start focusing on Week 6!! We are half way there!!!!! :)

Remember the FORMAT:

PW (previous weight)
CW (Current weight)


  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    PW: 176.6
    CW: 177.0

    Sorry guys. The weekend was a little rough for me, had a few slip ups. But I'm back on track and am upping my exercise this week. I started jillian michael's body revolution yesterday and i'm on week 3 of couch to 5k. Week 6 is gonna be a good week. Good luck red team. Sorry to let everyone down.

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    PW: 169.2
    CW: 172.2

    :( Enough said........No looking back......time to get back on track!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member

    Let's go red team!!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    PW: 176
    CW: 174.5

    Go RED Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cfiles
    cfiles Posts: 65 Member
    PW (167.8)
    CW (165.8)

    I am so excited to see the scale start moving even though I havent been able to exercise this past weeek just had alot going on at work. I guess chasing my one year old around keeps me moving!! Good Luck everyone else on read team!!!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 651 Member
    PW: 169
    CW: 168

    I was heading for a great week and then came Super Bowl Sunday... Since there are NO EXCUSES, I am just going to say that I made a conscious choice to indulge on Sunday and I take full responsibility for this choice and accept the consequences. Either way, a pound is a pound!

    Good Luck Red Team!!!


  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    PW 152.5
    CW 150.5

    I tried really hard to lose 2.5 pounds this week to get to 150, and I almost made it, not quite. But her 2 pounds is good enough, and I am happy! Next week I'll finally be in the 140's! I am so excited LOL

    GO RED!
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    PW 166
    CW 166

    Stuck again!
  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    PW: 146.2
    CW: 147.6

    Wahhh! I don't know what happened?! I worked out three times this week for an hour plus one 40 min cardio. I was usually under my calorie intake and I gained!:sad:
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    PW: 153.6
    CW: 153.4

    I feel like I gain more weight on the days I exercise. A couple days ago, I was at 152 after a few days of not exercising (worked a couple of 12 hour shifts in a row). Oh well, I'm not going to cheat and put in a number from a different date even though it was lower!
  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    Ugh! I dont feel so bad now. Next week...we've got this!
  • PW: 172.6
    CW: 172.6

    No weight loss. No weight gain either.
  • bobkat67
    bobkat67 Posts: 13 Member
    PW 171.4
    CW 170.6
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    That was me a couple of weeks about love! It just might be your body adjusting! It was TOM so I just stuck it out:) YOU CAN DO IT!
    PW: 146.2
    CW: 147.6

    Wahhh! I don't know what happened?! I worked out three times this week for an hour plus one 40 min cardio. I was usually under my calorie intake and I gained!:sad:
  • rrakcarter
    rrakcarter Posts: 85 Member
    pw 165
    cw 165

    very stressed this week, didnt drink as much water as i should have, skipped meals, need to change up my exercise routine, need to spend more time on any type of exercise routine, i even gave up pop and chocolate this week. but, on a good note, my clothing has been getting baggier and baggier and less tight. i actually was able to squeeze into an adult medium shirt the other day. i wouldnt wear it out of the house but i fit into it. this hasnt happened in a very long time. ive had to wear my husbands clothes cuz mine dont fit. very depressing. oh well. the measurements ive taken every two weeks are dropping inches also. so i know there is progress but i know the scale is where i really want to see the numbers drop. i will have to fix it and i feel horrible for letting down the red team. congrats for those who were successful this week and all along.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    CW: 162

    I gained :P But, I knew I would. I had a bad week!!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    PW: 172.6
    CW: 170.2
    Whoo hoo, next week I will see numbers I haven't seen in over 10 years, 160's (at least it better be down in 160's)
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    PW: 148.8
  • prsconch
    prsconch Posts: 20 Member
    PW 150

    CW 150

    Stuck also!
  • Previous Weight: 226.0
    Current Weight: 224.4

    Loss of 1.6 lbs