Chalean Extreme starting around January 1, 2012



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Those results are brilliant!

    Well done on getting through Burn. I can't wait to hear about how you get on with push - do you have heavy enough weights?From what I have heard you start lifting really heavy.

    I am taking it slower than the schedule should take, but its working for me, and I have now finished week 3 (each 'week' is taking about a week and a half LOL) Its mainly because even though my personal trainer mainly focuses on cardio and core, she occasionally throws in a heavy weights session, so I need a rest day before the next circuit. Its my last PT session next saturday (I invested in it up to the wedding and its final dress fitting next week). From then on in I am sticking to the schedule religiously!

    Week 1 of Push is done!! I do like the workouts and change up with the exercises. The circuits are also all about 35 minutes and I'm still running for 30-40 minutes before each circuit.

    I have been using bands and do have three more bands that have higher resistance than the one I am currently working with. I think I will be okay. I am about to add a heavier band for some of the exercises next week. My band is maroon and I have a blue, purple and black that are thicker and have more resistance.

    Way to go on making your way through Burn. You have to do what works best for your body!

    I agree with going by the inches. I made the mistake of stepping on the scale yesterday and I was up 3 pounds but I know I'm lifting heavier and not eating poorly so I wasn't too shocked. At the same time, it looks like my body has changed again this week and it looks like I've lost more inch-wise. .
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I've finally finished burn!!! It was the last one tonight. I have to go away for 2 days, but starting push on Wednesday. VERY EXCITED! LOL. How sad am I?!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I've finally finished burn!!! It was the last one tonight. I have to go away for 2 days, but starting push on Wednesday. VERY EXCITED! LOL. How sad am I?!

    Yay!! You are not sad at all!! You are awesome!!

    I broke down and ordered some XMark adjustable weights last night. I'm still having problems with one legged lower body exercises and the bands. It is beginning to frustrate me because I know I can go heavier but maybe being short is causing issues. I had a credit at Amazon so I went for it. I'm hoping they will be here by week 3 of Push. I have to admit, I'm fixated on numbers and since I'm limiting my scale obsession, it will be nice to put a "number" on what I'm lifting.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    Yay!! You are not sad at all!! You are awesome!!

    Thank you! Thats so nice, and its put a huge smile on my face!


    I broke down and ordered some XMark adjustable weights last night.

    Now that is exciting! I'm extremely jealous! Were they very expensive?
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    My heaviest weights are 15lbs. And I've found, for the most part, that is enough. On some of the squats I could go heavier - and I might double up with a 5 and a 15. But I'm telling you, when I got to Lean, holey moley! The weights never seemed so heavy!!!

    I've put a picture on my profile of my back - I was more intending to show my new workout shirt :smooched: but it does a good job of showing the results of my efforts. :-)
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    My heaviest weights are 15lbs. And I've found, for the most part, that is enough. On some of the squats I could go heavier - and I might double up with a 5 and a 15. But I'm telling you, when I got to Lean, holey moley! The weights never seemed so heavy!!!

    I've put a picture on my profile of my back - I was more intending to show my new workout shirt :smooched: but it does a good job of showing the results of my efforts. :-)

    Nice job D!

    Started Push this week. Loving is so far!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    [Yay!! You are not sad at all!! You are awesome!!

    I broke down and ordered some XMark adjustable weights last night. I'm still having problems with one legged lower body exercises and the bands. It is beginning to frustrate me because I know I can go heavier but maybe being short is causing issues. I had a credit at Amazon so I went for it. I'm hoping they will be here by week 3 of Push. I have to admit, I'm fixated on numbers and since I'm limiting my scale obsession, it will be nice to put a "number" on what I'm lifting.

    Xmark are the ones I got too. I love them. I had them in like 4 days! I noticed you mentioned you did your cardio BEFORE your strenth. I have read it should be the other way around as you can give it all to the weights, then the rest to cardio. Have you noticed a difference?
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    I broke down and ordered some XMark adjustable weights last night.

    Now that is exciting! I'm extremely jealous! Were they very expensive?

    They were $150 on Amazon. I had a very large gift card credit from Amazon for selling back my old textbooks. I was able to use that. I used them for the first time yesterday. I had to pause the workout a few times because I was slow adjusting the weights, but they worked perfectly for me. No more teetering trying to use the bands to do lower body exercises. I'm glad that I got them.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    [Yay!! You are not sad at all!! You are awesome!!

    I broke down and ordered some XMark adjustable weights last night. I'm still having problems with one legged lower body exercises and the bands. It is beginning to frustrate me because I know I can go heavier but maybe being short is causing issues. I had a credit at Amazon so I went for it. I'm hoping they will be here by week 3 of Push. I have to admit, I'm fixated on numbers and since I'm limiting my scale obsession, it will be nice to put a "number" on what I'm lifting.

    Xmark are the ones I got too. I love them. I had them in like 4 days! I noticed you mentioned you did your cardio BEFORE your strenth. I have read it should be the other way around as you can give it all to the weights, then the rest to cardio. Have you noticed a difference?

    I'm liking the weights so far. Mine came pretty fast. I've seen on the forums here that it is better to do weights before cardio. I haven't tried it yet. I will tomorrow because I'm still running before doing my weight circuits. I like the cardio first because it warms me up well. I've always worried that the weights would make me too tired to cardio afterwards. I will experiment with that tomorrow to see if it changes anything.
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    I am in my first week of PUSH...almost finished with it, actually. I am just wondering how heavy everyone is lifting for this portion. This week I felt like most exercises I could probably go heavier next week...
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am in my first week of PUSH...almost finished with it, actually. I am just wondering how heavy everyone is lifting for this portion. This week I felt like most exercises I could probably go heavier next week...

    I am using 5's to warm up, 8/10 for my upper body, 15/20 lower body

    Hope that helps.

    @spiral - I used to do about 5 min cardio then the weights, but now I just do the CLX warm up and 10/15 min cardio after for a total of about 50 min.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I've just finished my first push circuit. WOW it was hard! I used as heavy weights as absolutely possible and I ache all over now. I dread to think about how my muscles will feel in the morning!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! Just checking in. I"m restarting Push week 3 tomorrow. I got sick last week. I made it through all the circuits but missed the cardio days. I decided to start the week over.
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    Well, I started Lean Circuit 1 today...whew. I worked hard and my whole body was shaking at the end. I love it though. I'm totally hooked on lifting heavy (well, heavy for me!). How's everyone else doing?