Is it me or is everything just *kitten* : 0

SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
:wink: WARNING: This has nothing to do with food, eating or exercise! :wink:

I was at my son's taekwondo class waiting for him to come out. Often the conversations people have there make me want to eat my own toes at the best of times.:grumble:

But THIS conversation was about verrucas and how each child had had a verruca - how big it was, how long it lasted, when it fell off :sick: :sick: and so on for at least 20 minutes......!

I wanted to run out of the building screaming. In this day and age, with so much technology, books,media, information, etc at our disposal - two grown women..... whose children are otherwised engaged for a whole hour...... are having a conversation about ..... their children's VERRUCCAS! Aaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhh!

I have another friend who feels everytime we meet, the need to infom me of her latest cleaning endeavours - WHY? Is this what my life has come to - listening to talk about verrucas and toilet cleaning!!! :noway:

Where is creativity? Where is the free-spiritedness - where is the wit and intellectual stimulation? Where is the sharing of each others inner thoughts. Why is everything so superficial and banal?

We eat in homogenised franchised restaurants where everything looks and tastes the same. All the shops are the same - I swear I shop in three different IKEA stores each in different towns, and after being in one of those for over an hour - I come out and don't even know which town I'm in!

The only things to watch on TV is English crap or American crap - don't other countries make television programmes - we can read subtitles you know. The cinema is full of stupid Hollywood escapist macho nonsense. We don't know most of our neighbours by name. I was in London the other day and everyone looked so miserable on the Tube - I am so glad I don't live there anymore. The news is so depressing I can't even bear to watch it anymore.

Perhaps I should go and find a nice commune somewhere with some like minded people and we could cook fabulous healthy meals together every night, tell stories, play our instruments, look after each other's children, make our own clothes/furniture etc. Ohhh sounds like bliss..... :laugh:


  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I wonder whether I could log "running out of buildings screaming" as cardio exercise?:wink:
  • lollye51
    lollye51 Posts: 46 Member
    LOL I agree, I agree. Fickle, feckless blah, blah..........:grumble:
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    I had to look up verracus and now feel more informed so thanks for that tidbit of info :wink:

    At some point we lose ourselves which then leads us into groups and apps/ websites like this one so that we can get some relief from hearing about other people's verrucas (I really like that word and think it will get me a TON of points in scrabble!)

    If nothing else, you burnt some calories running out of the building screaming (yes, you absolutely MUST track that in your exercise) and you got rid of some stress by venting here and provided some of us with a great big smile at the images you presented!

    My rule when going out to a restaurant is that I have to choose something that I cannot make at home and have no hope of ever recreating. It's helped me to make some interesting choices - baked cactus anyone??? - while still eating healthy and getting a break from the mundane.

    Enjoy your day and hope you find a sparkle of sunshine somewhere :flowerforyou:
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • sdolan825
    I am certainly with you on this topic! I think our whole way of living is so automated that people dont know how to really talk to anyone anymore. I crave a REAL conversation with a person...I want to know about their interests ,hobbies, likes and dislikes.
    Its a very lonely world we all live in.
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    Tee hee I had to look up veruccas too!!! I hear you! I just went to the supermarket, don't usually shop there, and was amazed at how much packaged crap there is! And in my small town, you'd be lucky to talk about cleaning or veruccas, the ladies all seem to gossip and create 'scandal'.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I agree with you on that one! Why does no one want to talk to one another. On some occasions I have had the most fantastic conversations with people, and if you just take the time to listen, people are so very interesting. We all have a story to tell.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I'm with you. But sometimes, I have to engage in small talk because I have so much stress in my life, if I started talking about my real things, I would completely fall apart. Some of the stress relates to grief, family division following a death, job loss, long distance separation after job loss, and more.

    I used to have many meaningful conversations...that's what I miss about college (it's been a couple of decades now).

    My sweet daughter told me recently that she really enjoys being friends with a couple of girls at her school because they talk about meaningful things, not superficial stuff (my words).

    I was kind of impressed. She's 14, and although she cares about boys and clothes, and is a good student, she is thinking for herself. It's interesting to watch her find her ;place in the world.

    One thing I wanted to do recently is memorize 100 poems. Just to keep my mind busy. I have taken many online classes and have been trying to change careers, but I haven't chosen one yet.
  • woodmetal
    LOL I want to see you do it!! I will come with you!! I am having a hard time today! I feel like my creativity is a downfall, I am stuck, I don't know to do with myself and just can't get moving! I think the telly is depressing, movies the same, my friends seem to want to dwell in dark places I want to MOVE ON!! I know the bad that is happened I want to move on and towards better!!!!
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    Brilliant!!!!!. have you watched the danish programmes on BBC4 saturday evenings.the Killing and Borgen are back next year, and the best to watch on TV. Oh but how can you complain about London, i miss London so much and have this fantasy to retun there once my daughter's schooling has finished.
    Now dont get me started about the Euro currency or the biggest fear, we in Scotland become independant from Britian. - But another time/place lol for ranting about those serious
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    It's snowing here and suddenly everyone has become a meteorological expert :grumble: