Welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself!



  • californiahomegirl
    californiahomegirl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, Red. I'm in Columbus, Ohio--moved here from Los Angeles about 6 years ago. I love the four seasons here. KittyNeuron--water aerobics sound like a good move! I'm thinking about doing that myself, especially to help me get out more--I can isolate myself at home so easily. For those who have difficulty standing, there are online seated workouts available. You can work the parts that work and at least get some cardio--all with doctor's okay, of course. I've tried it, and it's amazing what you can do just sitting in a chair!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm from Arlington, Texas. I just joined yesterday. I wish all reading happy losing the healthy way!

    I am 48, married,and have 3 children ages 20, 18 and 16 (all girls). I have chronic pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and Fibromyalgia (FM). Between three pregnancies and all the meds I have taken in the past 20 years to combat the pain I have I added 90 pounds to my frame!

    I broke my ankle, have fought a BAD bone infection for a year and a half and, well, now I'm chosing amputation of my lower leg to get me back on my feet. No pities, please! It's a SCARY decision, yes, but I'll be able to walk well again in just a few months!

    I have about 63 pounds left to lose. So here I go! Thanks for reading.

  • LensLuvah
    LensLuvah Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenni, 34, and from the Chicago area. I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. I've also recently discovered I have issues with gluten (not sure if it's celiac or gluten sensitivity).
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I suppose I should probably introduce myself here. I'm Elisabeth. I was born with a genetic bone disease called Congenital Multiple Osteochondromatosis or Multiple Hereditary Exostoses. Yes, it has 2 names. What this means is that I have bone and cartilage tumors on every joint of my body. Most are small, some large, some have or do impede painfree movement. I've had multiple major orthopedic surgeries since I was 3 years old and can only look forward to more in the future. Of the tumors I've had removed, the smallest were the size of walnuts, the largest was the size of a grapefruit. I don't have any visibly large tumors like that anymore.

    Yes, this is a pretty debilitating condition. As were the surgeries. But I used it as an excuse most of my life to remain overweight and out of shape. I've just decided not to do that anymore. I'm currently doing things with my body I never dreamed possible. I can't believe I can actually run. Nothing changed as far as the bone disease goes. I just kind of turned off the part of my brain that says I can't do that. I still experience pain.

    I've also been diagnosed with clinical depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I am in total awe of how many different diseases there are that cause this pain. I am so sorry, and when I read about people having tumors on every joint in their body,another having amputation, and being so strong about it, it really humbles me and I wish you all so much good health and so much peace in your hearts. I hope you get something out of this site, even if it's just to put your thoughts out there,your stories have really touched me, thank you for sharing. :heart:
  • HI. My family has called me Dee Dee ever since my oldest sister could not say "baby" and Dee Dee stuck, although my mom named me Carolyn when she said she heard Christmas carolers outside her hospital window. I am a happy grandma of two wonderful boys, 4 and 1, one daughter 33 and one son 31, so I am over-the-hill, but living life to its fullest with chronic pain. I have had two back surgeries, one for a fusion, one for a tumor. This has been ongoing since 1998, but I maintain by keeping moving. I, too, live in Washington State close to beautiful Mount Rainier. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia on top of the chronic back pain last month. I am happy to have a place with wonderful people who understandand and will give me lots of tips on overcoming these conditions. Thanks for sharing everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • I have been in such awful pain for 9 or 10 years. I allowed myself to sink into depression that has hurt me and my family... it's true. I want that to change before my three daughters leave my home and move on to their own. That is what has inspired my change probably more than anything else.

    Thank you all for letting me see your strength at overcoming the pain. It really means so much! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi - Just read through the members post to this thread. My name is Barbara and I live in Northern VA. What really struck me as I read through the introductions of all you unique and wonderful people are the reminder that fibro is really a secondary diagnosis after suffering pain from something else for so long. I'm recalling a book from Arthritis Foundation that a rheumatologist gave me when I was diagnosed. Has anyone else read that book?

    My body ailments are numerous depending on what joint I am talking about so I won't bother with the list but overall I feel fairly broken at 49. My earliest joint pain memories go back to my knees even as a teenager. Then it went to back, which I always attributed to dealing with cars seats and the way we bend trying to get the kids in them. After years of back 'episodes' I ended up on disability from work for well over a year - a long painful period of being drugged up and suffering that I am so thankful to have lived through and can look back on now 15 years later. Presently, I have been able to work full time again and am thankful for a job that allows me very flexible hours.

    Mornings are always the most challenging. First, I generally have to talk myself out of bed. Then when I do get up I go for the caffeine and my lounge chair until I feel I can face the world. Anyone relate to that? I have deep empathy for anyone that has hit the depression level as I am familiar with that as well and recommend you see a doctor that can help find a drug that helps with pain and depression. For many years I fought off psychoactive drugs, but now realize it is more important for me to live a normal life and I can only do that with the assistance of pharmaceuticals.

    Wow - I'm writing way too much and need to get back to work. Glad I stumbled on this group and look forward to our interactions.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Hi Everyone, gosh we have so much in common, and some have totally different diseases to deal with, but I guess pain is pain.Hi Dee,welcome catlady and Barbara. I have not read that book, do you know the name of it, Barbara? It does leave you with a broken feeling for sure, but I guess it is so imoortant to not let the pain become your life,I constantly tell myself that the disease does not define who I am, some days I actually believe it!!! lol
  • auren82
    auren82 Posts: 4 Member

    I'm Lauren, I have arthritis secondary to Crohn's disease and Fibromyalgia. I'm also really bad about eating for comfort so all in all I've gained a lot of weight in the past twelve years (most of it in 3 years!). I'm in need of losing over 100 lbs but often feel like I'm playing a losing game. I start up a work-out regimen only to be stopped by horrible pain for days-months. I have managed to lose 30 lbs in the past year, but have hit a plateau recently. I joined MFP to help me get over the hump.

    I'm hoping to make some friends to help with support and help me realize what I'm doing right/wrong.


    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Lauren, Congratulations on the weight loss, please, keep going.I have fibro and Arthritis, but I do find that even tho getting started hurts, I do feel better once I have walked, which is my main activity. I try to take 3 or 4 15 minute walks a day, rather than one long walk. You are playing a losing game, just a painful one, but keep moving, then sit sown with a cup of tea and a moist, hot heat on your pain, it does help. Good luck
  • Good morning. Just walked into work and there is a homemade King cake on the counter. Had to do a lot of positive self talk to remind myself that my goals are more important than that cake. The cake is not worth blowing my goals for today. If I have only a taste I will not be able to stop at that. I can have King cake another time if I like.

    What other positive self talk messages do you find helpful? :flowerforyou:

    Also, the book my doctor suggested when I was first diagnosed with fybro was "The Arthritis Foundation's Guide to Good Living with Fybromyalgia." I see it is on Amazon and cheap second hand copies are available. It looks like it might have been updated since I first read it too.
  • So true about the pain. But like I have said to my doctors many times... there is pain brought on my exercise and there is everyday pain. I rather feel the pain from exercise because in the long run it helps my body and my endurance levels for enjoying a more active lifestyle. But take it easy and don't overdue it when exercising. I have found beginning pilates videos very helpful in keeping moving - and of course the fun of Wii Fit.
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Christine and I am 29 years old. I was diagnosed with MS Sept. 2008. Shortly after I was diagnosed with MS they found arthritis in my back. I've also dealt with depression and anxiety since I was about 15 years old.

    I'm looking for some good, supportive friends in this journey. :smile:
  • ahubacek
    ahubacek Posts: 135
    Hi everyone, I'm new to MFP and just found this group.

    I'm 26 and have had ankylosing spondylitis for about 15 years, but only got a doctor to take me seriously enough to get a real diagnosis about 6 months ago. While I do have the standard back pain and stiffness, my joints have started to fuse in one knee and one shoulder so I no longer have a full range of motion (and mobility is pretty typically decreased even on NSAIDs).

    While I have consistent pain, I also know that my pain tends to get worse when I'm not moving (early in the morning after sleeping, after sitting, etc) so I'm trying really hard to stay active.
  • hi , I am 47 years old,. i have a wonderful husband, three grown children, and four grandkids. I have had my goll bladder out, a hysterectomy, and have had fibromyalsia for 17 years . there isnt any thing out there that helps with my pain . i just deal with it. I cant over do it with exercise or i get really bad so i keep that light. sometimes i ride my bike a little and i really like to use my kayak in the sommer. i have gained a lot of my weight from when the dr had me trying different meds that never helped but always added 20 to 40 lbs,. also gained some after the hysterectomy. now i would like to lose 60 to 75 lbs. it is very difficult for me to lose weight. hoping the accountability will help. nothing seems to work but i just keep trying. so any good ideas will be appreciated
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Welcome to all the new members of the group! I wish the group could notify us when there are new posts...i get flakey and forget to check back. Glad you all found us! Feel free to friend me if you'de like.

    The psa has kept me in bed on pain meds for a couple of days. Starting to get better though and able to cut the dosage in half today...which is awesome because i'm not as groggy. :smile:

    It'll be a few days before i hit the treadmill again...hoping to hit the 50lbs down mark at my next weigh in...only 2.2 lbs away!

    I wish you all pain free days and much success on your journey to a healthier you! :drinker:
  • Artemis80
    Artemis80 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Diana. I am 31, and have been living with an undifferentiated connective tissue disease for the past eight years. It includes elements of arthritis, neuropathy, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, so it can be very difficult to manage at times. During better phases, I do a decent job of eating healthy, doing regular, low-impact cardio exercises and maintaining my daily routine. But during bad spells, you often can find me curled up in bed with a box of pizza rather than at the gym or out with friends. I have always to been able to maintain a weight that is in the normal range, but I don't believe that a person's actual health is totally reflected in that number. I really want to be more healthy through diet and exercise -- and just a lot more active in general -- so I would love to meet others experiencing similar challenges in order to give and receive support!!
  • Hi, I'm Shana. I just started changing to a healthier lifestyle. I'm 35 years old and, thanks to scoliosis, I have arthritis in my lower spine. I've tried getting more active in the past, but the constant pain was always a deterrent. So, as time went on, so did the pounds. I recently began an anti-inflammatory diet, which did wonders. I actually had a few pain free days! Then I joined a gym and began exercising. It still hurts to exercise, but after those few good days, I'm motivated to stick to my goals. It's too soon to tell, but I'm hoping that my body will adjust to the increase in activity and relieve the arthritis instead of aggravating it. I'm glad that you started this group. It will be nice to share ideas with and get feedback from people who truly understand the pain vs. fitness struggle. Thank you!
  • Hi. I am Lori, 44 yo and have been living with chronic pain for about 15 years. I have congenital stenosis, arthritic spine, fibro, 2 lumbar surgeries, neuropathic pain and numbness in all limbs. Beat cancer twice :) I take some heavy duty meds to help, but am in pain any time I am conscious. I find it hard to motivate myself at times to get on the treadmill...or do much of anything. I am 5'9" and 178# I would be happy at 145, but super happy in the 135-140 range. My main issue is excercsse..its so hard when you are in pain. I am looking forward to warmer weather for swimming, but other than that, light yoga/stretching an treadmill, when I can ...is about all I can manage. Anyone else like this?