Calorie Intake

Hey Ladies,

How many calories are you intaking and what are your macros set at? I am only eating 1200 a day and I am starting to think it is hindering my progress? We are on week 6 and my clothes are getting a little loser but I have only lost about 5 pounds. Hopefully I am not sabotaging myself... any suggestions would be helpful,



  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I've really been struggling with this as well so I will be interested in seeing other responses. I've been playing with the numbers each week trying to find the "magic ones". I finally had a 3# loss this week (week 6) after either staying still or gaining. I was actually up 3 pounds last week so I guess I could say I had a 6 pound loss this week.

    The only thing I've done differently this week is really cut my cals. I'm averaging about 1000 and not eating my exercise cals which is about 500 on average. I know people will say I am not eating enough, but trust me, I've tried eating more cals but it was not working for me. I eat at least 100 gr of protein a day and I find it keeps me full.

    Hope others respond since it is a popular topic especially with women.
  • Hi

    I'm only in my first week, so if my diet works, I cannot tell. I try to eat the P90X recommended amount of kcal - which would be 1800 (without the workout kcal). As you can imagine, I'm fine with that. I have some problems with the amount of fat (fat freed food is sometimes to artificial in my eyes - especially for things like cheese). So this i where I struggle. Right know, my macros in myfitnesspal are set 30% carbs, 20% fat, 50% protein. I have NO idea, if this is nuts or ok...

    I will try to keep you up on this...
  • I am glad to hear you are having the same problem. I don't even think i am losing as many inches as most people. I have been doing 1200 calories since day 1 and have only lost 5 pounds. For a couple weeks now I am going to try to up my calories and see what happens... I think it is wierd I can't seem to get the food thing right!! Frustrating as all get out.
  • What are you using to set your calorie target? 1000-1200 seems a bit low, esp. if you're doing P90X. Also, are you targeting and tracking your macro nutrient ratios (protein/carb/fat)?

    Here's a good article from nutrition guru Alan Aragon; the blue "eating guide" section has a simple formula for setting your macro nutrient targets, and thus your calories:
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey everyone - since I started P90X I've significantly upped my calories. Tony wants me eating 2,400 so it made me take a look at what I should be eating (I'm 5'6 and weigh 203).

    I go by TDEE - so, my TDEE sedentary is 2159, I add the approximately 600 exercise calories to get 2759, then subtract 500 for a deficit to lose a pound per week. So, my goal is around 2,200 and I've felt great since upping my calories so much.

    If you aren't sure what your TDEE is, go to

    The scale has moved a little bit, but not a whole lot - however, I'm losing inches and getting stronger each day. I can't imagine doing this program eating too little - I would feel so weak!!! Feed yourself enough to allow your body to see results!!!