Insanity Calories

I'm starting Insanity today and I don't know how to tell how many calories I will be burning during the workout. Can someone please help me figure out some numbers to use?


  • InsaneChic85
    InsaneChic85 Posts: 26 Member
    The most accurate way is to get a heart rate monitor with the option to see how many calories you burned. Polar has some great ones!
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    Thats what I've been told. I'm gonna get one this weekend. I'm really eager to see how many Calories I'm burning throught a day / workout / running... :)
  • polkie05
    polkie05 Posts: 28 Member
    HRM is needed. You don't burn 1,000 calories like the info commercial says u do. I reply on my HRM.