Total Beginner!

symegeer Posts: 143 Member
Hi all!

I'm completely new to the sport of Triathlon but have been interested in taking it up for years. I'm going to attempt my first super-sprint Tri in June so I'm really pleased to find this group - hopefully some of you can offer me some advice! Over the last few years I've done a few 10 and 5Ks but I'm very slow. Also slow swimming and on the bike (yes, I'm just generally a plodder) so I can only improve. Anyone else here training for their first super-sprint? Or does anyone have some advice for first timers?



  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    My advice would be to take it slow. There is no need to rush into the sport. There are plenty of great websites out there that have a wealth of information. Check out for a number of free training plans. It's where I started.

    Good luck!
  • ImGonnaTri2012
    ImGonnaTri2012 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone ~ this looks like a great group. I am a 55 year old grandmother who just found this site a couple of days ago. I have a goal of losing weight but also set a goal of doing a sprint all woman's triathlon in June ! Very excited about having this group. I just started adult swimming lessons to get some pointers on my front crawl and it has definitely proved that I have some training ahead of me. I like to bike but with winter most of my cycling will need to be spinning classes or on a stationary bike. I live in the Midwest. I did download a couch to sprint training plan from the website mentioned but mainly I am going to try to swim 2-3 times a week, bike 2 X and walk / jog 2 X a week. I am not trying to look too far ahead but rather just focus on getting a little better each week. Swimming will definitely be the scariest for me since I am doing good to swim 50 yards without stopping now and have never swam in an open water event.

    I figure there is no time like the present -- I am looking forward to the conversations and support of this group !

    My tri will be early June in Omaha, NE :)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Last year I registered for a sprint tri as a way to keep me motivated with exercising. Just walking, or swimming or riding a stationary bike was boring to me, but I liked the idea of switching disciplines around. I started with an indoor sprint triathlon (15 min swim, 15 min bike and 15 run on a treadmill). I was hooked! I finished my first sprint tri on Oct 9th and I have planned to do 3 this year (possibly 4...I found one with distances a bit longer and a short open swim I may try). I did pass a swimmer in the pool, but I never passed a biker or a walker/runner during my race...but I made it. To me it is about being competitive with myself, and challenging myself to improve. I swim 1 day a week, walk/jog 2days a week, spin 2 days a week, and recreate on the weekends. Usually that means a "real" bike ride, and a hike in the woods (or activity of my choice). I have also began weight training 2 days a week. I am hoping to continue weight loss and building strength over the winter, and if I focus on these, my distances will not suffer too much when the season starts. I used a website called: lots of great info and training plans
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • ImGonnaTri2012
    ImGonnaTri2012 Posts: 6 Member
    So for right now I am trying to get 2 days of biking, 2 days of swimming and 2 days of walk/jogging in with a day of rest. Will that work for awhile ?
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    It'll work for a while but eventually I recommend doing multiple workouts on the same day (i.e. bike/run, swim/weights, swim/bike, swim/run). It'll teach you how to handle the transitions that are experience in a race. Check out some free training plans online. Most are good about putting your through this.
  • Bluffers
    Bluffers Posts: 3 Member
    OK, I'm in. 57 yr old grandpa. Clysdale who needs to drop some wt. Vet of Ragbrai and ride 1500-2000 miles a yr. Sedintary job. Getting interested in a sprint tri this summer. Have been relearning to swim by going 1 mile 3 days a week.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Another beginner here! I am a new runner, just did first 5K January 1st and doing first 10K March 31. I am starting to swim for fitness and really want to bike too. Someone said "are you training for a tri?" and I thought, hmmm, maybe I will! I found a great looking tri in my area (Huntington Beach State Park in South Carolina) in November, so I think I have plenty of time to prepare. I'm in! I don't see myself as ever being a marathon runner, but the idea of mixing it up sounds fun. Glad to have found this group! :)
  • ironholgs
    ironholgs Posts: 46 Member
    Agree with Drudo that eventually you'll need to do "brick" sessions where you combine two disciplines into one training session - last 1 hour bike and a 20 min run.

    I'd also advise that you visualize / practice your transition in your garage / back yard - just to get used to how you lay equipment out making it easier and quicker to put on.

    Good luck to all the newbies making their tri debuts, be warned - It's addictive.
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I've joined my local triathlon club and am now full swing into my training - and loving it!
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    That is great! Congrats! Being in a club will help so much because there are always fresh ideas and people to train with.
  • ironholgs
    ironholgs Posts: 46 Member
    Well done on joining a club - tap into that expertise, and enjoy the friendship and competion that will drive you forward to get fitter and faster. Training with others is a great motivator.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    A club is a great idea. After reading that, I looked it up and we have a very active Triathlon club in my area, so I will definitely be getting involved! I'm excited and kinda scared of this journey. Can't wait to see how it goes! :)
  • ImGonnaTri2012
    ImGonnaTri2012 Posts: 6 Member
    Just found out that our YMCA has a tri training group. It starts Feb 20th and I am going to join it to get ready for my first sprint triathlon in June. 6 weeks ago I signed up for adult swim lessons to get some instruction on how to breathe right. At the first lesson, I could BARELY finish 25 yds without needing oxygen -- had to stop to let my heart recover. Today I did 500 yd. without stopping. Then I rested a bit and finished with 200 yd more. I am proud of myself and loving the variety of exercising -- and my joints love it too. I want to lose weight too and that is going slow but I am just continuing to track and stay the course.

    Hope everyone is having fun because I can actually say I am !
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    That's fantastic you guys! And feel free to add me if you want to compare training, etc. Good luck with your new clubs! :smile:
  • an1an
    an1an Posts: 3
    Hi! I am really glad to join you. I've been a runner for 3 years now...Took part in many 5k and 10k competitions and even finished my first half-marathon. I'd like to try and mix it up a bit now and I'm going for my first triathlon. I'm really excited about starting to train properly and mixing my running schedule with biking and swimming. Glad I found you here !