What is your biggest fear about dieting?

Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
My biggest fear is failure.




  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Mine is progress... I was down 38 lbs, now I'm down 16... I seem to still give myself the... "hey you're making this work, lets go get...." SO often I start to see progress even a pound or 2 down and it's like oooh Doritos today... just have to figure out how to get by it.
  • That's the thing is it's a lifestyle change!!! So you always want to eat healthy and have a cheat meal once or twice a week- that's it!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    It's getting better as I find healthy alternatives, like I can GET my pizza taste by buying a pack of soft tortillas, spread the pizza sauce on them, add the pizza-y toppings and bake until the cheese is melted.. 8 minutes if the oven is pre-heated, 10 minutes if its not.
    Portions are a problem I'm noticing too, I "hate" paying for the smaller bags of chips, I mean a 30 gram bag for $1 or I can get a no-name brand bag of 150 grams for $1.09... hmmm... but if I don't get on top of it WHEN it comes through the door it's easy to eat the entire big bag instead of portioning it out. So for control I either have to buy one small bag or portion the big bag as soon as it comes in.
    Just finished portioning out a fillet of salmon, $20 gets me 6 meals of a 6 oz portion of salmon... it'd cost that in a restaurant for one of them so I'm loving it
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    After thinking about it; I am afraid of failure, but I am also afraid of succeeding.

    I remember being 20 years old and in shape and how I was treated by strangers... it is equally despicable to how some people treat me now. The oogling is the same, but at least now my butt doesn't get grabbed my random men.

    I want to be healthier, but I fear a better looking body.
  • Acacia_raye
    Acacia_raye Posts: 18 Member
    my biggest fear...is giving up.
    I tend to get all into losing the weight
    then i just give up and get upset.

    but this time i think i can pull through because i have a lot of support from this group & my man.
  • Rachel507
    Rachel507 Posts: 26 Member
    My biggest fear is regression. Pandorian hit it on the spot when he said, oh i did good , now its time for a bag of dorritos. I'll lose weight and then say, oh I'll take this weekend off cuz I'm doing so good. WRONG! Weekends are always tough for me.
  • My biggest fear is not succeeding in my goals
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    Rachel -

    I also struggle with the weekends too. It seem seasy to control my food during the week when in a routine; but the weekend is a real challenge. Making plans with friends and family seems to always include food and makes it hard to plan ahead.
  • My biggest fear is that after I have lost all of the weight I will still hate myself as much as I do now.
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    silverpen -

    We all dislike where we are, and do not like everything about ourselves. Hopefully during this journey, you will realize that you are a fantastic person - and do not deserve to be hated by anyone, especially yourself.

    I have known you only a short time, but can tell that you are friendly, honest and have integrity.

    Loving yourself will have to be something you learn along the way, there will not be a pot of gold at the end of the weight loss.

    Thank you for sharing, I realize that some of these topics can make a person feel vulnerable.

  • It's all scary to me...failure, having to give up the food I love, death, succeeding...you name it. God says, "He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and might!" I have to walk in that authority & and Istop acting like I'm defeating because I'm fat...

    I have allowed fear to assist me into eating myself to 334lbs, how crazy is that? "Fear" is a four-letter word that MUST be defeated!!
  • mikda999
    mikda999 Posts: 41 Member
    My biggest fear is telling people I'm on a diet. I'm always the one to bring dessert to family and friends events. I guess it's because they think because I'm big I know how to make a mean torte. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved cooking, but just once I want to bring the fruit and veggie tray! Then at least there will a fun dip that I can actually eat to go along with it.

    So, ya telling people in real life. They will see me different and treat me different. I remember one time I told some friends I was on a diet and I was uninvited to a dinner party because they didn't want to have change the menu. Needless to say I'm not friends with them anymore.
  • mikda999
    mikda999 Posts: 41 Member
    I agree that, that is one my fears too.

    Maybe after I lose all the weight I still hate something about myself just as much as being big. Like my legs or stomach will be funny looking.

    Guess, we'll just have to work on that too.
  • My biggest fear is after I do lose the weight I need to..of skin hanging
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    I have seen some interesting fears pop up on this post that I realized that I also have...

    I have an immense fear of losing weight quickly, because I also have a fear of the loose sagging skin that may be created. I do not want to need surgery to fix this or the scars that come with it.

    I also have been the family member that always gets asked to bring the dessert - it is a very cruel trick... I do not buy sweets for the house and do not want them in the house. Not to mention, I would love to have healthy alternatives at the get togethers... I try to find healthier recipes to make... but they are never as big a hit as the classics.

    I think the fear that I can relate to the most, was telling people that I am on a diet. There are family members that mean to be supportive, but get too pushy. I am losing for myself and my health and when I am constantly being asked and judged by my progress, it gets very frustrating - it feels like I have almost become accountable to those family members and their expectations. I am a very open person, and do not normally keep secrets - but when I tell people that I am on a diet, I feel that I have doomed myself to failure.

    Thank you for sharing your fears, I feel that the only way to overcome them - is to recognize them. :flowerforyou:
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    I agree with the post about succeeding. I've always been overweight and am inexperienced with handling attention. I'm both looking forward to and fear it at the same time.

    I'm working with a therapist about other issues and hope that work will give me the confidence and insight when it happens.

    I've always referred to it as a wellness program when discussing it with others (and that's what it is). Fortunately everyone I've shared this with had been very supportive..

    We are doing this for ourselves and to #=/+ with anyone who isn't going to support us.

    A favorite saying "it isn't a matter of who will let me. Its a matter of who will stop me."

    We can do this!

    Blessings and peace to all on your journey. x
  • Mine is progress... I was down 38 lbs, now I'm down 16... I seem to still give myself the... "hey you're making this work, lets go get...." SO often I start to see progress even a pound or 2 down and it's like oooh Doritos today... just have to figure out how to get by it.

    I used to have this problem... it was like "oh I've done so good, I can have a cookie as a treat".... and then I saw a motivational image online one day, it said "you're not a dog, don't reward yourself with food." And just like that, it hit me. Rewarding yourself with food for anything is pretty degrading, but doing it for losing weight is simply a contradiction in action. Good luck getting beyond it!
  • I can relate here, but with family and friends I just stopped telling them and kept doing what I was doing and watching what I ate at functions and outings. There's no need to discuss it if people aren't going to be supportive, and it might be hard to have control and restraint in food selections in social situations, but it is definitely possible.

    But, as the go-to girl for desserts myself I DO have a recipe to share with you ladies that will help. It's ALWAYS a smash, I bring home an empty dish every time, but I managed to make an old time favorite far healthier and lighter, and no one was the wiser!

    It's called "Sin" (I call the new version "Heaven" but I don't tell the fam that cause they want the orignal, so I let them think that's what they are getting!)

    Start with a glass casserole dish, 9x12. Make a simple graham cracker crust... use as few crackers as possible, and "I can't believe it's not butter light" instead of regular butter or margarine.

    On top of that add a layer of softened fat free cream cheese (you'll need to heat it up to get it soft enough to spread without destroying the crust)

    On top of that layer sugar free chocolate pudding made with skim milk. (The original calls for not sugar free and full fat milk)

    On top of that layer sugar free or light cool whip, your choice.

    Then drizzle with a bit of sugar free smuckers hot fudge and sugar free smuckers caramel.

    Sprinkle a very small handful of chopped pecans.

    Refrigerate 3 hours to let everything firm back up.

    It's messy, gooey, delicious... and no one is ever the wiser that it's all light, fat free, sugar free, etc.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Loose skin is my biggest fear too. It's started already and I may set my goal weight higher as a consequence if it starts effecting my self esteem.