Introduce Yourself

I'm Meg! A third grade teacher from Massachusetts! This is my second year teaching, but first year in third grade and general education. I find myself spending time in my classroom from 8 am to 6 pm daily. Then between continuing education, tutoring and a third job, I find myself sometimes struggling to find time to exercise. How do you keep healthy while being a new teacher?


  • mquickel
    mquickel Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! My name is Megan and I am a first year teacher teaching 1st grade! I work in a Title One School and our hours were extended this year until I completely understand your pain. School is overwhelming, esp bc it is our first year and we are trying to get everything settled.

    One thing that I had to begin a few months ago was MAKE myself start leaving school right at 5:00. NO MATTER how much work needs to be done, I leave and go to the gym at 5:30. This give me time to not think about school for at least an hour. I still take work home, but I also started arriving to school earlier. Basically, you need to realize that it will NEVER all be done.

    Another thing that I have started to "try" to be healthier was join MFP and I began packing my lunch and snacks everyday. This way you are less likely to cheat. I also carry a refillable water bottle around school and refll it throughout the day.

    Last, another teacher and myself started the biggest loser competition among teachers. This is a great and easy way to stay motivated, as well as to motivate others.

    I am in no way close to being as "healthy" as I would like to be! I am always open to learn new things! So hello everyone!!
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    Nice to meet you! Thank you for the suggestions. I tutor some days after school until 5 or 6 but do my best to get to the gym right after. When I tutor at a location different from the school I am most successful to making it to the gym which is why I try to tutor as many days as possible. Hope all is going well in your class :)
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! I'm Whitney. I am actually not an "official" teacher as of yet. I decided to change careers and finish my Master's just as they started laying everyone off. So I have been an elementary substitute teacher for the past four years for four different districts. Unfortunately, I am competing against people with years of experience for every job posting. Just recently, I applied for a 12 week long term position for a teacher in which I was her ONLY sub for the past 3 years. Everyone in the school said the job was in the bag. I knew better though, they posted the position externally. They hired a National Board Certified Teacher. So that is what I am competing with. There is probably no chance of getting a full time job for another 3 years I've been told. It's scary. Two districts are talking about closing an elementary school next year. That would just make my chances even worse. However, I still try to keep my attitude positive and hope high because this is something I have always dreamed of doing. I just didn't realize how hard it was going to be in order to do it.

    So on the exercise front, I get up by 5 a.m. and get my daughters ready. I leave the house by 6:30 a.m. and depending where I am subbing, I can be home around 6 p.m. the latest. I also tutor on Monday nights. It makes it hard to get dinner, bathes, homework done and then think about exercise. I started do the 30 day shred dvd at 9 p.m. at night when I do have time to myself. Otherwise, I try to fit in jogging at various days and times. It's a challenge to get exercise into my schedule and I can't imagine when I do get a job. I'll probably be doing jumping jacks in the classroom during recess.
  • Hi girls! My name is Meghan too!! I have been teaching for seven years now, but have moved around with my husband, who is in the military, for the last couple of years. We just moved to Wisconsin and the long term position I just took is a half hour drive (longest I've ever had). My gym is by my house, but by the time I get home from work, I am tired and still need to take care of dinner, the dogs, laundry, etc.

    I do everything that mquikel does as well! It really helps motivate me to go to the gym when I get home. I do walk around at work A LOT, which is another way to keep active and burn a couple extra calories at work! I've been part of groups at the schools I've worked at over the years that have gotten a yoga or zumba teacher to come right to the school after the kids leave!

    Can't wait to get more ideas from everyone!
  • @wdruker: Hey I am also competing for a teaching job in my area. The only difference is that I did work full time for 2 years, but I feel it was the wrong place, wrong people, and the wrong time. I resigned but am reapplying and hoping to have some luck! This all happened almost a year ago and I have been substitute teaching in elementary, middle, and high school. I believe that the loss of this part of my life had a direct impact on my eating habits. I became more stressed and quite depressed. Lately I have been noticing that some major positives have come out of the situation though. The people I worked with were not friendly, and were very cut-throat. Also, from the substituting I have found that I really enjoy teaching middle school and special education. I am hoping that through this group I can get some encouragement and hope that this year I will land another teaching job! I just love doing it!!
  • Hi All! My name is Cassie. I am currently teaching with a state program in Wisconsin. My class consists of 3,4 and 5 year olds. I do enjoy my job, but am looking to become part of the public school atmosphere. It is tough to find jobs in my career area at this time, but I keep on trying and hope something will pop up soon! I keep telling myself that what happens, is for a reason and everything will fall into place at some point. I am grateful to have a job that is so rewarding at the end of the day:smile:
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    @wdruker: Hey I am also competing for a teaching job in my area. The only difference is that I did work full time for 2 years, but I feel it was the wrong place, wrong people, and the wrong time. I resigned but am reapplying and hoping to have some luck! This all happened almost a year ago and I have been substitute teaching in elementary, middle, and high school. I believe that the loss of this part of my life had a direct impact on my eating habits. I became more stressed and quite depressed. Lately I have been noticing that some major positives have come out of the situation though. The people I worked with were not friendly, and were very cut-throat. Also, from the substituting I have found that I really enjoy teaching middle school and special education. I am hoping that through this group I can get some encouragement and hope that this year I will land another teaching job! I just love doing it!!

    Well, at least you have a full 2 years under your belt. Unfortunately, for me, I don't and it's going to hurt when they do open any jobs, especially competing against National Board Certificated Teachers. ugh. Good for you, leaving the bad work environment. I can't imagine working in a place where they don't have a common goal - helping the students. Wow, that is really sad. I've substituted in some places that are really "cold" though, so I hope that jobs that do come available are not in these schools. I think the weight gain is in part to the stress of not having a f/t job right now and I am hoping once I do get a job, I'll be so busy I won't be able to eat which might be a good thing. Good luck with your search!!
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Hi All! My name is Cassie. I am currently teaching with a state program in Wisconsin. My class consists of 3,4 and 5 year olds. I do enjoy my job, but am looking to become part of the public school atmosphere. It is tough to find jobs in my career area at this time, but I keep on trying and hope something will pop up soon! I keep telling myself that what happens, is for a reason and everything will fall into place at some point. I am grateful to have a job that is so rewarding at the end of the day:smile:

    Cassie, I do the same thing. Everything happens for a reason, (I believe) so there is a reason why we don't have a full time job. Maybe our dream job is not available yet, or we just have to be patient for the right opportunity to come along. Whatever it is, I hope it isn't too far off because I really would like to have my own class some day soon.
  • mrshaug
    mrshaug Posts: 1
    Hi! My name is Rachel and I'm a 1st grade teacher in MIssouri. This is my 8th year teaching 1st grade. I LOVE 1st grade! I am married and have 2 little ones. Ryan is almost 3 and Maggie is 8 months. They are the loves of my life! I've been up and down with weight my whole life but have really been struggling since having babies. The weight seemed to come off relatively easy after having Ryan with walking and nursing. I did the same thing after having Maggie but the weight is stuck! I weigh the same as when I left the hospital. My goal is to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday at the end of July. We shall see. It takes a little extra effort to track my diet and prepare meals but it's totally doable. What I'm having trouble with is finding time to exercise. I don't want to miss a minute with my kiddos once I am finally home from school so going to the gym after school is out for me. By the time I get home from school I immediately have to start dinner, we eat, play and then it's bath/bed time. After a long day of teaching and then spending time with my family, I've just wanted to rest! I need to find the motivation to either get up at 5 a.m. to work out or just bite the bullet and do it after the kids go to sleep. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon! Nice to meet you all!
  • memjlee
    memjlee Posts: 3
    Hi Cassie,

    I just moved to the Milwaukee area in December and am long-term subbing in Pewaukee right now. I love it out here, but it's a long drive for me. I used to love in Colorado and taught preschool special education there and loved it! Aren't the little ones just so fun to be with? Keep trying, you'll find something you love!
    Since the weather has been getting nicer, I've been trying to get outside to work out! My husband likes to run, but I can never catch up with him so I usually end up just doing my own thing.
  • jpruder
    jpruder Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jacquie and I am a second year teacher. This year I am teaching a combination 5th/6th grade class. Last year I taught 7th and 8th grade. I teacher special education, so every day is always interesting! I also coach J.V. cheerleading. I actually lost weight while student teaching because I was so busy, but I have slowly been gaining weight this school year. I started tracking calories two weeks ago and am so far down about 2-3lbs. I have also been working out anywhere from 2-4 times a weeks for a couple months. I am doing a 5k in May so I am working toward that goal. It is not my first 5k, but I am really hoping to jog the whole thing rather than walk parts this time!

    I am going to be starting grad school this summer (yay!), so I am trylng to get myself in a routine before that comes in to play! I also work part-time in the summer. Currently I am at my heaviest weight since high school (I lost about 20-30lbs my freshman year of college), so I would really like to get back to where I was.

    It is great to meet all of you and have people to communicate with who are on the same journey!
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I am a new teacher who recently moved down to the DC area to teach reading in an elementary school. It has been quite a transition and I wasn't living the most healthy lifestyle until recently. I lost a few lbs when I first moved but then gained them back..possible from learning how to live on my own and not have all my close friends and family around. However, I am back on track now and wanting to get in even better shape. I've been taking advantage of all the neat activities in this area, such as Bikram yoga and cycling. Teaching is such a busy (but rewarding) job and I'm so happy to be in touch with people who understand!
  • JenniAlfaro
    JenniAlfaro Posts: 5 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm Jenni! I'm a single mom with a GORGEOUS 2 year old and a 5th grade Science teacher in South Texas. I taught P.E. for 5 years and I've been teaching Science for 2 now :) I have also decided to continue my education and I'm pursuing a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction in Science Education. I am also our High School's Cheerleading coach :D So I have a full plate as well! I make it a point to get up and workout for AT LEAST 30 minutes every morning and nights after class IF I have the time or energy. I also have some coworkers in the group who attribute GREATLY to my success! We are taking BioSlim packets and OH THE DIFFERENCE it has made! I also have a large salad and lean cuisine for lunch everyday...I think this app helps a lot also. I have paid more attention to the food I intake now that I now I HAVE to log it lol best of luck to all of you ladies!! Have a GREAT year!
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    Best of luck ladies :) Feel free to add me!! Keep up the good work at work and on MFP <3
  • wawa2012
    wawa2012 Posts: 7
    Hi! My name is Laura, and I am from West Virginia. Im new to MFP, and new to teaching. I am to graduate this May, with a BA in Elem. Ed and Library Science. I am currently student teaching in a 2nd grade classroom, and a 7th grade learning skills class.
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! My name is Laura, and I am from West Virginia. Im new to MFP, and new to teaching. I am to graduate this May, with a BA in Elem. Ed and Library Science. I am currently student teaching in a 2nd grade classroom, and a 7th grade learning skills class.

    Hi Laura! Welcome from the West Coast! Good luck with finishing up your student teaching and finding that perfect teaching job. Hopefully, you won't have to wait as long as some of us. If you do, don't lose hope and keep on making your connections with the schools that you love. I am still subbing, but very frequently. I am usually working every day. I have also been asked by a principal to do a math club at one of the schools I sub at. So every connection helps.

    Good luck with school and welcome to MFP!! I wish you success in both!

  • wawa2012
    wawa2012 Posts: 7
    :smile: Thanks, I'm starting to get nervous because as you all know, it can take some time to find a job, I have met subs who have been working on finding a job for 5-10+ years. My advantage is I am willing to move almost anywhere.
  • Hi, everyone! My name is Michelle. I'm 29 years old and live in the Poconos, PA. I'm in my second year of teaching seventh grade English at a middle school. I absolutely love my job...I love the kids, I love my coworkers, I love planning, I love teaching (duh), and I don't even mind parents. The things I dislike are pay and grading papers. So, I work a part-time job on weekends to help pay the bills and try to spread my grading out into manageable chunks, but it's still stressful.

    My school day starts at 7:15, so working out in the morning is a no. I've been fortunate enough to work with an awesome health teacher who is a fitness instructor outside of school. She's been giving free "boot camp" classes twice a week after school (we collect money monthly as a gift to her). I also workout on my treadclimber two or three times a week. I started on December 26, 2011 and have lost 22 pounds so far.

    At 5 feet, 5 inches, I used to be a pretty consistent 135. I blame bad habits developed due to stress and time constraints in college, student teaching, and my first year for my weight gain. At my wedding last July, I was around 150 - 155. When I started this weight loss journey, I was at 170...the largest I've ever been! I'm hoping that now, since school, my wedding, and my first year is behind me, I can find better ways to cope with stress (rather than eating) and focus on a healthier me.

    For those of you still looking for a job, keep your heads up! I have many friends who graduated around the same time who can't get jobs due to schools closing, layoffs, ect. Governor Corbett is currently ruining PA education, but the pendulum is bound to swing back. I, too, believe everything happens for a reason.

    I'm so glad that we have a group and can support each other! :)
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, everyone! My name is Michelle. I'm 29 years old and live in the Poconos, PA. I'm in my second year of teaching seventh grade English at a middle school. I absolutely love my job...I love the kids, I love my coworkers, I love planning, I love teaching (duh), and I don't even mind parents. The things I dislike are pay and grading papers. So, I work a part-time job on weekends to help pay the bills and try to spread my grading out into manageable chunks, but it's still stressful.

    My school day starts at 7:15, so working out in the morning is a no. I've been fortunate enough to work with an awesome health teacher who is a fitness instructor outside of school. She's been giving free "boot camp" classes twice a week after school (we collect money monthly as a gift to her). I also workout on my treadclimber two or three times a week. I started on December 26, 2011 and have lost 22 pounds so far.

    At 5 feet, 5 inches, I used to be a pretty consistent 135. I blame bad habits developed due to stress and time constraints in college, student teaching, and my first year for my weight gain. At my wedding last July, I was around 150 - 155. When I started this weight loss journey, I was at 170...the largest I've ever been! I'm hoping that now, since school, my wedding, and my first year is behind me, I can find better ways to cope with stress (rather than eating) and focus on a healthier me.

    For those of you still looking for a job, keep your heads up! I have many friends who graduated around the same time who can't get jobs due to schools closing, layoffs, ect. Governor Corbett is currently ruining PA education, but the pendulum is bound to swing back. I, too, believe everything happens for a reason.

    I'm so glad that we have a group and can support each other! :)

    TWENTY-TWO pounds!!! That is awesome!!! That must be one tough boot camp. Congratulations!! Balancing life and exercise is definitely a tough challenge, but it appears just getting that boot camp a few times a week is doing wonders. Maybe preparing healthy snacks ahead of time in the fridge/pantry could help. Like portion out what one serving is into a baggie, so you aren't eating the whole bag of crackers. Or having carrots in ready-to-go bags so you can munch on them as you are working. Good luck!!
  • stlysi
    stlysi Posts: 1
    My name is Stacey and I am just finishing my first year of teaching children with severe Autism. Our main goal is to get kids to communicate so we have whatever is motivating to our students (a lot of junk food) in the classroom to get them to make requests. Being around all of the junk food and feeding the kids all of the time makes eating healthy really difficult. I find myself eating even more junk food when I feel stressed. I do love running but the amount of junk food I eat probably cancels that out. I am trying to lose about 5 more pounds before summer and need as much motivation I can get.