Tracking our Success: February



  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Down another 2 lbs! YAY! I was hoping for 3 to meet my goal, but it's healthy loss and still counts for good!
  • I have lost 3 pounds this week. I am down to 289.2lbs.:happy:
  • bettina8
    bettina8 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I am new here..I started Jan, 8th (286lbs) and lost 19lbs so far. I wanna get rid of 100 more :) my goal is to keep this trend!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Great work ladies! We are on our way!!! Is anyone noticing other changes in health or fitness? Are your clothes fitting looser yet? Are other people noticing your behavior changes or weight loss? These are great successes too.

    I love seeing the number on the scale drop, but I like feeding my delusion that I'm a healthy hot mama too. I caught myself in group power class thinking I was rockin' it... I looked in the mirror and found evidence otherwise, but I chose to pretend my reflection was just another classmate, gave her kudos for being there, and some intentional privacy. I AM hot stuff... in progress. Pretty soon the image in the mirror will reflect what I really am.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I just joined today and my goal is 10 lbs. in February. I started January 1 at 280 lbs. I lost 2.5 in January, and 17.75". So far in February I've lost another 5.5 and 2.25" more. It's great to join up with others who are trying to lose 100 lbs. this year.
  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    I just joined today and my goal is 10 lbs. in February. I started January 1 at 280 lbs. I lost 2.5 in January, and 17.75". So far in February I've lost another 5.5 and 2.25" more. It's great to join up with others who are trying to lose 100 lbs. this year.

    GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    February Goal: -15lbs

    Week 1: -3.4lbs
    Week 2: -3.8lbs
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Total Lost:
  • lcglog
    lcglog Posts: 24
    Nice job! Keep up whatever it is that you are doing because it's obviously working for you!:happy:
  • lcglog
    lcglog Posts: 24

    I am just coming back to myfitnesspal, I tried Weight Watchers and discovered that I could pay for a service that didn't have the same great motivating groups and allowed me to track more food from my Android! Let's face it the principals are the same, watch what you eat, get up and move and see the weight go away. However, I really got motivated to come back because my scale has been moving in the wrong direction since Christmas, so my goal for February is 3 lbs. I need to get back on track and my scale is depressing me.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    That's a really impressive weight loss. Whatever you're doing, it's working!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    February Goal: -15lbs

    Week 1: -3.4lbs
    Week 2: -3.8lbs
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Total Lost:

    Whatever you're doing, it's working for you! Great job!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Feb goal, 10 pounds... still on track!

    SW: 267
    CW: 262
    GW: 257

    And today I am wearing pants I bought on clearance last year one size too small. And I lost another notch on my belt. Today is a GREAT day!!!
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    I like the way I'm starting off February!

    SW: 279
    Last Weigh In: 270
    CW: 267.5
    GW: 190

    I'm down 2.5 pounds! It's great seeing results every week.

    SW: 279
    Last Weigh In: 267.5
    CW: 265.2
    GW: 190

    Down 2.3 lbs, that's 4.8 pounds for February!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Down 2.3 lbs, that's 4.8 pounds for February!

    Great job Audrey!! We are half way there!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I'm down 6 lbs. for February so far. I should be on track for 10 lbs. this month. I've lost 8.5" so far this month too. Yay!
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Week 1 [2/8]: 301 [lost 4 lbs]
    Week 2 [2/15]: 301 [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3 [2/22]:
    Week 4 [3/1]:

    Total Lost:

    **I am going to raise my goal of weight loss since I have lost almost 1/2 my original goal already. My new goal is 13 lbs for the month, which would take me down to 292.
  • I am starting out the month at 291.2lbs. I am going to lose 12 pounds this month. I am going to weigh 285 by Valentines Day. I will weigh 279.2 by the end of February.
  • I am starting out the month at 291.2lbs. I am going to lose 12 pounds this month. I am going to weigh 285 by Valentines Day. I will weigh 279.2 by the end of February.

    I Started out at 291.2
    week 1 289.2
    week 2 286.4 Missed my for Valentines Day by 1.4 pounds

    I have lost a total of 3.8 pounds for February. I am feeling very good about what I am doing!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Belgianal- congrats on your progress and impressive goals. You are doing great and still on track. 39lbs is amazing! Keep up the fantastic work!

    Jesusislove- You are soo close to breaking an impressive barrier. I know you can do it, and I'm betting it happens this week. Just 2 lbs will bring you to the 200 club!

    w2bab- Welcome to the group! You are doing amazing and I'm glad to have another fitness pall working toward something powerful and amazing.

    Sherrib and Audry- You are right on track and I'm proud of you!


    Did you know that 46% of new years resolutions have given up by now? We are still keeping up the good fight and have the right tools to make it through the year. I know we can do this and we've already proven that we're capable. We are still here an kicking our butts... and it feels great!

    This has been a tough week for me. Food and exercise wise, I'm ok, but I've been sick and I'm not seeing the scale move. I'm not ready to declare a plateau yet because everything in my body feels wonkie. I'll give it another week before I make changes and see if things level out and start doing what they are supposed to. I've found some good articles about plateaus and thought I would share. This is what I'm going to do next week if I don't see the results I'm working for:

    Hope this helps anyone else out there who is making Non-Scale Progress and wondering what's up.
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Week 1 [2/8]: 301 [lost 4 lbs]
    Week 2 [2/15]: 301 [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3 [2/22]:
    Week 4 [3/1]:

    Total Lost:

    **I am going to raise my goal of weight loss since I have lost almost 1/2 my original goal already. My new goal is 13 lbs for the month, which would take me down to 292.

    **Making change to starting weight
    Week 1 [2/8]: 308.8 [lost 4,2 lbs]
    Week 2 [2/15]: 308.8 [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3 [2/22]:
    Week 4 [3/1]:

    My goal is still 13 lbs which will take me down to 300.