August 2012 Babies



  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    HI ladies- I am in need of a new bra...mine is digging into me :(

    And suggestions???
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    Brandy- I just bought the BAli U-fit Double support bra. They have them at Jcpenny. They are pretty comfortable and lots of support without a wire. I have bought these for my other pregnancies because nothing else worked.
  • TheVioletM
    TheVioletM Posts: 7 Member
    Due August 6th 2012, so I'm 16 weeks along now. Not really noticing an increase of energy yet : ( and since I didn't have any morning sickness, that part of pregnancy hasn't changed either. So far 2nd trimester feels just like first.

    Looking forward to finding out sex of baby in March!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) Adding another Leo to the list. I'm due AUg 14th, 10 days after my birthday, 5 after my grandma and 2 before my brother!

    I had all day queasies, never really got sick except the 2 times I took my PNV on an empty-ish stomach. I had been extremely tired the first trimester so I didn't get much exercise in. Which was odd for me going from half marathon training to practically nothing. I'm easing back into exercise now that I'm not so tired. I'll be 15weeks tomorrow and we find out gender Mar 15th as long as baby plays nice!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    How is everybody doing? This group has been quiet lately but there is so much to read on the other discussions!

    I did have to break down and buy mat pants last week....not sure why I waited so long they are way more comfortable than my other pants. I don't have a noticeable belly yet, I just look thick. I'm starting to resemble a toilet paper roll. :tongue:

    Other than that, still swimming twice a week. I have two more basketball games left in this season and I sure noticed how much slower I was running last night!

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there ladies! :) I'm having a heck of a time finding maternity clothes. My old ones from my first pregnancy are too big but there is no way I can fit into some of my "normal" clothes. I loved old navy clothes last time but they dont carry mat clothes anywhere around me anymore:( Do any of you ladies have any luck with any other stores?
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there ladies! :) I'm having a heck of a time finding maternity clothes. My old ones from my first pregnancy are too big but there is no way I can fit into some of my "normal" clothes. I loved old navy clothes last time but they dont carry mat clothes anywhere around me anymore:( Do any of you ladies have any luck with any other stores?

    I had a horrible time with this too! Old has a ton of stuff- but the one by me the maternity section is the size of my closet! So far no luck for me either!
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    I went to have an ultrasound and see the midwife yesterday. We found it that we are having a boy!!! :-) My daughter has been saying that it's a boy from the beginning and wasn't phased by it when the ultrasound tech told us. lol It was nice to see the baby on the screen but he was being stubborn & wouldn't move so I need to go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound. She did say that everything she was able to see & measure looks good. It was really cool to see all of his toes and fingers on the screen. It's amazing how clear it looks. Well, I hope everyone else is doing well and feeling good.

  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    That's exciting! Congrats on the boy!

    I have to wait until the 20th to get in for my ultrasound and we're going to find out what it is if we can. My husband thinks it's a girl and I think it's a boy.

    I'm on a waiting list for a midwife here. I didn't realize that there are so few of them in Saskatchewan and I should've booked one the week I found out I was pregnant. We're going to see a few doulas and see if that's the path we want to take.

    I haven't really told anyone at work that I'm pregnant other than my boss but my coworker said a few people asked him if I was expecting so I must've stopped looking fatter and started looking pregnant this week :laugh:

    Have a good week!

    20 weeks
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) It's been over a month since I posted in here, whoops! First off, we found out at 18wks that Miss Miranda is doing great :D FIrst girl on hubbys' moms side since her! Last girl on my side is 10yr old now, so we were due! Hubby is over the moon! Also during that visit, they notice 2 cysts on her brain so we did a blood test for Tri 18 as well as my cervix being shorter than normal. It measured at a 2.2. SO I was asked to come back at week 20 to check everything again. The test results came back with no issues so she's doing great and has a 1:7000 chance of any isues. My cervix, however was getting shorter (1.9 this time) so I went in for a rescue cerclage last Tuesday and had a week of bed rest to insure it healed correctly. I went back for my check up today and everything is going to plan, I'm on limited activity (mostly walking and swimming and yoga fr exercise on 30min at a time) but no bed rest!! I'm now 22wks and 1day. We haven't started on the nursery yet, just dreaming of how we want to do it til hubby moves his crap out of there, lol. Hope all is well with everyone else!
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I am due August 2st with our 3rd baby. I have not focused on my weight for over a year now but I want to get some good habits going so i don't gain too much and so I can set myself up to lose after this baby is born. How is everyone doing?
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Hello and welcome candylea!

    I am going for an ultrasound at 3:30 today and can barely contain myself. Of course I had the requisition form for 8 weeks and two days ago I thought to myself, I better put this somewhere safe so it doesn't get lost during the renos. Well I lost it and was scrambling to find it in my chaotic house. No such luck but the doctor's office faxed it over to the clinic for me so I can stop panicking. I'm at 21 weeks today and haven't seen the baby since the first ultrasound at 8 weeks but it was only a small bean then so I'm so excited to see a baby! this will be the longest day ever.........7 more hours
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Ladies, Happy Friday! :-) Brunettewife - I'm glad to hear that everything went well for you after hearing all that news. Candylea - welcome! mpederson - good luck at your ultrasound today and let us know all of the good news. :-) I am really feeling this little one move around much more, it's such a great feeling. :-) I'm still having a tough time with energy so I have been slacking when it comes to working out. I am going to push myself to walk at least 30 min for 4-5 days next week. Have a great weekend ladies :-)
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Well the ultrasound was great but i didn't get to see much. The baby was curled in a tight ball, feet tucked under bum, hands tucked in by it's head and facing my back. She said she got what she needed to see and everything looked normal and measured about right but I really could only see the spine. She looked for a long time to find the gender and then said hesitantly "well if I had to guess I'd say 75% chance it's a boy but it was really hard to tell so just in case don't buy anything blue just yet" . She might as well of said she couldn't tell for all that helped really. They might send me back for another one but who knows. I was really hoping to see it's face and a little movement but for now "everything looks normal" will do!
  • candylea
    candylea Posts: 34 Member
    mpederson-I'm sorry baby didn't cooperate for you. We go for our ultrasound next friday and I have the same fear. My husband and I decided though that if they cannot find out the sex we will go pay for another ultrasound to find out. We have two girls and we NEED to know if we need to go get boys clothes. Also garage sales this summer won't be much help if i don't know what to buy for. Is that an option for you guys?

    EliseMarie24-I am feeling mine move so much. It is such a great feeling. I find myself looking at my belly a lot try to see the baby move. I love it.

    Hi everyone else. I hope you all are feeling good today.
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I just booked in for a 3d ultrasound! it looks cool anyways and maybe i'll get to see the baby's face :smile:

    I'm a little late in the game as far as baby making goes. All of my friends have had children already so I don't think there will be a shortage of clothes. They've already unloaded most of their unwanted mat clothes on me which has really made my small house seem smaller! I must start purging the house soon or we'll never fit in it!

    Potluck at work today. So excited.......might only eat dessert for lunch :laugh:
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello! Just joined the group and saw there's a board for August babies! I'm due Aug. 30th, expecting a little boy! Had my 24 week check up today, and I've gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks :-/ Is that "normal"? Makes a total of 25 lbs since pre-pregnancy so I'm gaining about 1 pound/week I guess. Lately I feel like I'm hungry, ALL... THE... TIME! Trying to fill the void with veggies and fruit but this baby needs meat, lol. How are the rest of you August ladies doing??
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Hi! We're expecting a boy as well. My original due date was August 31st, then the u/s tech said the 29th then when I went yesterday she said the 25th.

    Last time I weighed myself I was up 20 lbs but I havent' checked this week, probably closer to 25 by now. this is officially the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life. oh's for a good cause :love:

    I've also been ravenous up until about 3 pm and then I could care less if I ate after that. Mostly just wanting carbs, meats have been iffy, more of a turn off than anything.

    Other than that....A-OK!
  • EliseMarie24
    EliseMarie24 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello ladies! I hope you are all having a great Friday! :-) I had another ultrasound today and boy was he active! The ultrasound tech kept on laughing because baby boy kept on kicking her hand. lol It was a fun appointment. They got everything else they needed & it all looks good. Now on to the fun part, the glucose test. I am so glad to hear that you ladies are doing well! I hope you all enjoy mothers day this weekend!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    It's been a week and a half since hubby left for his job in Chicago :( Gonna be a long summer without him. I've been keeping busy though. THe first 5 days were spent cleaning, partially nesting, partially b/c it just needed to be done. And if I go on bed rest and no one is here with me, it will never get done. I've got the nursery cleaned out and ready for her crib, which my MIL is suppose to be bringing over and assembling soon. My shower is June 24th, and I got to see the invites, they are adorable!! owlinvite.jpg <-- Is the one my MIL/mom picked out and made. Anyway, I have my glucose test scheduled for May 25th, they will also check my cerclage then. Dreading the test results but praying for a good appointment. Have a great weekend all and Happy Early Mother's Day!