What are your favourite and least favourite exercises?

Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
What are your favourite and least favourite exercises from Level 1 so far?

Mine are (after day 1):

Fave: Tummy crunches
Least fave: the one near the end where you go from left to right while lifting the weights to eye level (it hurt lol)


  • bella2509
    bella2509 Posts: 36 Member
    My fave are either crunches or arm weight ones...

    I absolutely hate the press ups (can hardly do 1...I get a pain in my shoulder joint as soon as I start them) and the same as you, the last exercise where you go from side to side lifting the weights...pure sadistic!!!

    Haven't measured or weighed myself since I started but even after 4 days I can feel things tightening!

    Lets hope we can all keep it up for 30 Days!!

    Claire x
  • Stephie_J
    Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
    Oh yes I also struggle with the press ups, even from on my knees I struggle! Hopefully I'll have improved by Day 10! I have never been able to do press ups though!

    I'm actually looking forward to todays 30DS!! :) And to feeling a difference physically.... We CAN do this!! :D
  • Lona728
    Lona728 Posts: 105
    My fave are the crunches (cause I get to lay down!)
    My least favorite is jump rope.