Introduce yourself / Presentece al grupo

YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
Since the group is starting to grow, it would be a great idea to introduce ourselves to the other members. At the end, we'll be meeting in person soon and I'm sure you won't want people calling you "x30cuteLova" or whatever your user name is LOL

I'll add what I think it makes sense to share here, feel free to modify what you want to share in the group.
If any member from the group has trouble with English, don't worry, there will be those of us who also speak Spanish
Si algun miembro del grupo tiene problemas con el Ingles, no se preocupe que habemos quienes hablamos Español

Name: Yassel (most call me Yass)
Age: 33
CW: 179 lbs
Level of fitness: Medium High (I had to correct this lol)
Workout activities: P90X, Insanity, JM's Six Pack in 6 Weeks, Bicycle, Rollerblades
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Languages: English, Spanish and some Portuguese.

My current goal is to lose as much body fat as possible so then I can work on gaining muscle mass.
I try to avoid running due to IT Band syndrome, which I'm working on, other than that I'm can pretty much do any activity.


  • Name: Shelley
    Age: 24
    CW: 144
    Level of Fitness: Eh, medium? I do cardio 6 days a week and lifting 4 days. But my job is pretty sedentary
    Profession: By degree I'm a Social Worker. But I work as an Addictions Counselor on the Miccosukee reservation.
    Language: English

    I'm trying to not focus so much on the number that pops up on the sale. I am working on toning and shredding fat. So far, I'm doing ok. Haven't really seen the results I hoped for but then again, it has only been a month :) Looking forward to being able to go to the beach like every other Miamian this summer.
  • Name: Julie (most call me Julesz)
    Age: 37
    CW: 155 lbs
    Level of fitness: Moderate
    Workout activities: P90X, Turbo Fire, My Boot Camps, Bicycle, Running
    Profession: Certified Personal Trainer
    Languages: English, Spanish

    My current goal is to lose as much body fat as possible so then I can work on gaining muscle mass. <-- Same as Yass :)
    I've lost 15 lbs from my starting wght but it has slowed down due to not being as active lately. I have to get my butt up and running again. I also want to be able to do another 5K and then a 10K and someday the Tough Mudder with my son.
  • BigPapaGato
    BigPapaGato Posts: 96 Member
    Name: Carlos (most call me Gato)
    Age: 28
    CW: 247 lbs
    Level of fitness: Medium High?
    Workout activities: Weightlifting, Mountainbiking, Longboarding, Street SUP, anything that gets me moving and I used to Crossfit on my own
    Profession: Paramedic
    Languages: English, Spanish but my spanish is horrible lol

    My current goal is to shed the pounds, i've got a decent amount of muscle just need to drop the poundage so that it shows lol.
  • ladyluly
    ladyluly Posts: 7
    Name: Lourdes (some ppl call me Luly)
    Age: 24
    CW: 149 lbs (in the morning, in my PJs lol)
    Level of fitness: Medium (I think, lol_
    Workout activities: Zone training and spinning, some running... ok jogging but open to most things
    Profession: Getting my MS in clinical psychology so I guess a student who interns as a mental health therapist
    Languages: English, Spanish and some Catalan.

    I want to lean out, lose body fat and tone :)