Welcome Geocache Hunters!

Feel free to talk about anything Geocache related here. Tell us about the best ones you have found & let us know about Geocaches that you own. Please leave details such as your Geocache log # so other people can seek it!

I own 2 of them in the United States of America.

Arizona - http://coord.info/GC2JRBY
California - http://coord.info/GC1BDJ5



  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    How do you recommend getting started in geocaching. I was interested in it before every electronic device had a gps in it, but didn't have a gps until Feb. I still haven't started, but it seems like an interesting hobby.
  • I was so EXCITED when I did a search for Geocaching and found this group.

    I am still a newbie only 65 caches but we love it. I started doing it so that I had something fun for my neice and nephew to do and they love it. I have gotten a few of my coworkers doing it now just because I was so excited when I would come to work and thell them we found another one!

    My Geo name is AuntieCharleen
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    My family just started this new hobby on Wednesday! We have only found 9 caches, but are excited to find more!!! What a fun way to get off our butts and spend time together.
    You can log it as walking or hiking, depending on where you are searching. I even saw someone that had to canoe to one!!! FUN! I use geocaching.com to get my info. I am wondering if it is worth the money to get a Premier membership, or stay with the free membership for now. Maybe once the Spring comes we will upgrade.
    Thanks for starting this group!
    Geo Name: 3CheezHedz
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I went to geocaching.com and looked at the site and signed up for the free membership. Might upgrade later...just started Wednesday with my family and we love it!!! And it gets us out of the house!!!
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Congrats to all of you! Yes, gecaching.com is the best place to find info. I prefer the paid membership that way we can find more caches in any given area. Plus if you decide to make one of your own it really helps to know where nearby caches are. For when you are just starting out though a free membership is great!

    As far as GPS goes, I've found that even though most phones & such have a GPS in them, they are not usually accurate enough. Have actually compared my phone to my GPS & the phone app was WAY off. (has been years since I last did a comparison - phones are probably much better now!) For when you are just starting out though a phone app would probably do just fine.

    Good luck to all of you & keep Caching! :bigsmile:
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    Love it! I started out without a GPS or phone. Time To Make the Donuts series is a good one for people that just want to test out the idea without getting an app or buying anything. After TTMD I moved up to an app and now have a hiking GPS. Now if only I had a car... lol There are only so many caches within walking distance. I'm planning on putting out a few of my own, just waiting to find a good container and place to hide it.
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    If there are 500 caches around your metro area... there's no real reason to pay $30/year for premium. You don't get much for it in my opinion and I wouldn't even bother with it in most cities there aren't enough premium only caches to even make it worth while.

    Bottom line, you can have tons of fun for years and years without ever being premium. Only pay if you like to download caches along a path or route or have a lot of premium caches in your area. (Caches other people talk about but don't even show up on your map or whatever) I know there's other little bits and bobs added to premium only all the time, but it's pretty useless stuff for the most part.

    There's some links on the site that showcase the "great premium only stuff". Feel free to ask questions about what is worth it or what is not if you're wondering. I'd love to hold out until they actually made the premium only stuff actually, you know BETTER... but I cache with premium group members, so that's the ONLY reason I do it to be honest.

  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    If there are 500 caches around your metro area... there's no real reason to pay $30/year for premium. You don't get much for it in my opinion and I wouldn't even bother with it in most cities there aren't enough premium only caches to even make it worth while.

    Bottom line, you can have tons of fun for years and years without ever being premium. Only pay if you like to download caches along a path or route or have a lot of premium caches in your area. (Caches other people talk about but don't even show up on your map or whatever) I know there's other little bits and bobs added to premium only all the time, but it's pretty useless stuff for the most part.

    There's some links on the site that showcase the "great premium only stuff". Feel free to ask questions about what is worth it or what is not if you're wondering. I'd love to hold out until they actually made the premium only stuff actually, you know BETTER... but I cache with premium group members, so that's the ONLY reason I do it to be honest.


    Wow! I couldn't have said it better myself! :love: Yes, if you are in an area that has a TON of caches that you don't need the Premium for, then obviously don't get it! When we first started caching we didn't have a Premium membership & it was only after we had gotten ALL of the free ones that we signed up for Premium. We have since moved & so there a lot of new free ones for us to seek out. :happy:

    However, I must say, that I actually miss the Premium because there are usually (in my experience) better caches available.

    Happy Caching!
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Love it! I started out without a GPS or phone. Time To Make the Donuts series is a good one for people that just want to test out the idea without getting an app or buying anything. After TTMD I moved up to an app and now have a hiking GPS. Now if only I had a car... lol There are only so many caches within walking distance. I'm planning on putting out a few of my own, just waiting to find a good container and place to hide it.

    Awesome that you are doing it all on foot! :bigsmile:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Hello! My honey bought me a Garmin for Christmas because I'd mentioned wanting to get into Geocaching. I've been reading a lot of the geocaching websites around and decided to do a search of MFP to see if there was any info here and found this group. I'm still learning how to use my GPS so I haven't even gone on a hunt yet but I will soon. There are about 10 of them within two miles of my house and a bazillion more out the road I live on. (My neighborhood borders a national forest and the main road is full of hiking trails and camp grounds so there is no shortage of caches for me to start with!)
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Hello! My honey bought me a Garmin for Christmas because I'd mentioned wanting to get into Geocaching. I've been reading a lot of the geocaching websites around and decided to do a search of MFP to see if there was any info here and found this group. I'm still learning how to use my GPS so I haven't even gone on a hunt yet but I will soon. There are about 10 of them within two miles of my house and a bazillion more out the road I live on. (My neighborhood borders a national forest and the main road is full of hiking trails and camp grounds so there is no shortage of caches for me to start with!)

    Great to hear & I hope you have tons of fun!
  • JansterL
    JansterL Posts: 28 Member
    Greetings Geocachers!
    My husband and I found our first 3 geocaches back in 2002 under the username Janster - that was it. This past April, we were introduced back into the hobby and have been doing it ever since. We should reach 1000 before our 1 year anniversary in April. Our username is "Lieblweb"
    I don't have any favorite caches to list but the best thing about it - is the local group called LOST (Lancaster Organization Seeking Tupperware). The people we've met and the caches we've done are what keeps us going. It's GREAT fun and great exercise!!!
    My husband and I have 10 hides. We also have 12 other hides under a 'Battleship Command' - which is 106 cache Battleship Game in our area.

    I must Thank tiffproven - who got me on this site. Her family (Tom, Kent, Adrian) have been a blast to go geocaching with!!

    I'm still new to this site and I'm not even sure how easy it'll be to keep up with this site once work gets busier. But I'm certainly going to try.

    We hate the cold weather....and don't cache nearly as much....but winter gives us time to figure out tough puzzles.
    and Happy Caching!
    Jandy Liebl
  • The best way to learn how your GPS works is just to try it. Plug in a cache with a low rating (easier to find) and just go for it. the worst that will happen is you don't find it. I hope you have a blast hunting.
  • bettyboo1982uk
    bettyboo1982uk Posts: 19 Member
    Hiya everyone *waves*

    I've been caching since Sept 11 so still a newbie but loving it. I'm from Nottingham, UK and cache with my husband and our baby. We find it a great way to exercise without it feeling like exercise, if that makes sense! I got the premium membership and a Garmin GPS for Christmas so just looking forward to summer when the weather's a bit better to go out, although saying that we have recently done some snow caching, not the easiest thing in the world with a pram!

    Our username is the_dolans
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hi all!! I've been caching since 2003. My daughter and I have created some fun memories while out geocaching and converted quite a few muggles over the years. I love having the phone app, when I travel, I can search right from my car for any nearby caches.

    my cache name is sewerchick

    Don't currently have an active cache that I own, but I am in the process of putting one together. Trying to do something a little different with the cach container...we'll see how it goes!
  • Sequoia_2
    Sequoia_2 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm Sequoia_2 from Bossier City, LA. I have been caching since April 2005 and have 3,416 finds and 93 hides (some of which are archived). If anyone wants to add me on their friends list, please feel free. We have been busy getting ready for our trip to Geowoodstock X. Looking forward to it. I am also planning on being a few pounds lighter before I go there!
    Cache ya later
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Great to hear that you are all doing so well in your caching adventures! Haven't gone in a long time because my Mr. hurt his back & I don't want to go by myself!

    Keep caching!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    We just started. Only have 11 logged. My husband, 12 year old son and I do it together under the name BFexplorers. We are from Michigan and we travel quite a bit, so we are excited to log caches from all our destinations. :)
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    Beth, it looks like you aren't that far from where i live in flint, mi.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hello fellow Geocachers!

    My hubby and I have been geocaching on and off for about 5 years. We are starting to get back into it and hope to find a bunch this summer while do more hiking and being out and about.

    We haven't hidden any ourselves (too busy finding them to do that yet!), but my hubby released a travel bug several years ago so it's been fun to watch it travel.

    I love it when we are searching for a cache in town and someone will drive by and yell out, "Your close, keep looking!" :laugh: