Home from Vacation

Hi everyone, I am home from a weeks vacation visiting girl friends, my daughter and grandkids for a week, I weighed in this afternoon in full clothes and after eating breakfast. I was1.5 lbs less than last Wednesday when I left. I am hoping for an even lower number when I weigh in first thing tomorrow morning. I did not do too much exercise, but did try to watch what I ate and calculate my calories. Had a couple bad days when I went over, I hope they don't catch up with me later on down the road. Other good news, NO seat belt extension needed on the airplane. Yeah me.


  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    You are doing great! Vacation and weight loss. I have beeen away for a while with some issues that needed to be addressed with my mother. It doesn't take much stress to trigger old ating patterns. This time I did good and watched what I ate and at least maintained my weight. Before the issues cropped up I went down a size and still fit in the clothes not to mention I was able to buy more in the smaller size. Yipee!!!!