Have you run a marathon before?

rosiesparkle100 Posts: 85
edited October 4 in Social Groups
Please give us newbies all your top hints and tips!


  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    Rosie, I've never ran a marathon either...am petrified!
  • lightnda
    lightnda Posts: 17 Member
    Have run 4, and am training for my fifth. You will both absolutely love it as long as you do the right training, eat the right food to train properly (don't starve yourself) and don't try and go out too fast.

    My first time:
    1. I went out too fast. My fastest half-marathon that year was the first half of the London marathon. Whoops.
    2. I didn't do long enough long runs. My longest run was 14 miles.
    3. I overslept a little, and was rushing about in the morning (ended up having my porridge out of a tupperware bowl while on the tube)
    4. Fell apart around mile 16 and had to walk run the rest of the way
    5. Came in 21 minutes after my target time in agony with a positive split (first half quicker than second half) of 30 minutes.

    Second time:
    1. Went on a training camp. Spent 7 days focused on training (wouldn't necessarily suggest this for everyone as it is quite expensive)
    2. Did much more focused training in general, including longer long runs, interval training and hills.
    3. Took it nice and steady at the beginning, and finished as strong as when I started.
    4. Had a negative split of about 2 minutes
    5. Came in 2 minutes under my target time

    If you want any help or a sounding board to bounce ideas off then feel free to "friend" me and ask questions.

    Train hard, race easy, relax and SMILE!

  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you!

    It's all feeling so real now, so scared.
  • Hi! How's everyone's training going??

    This will be my 2nd marathon; I did it in 2009 with the goal of 'just making it round'! This time I'm hoping to do it in a much better time. Because you're timed by the chip on your shoe, it obviously doesnt take into account all the time you spend queueing for the toilets around the course! I reckon I wasted about 40mins in total. Most people just went behind cars etc!

    How many miles are you all up to at this point?

    I think I'm more scared this time!
  • lightnda
    lightnda Posts: 17 Member
    Training is going OK. May be a little bit behind where I'd optimally want to be, but the long runs are coming on. Did my first half marathon last weekend, and am hoping to do a 16 miler this weekend, which is a little bit behind schedule, but I am catching up.

    Have been doing lots of speed ensurance running, with a 2 * 10min and 8 * 800 metre threshold runs this week as well as a 30 min easy run and a spinning class. Might need a rest day today, but we shall see. And then back into the weekend of doing a gentle jog on Saturday of about 5 miles, then the long run on Sunday.

    How is everyone else going?

  • lightnda
    lightnda Posts: 17 Member
    Past couple of weeks have been pretty good run wise, with some good increases in distance if not speed.

    Last two long runs have been 17 miles and 18 miles, which both felt gruelling, but a great feeling to have got round. The one beforethat got aborted at about 5 miles as it was raining and I wasn't "feeling it". 20 mile training run at Gade Valley Harriers. I would recommend to all as there are not many runs like this that you can attend prior to the marathon.

    Some good speed endurance work, with my "Yasso 800s" (look them up, they are quite good sessions). I have done 7 and 8 reps in the last two sessions I have done.

    Several steady 30 minute runs at lunch times when I get the chance.

    Standard Saturday runs, which is a slow and steady 4 miler outside near my house.

    I've realised I'm not cross-training much, so I cycled in to work yesterday to see how that was. It is about 6 miles and takes about 30 minutes because of all the traffic. Good for a gentle cross-training day.

    Hoping to get out on the roads today rather than the treadmill and am looking to run round Westminster Bridge from London Bridge which should be lovely if the weather holds.

    Hope everyone else is keeping up with their training schedules.

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