finding time to work out... and keepin under cal goals

UGH! I am so addicted to food and it is a strange feeling for me to watch tv and not be eating while im watching... Im not even hungry either. It has helped me a lot to log everything I eat so I am really aware of what I am putting into my body... however I still end up being SUPER close to my cal goal OR a little bit over. It usually gets me at night... how can i nip this eating at night in the butt>??\

Also... I hate working out... I hate all forms but i love how I feel afterwards... I do love swimming... Maybe I should start swimming?!


  • CarlyBKelly
    I thought I would hate working out, but the more I do it, the better I feel about myself. I just focus on how awesome Im gonna look when its all said and I agree, I eat even when Im not hungry and thats mainly my problem. If Im just sitting and watching tv, I feel like I need some food in my hand. :/