Knee Pain! Help!

I'm less than 2 weeks out from my first half marathon. I did my last long run this past Saturday (15 days before the HM). I was doing a fairly flat 5 miles yesterday and my left knee, which has never had problems before, started hurting incredibly bad. In the hundreds of miles I've run the past 6 months, I've never had to stop to walk a single time but this was excrutiating. I stopped and tried to stretch it out. I was going up a slight hill and about 1.5 miles from my car.

The pain started just under my kneecap on the right side of my left knee. I didn't feel any pain in the area on the back of my knee. It soon spread and was throbbing from about 2 inches above my knee to 2 inches below it, and to the sides of my knee as well. I didn't step weird, hadn't worn new shoes, or done anything out of the ordinary. I ended up having to hobble back to my car, trying to run but eventually giving in to just walking because the pain got so bad and my knee got so tight it wouldn't bend. Now it feels ok (still a dull pain) if the knee is straight, but hurts very bad if the knee is bent. I'm limping when I walk so I don't have to bend my knee.

What could this be? How do I treat it? A brace? Ice? I have been blessed enough to have only had minor shin splints over the past year since I started serious running so this is completely new to me.


  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    ZOINKS!!! Every couple years, I get "Runner's Knee" and I'm off to my orthopedic specialist to be fussed at, then to rehab for a few months. This always comes when I try too hard on the hills - especially the downhills. So if you're not doing hills, not sure if that might be it.

    How does it feel going up/down stairs? My runner's knees always bug me on stairs.

    KT tape might help. Outside of that, all I can tell you is RICE it, and start your taper a little earlier than expected. Terrible advice, I know. Sorry.
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    Sometimes my left knee gets a little achy for a day or two. First - do you need new shoes? If yours are worn out it could cause pain in your knees or feet. Then as the other poster said I'd RICE it. 20 minutes on. And then see if it feels better when you run in one or two days. If you still have problems I'd go to a local running store and see what advice they have for you to get you to your finish line. I know my local store is very knowledgeable and if you need to tape, etc they could probably explain it to you. Good luck!
  • Jonathanfales
    Jonathanfales Posts: 38 Member
    A knee brace will help during the HM. I suggest this because you dont have time to successfully strengthen your quads. Knee pain is almost always 1 of 2 issues.... either IT Band.... stretches before a run will make this better/ foam roller after the run or.... you dont do enough strength training for the quads and all of your running has lead to an imbalance between the quads (weak) and the hamstrings (strong). This imbalance pulls the knee to one side and causes pain.

    After your HM you should take up cycling or some other non running excercise that will target the quads and in particular the small tear drop shaped quad just above the knee.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I do hills at least once a week & the hill I was on was really not anything to speak of. I'll RICE it. I had a bike ride scheduled today but I'm skipping that. The stairs hurt really bad this morning, so I took the elevator. It's gotten a little better as the day has progressed. Thanks for the advice!
  • Jonathanfales
    Jonathanfales Posts: 38 Member
    I will also add that once I dialed in my running form I no longer get knee pain. Are you a heel striker?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I am a heel striker, but my shoes aren't worn down at all & I've been fitted for them and everything. Any suggestions on a knee brace? I've been googling and it seems like it might be patellar tendonitis?

    I am a triathlete primarily so I've been dying to cycle & swim more after the HM is over anyways...I just HAVE to make it through the HM!