If your not a gym member what exercise do you do?

I'm a member of a gym, but am wondering whether to cancel my membership now the lighter mornings and evenings and warmer weather is coming.

We dont have a wii or xbox for the kinect so that is not an option.

I'm interested to see how others keep fit without the gym. Thanks. x


  • sunnysweetpea
    sunnysweetpea Posts: 20 Member
    I can't afford gym membership so running outdoors for me :) although I haven't so much through the winter because it's dark by the time I get home and there's no street lights on this long stretch of road I have to run down :S bring on the light evenings!

    Other than that I play team sports - I find being a member of a sports club is so much cheaper than gym membership and a lot more fun!
  • i do classes i look out for options when they are on groupon currently doing boxing for 8 weeks for £10 i also do zumba class hula hoop class and total tone class all different areas of work outs i try and swim once a week aswell
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    I definitely agree that with the better weather coming it seems like a waste to be inside at the gym when you could be out in the fresh air, getting your vitamin D.... surely much healthier!

    I run in winter and cycle a lot in summer when it is warmer. I try to run hilly routes or just do hill sprints sometimes - amazing for strength and fitness. If you want a quick cardio blast then I would recommend a skipping rope - cheap and so effective. I also have a set of dumbells and do a lot of different strength exercises with them. There are so many good youtube videos that you don't really need to buy an exercise video to get ideas! Compound movements where you combine different muscle groups (ie squat and press) are fantastic.

    On rainy days I sometimes just turn the stereo up and do 1 minute running up stairs then one minute of strength for however long I have got or however long I can keep going without collapsing in a sweaty heap! I guarantee that if you really go for it you will get just as good a workout as the gym. There are also lots of yoga/pilates youtube videos that I get ideas from for a really good stretch and cool down. I like POP workout videos.

    Good luck!!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member

    There are heaps of fitness options without being a gym member! I've decided I'm not a gym-y type person. My favourite exercise is walking outside, preferably somewhere pretty or interesting with a goal in sight i.e. walk around the lake, walk to the supermarket or whatever.

    I aim to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. As I'm new here in England, I'm generally walking for about 2-3 hours a day or more as we trek about getting familiar with the place.

    I also like classes at unpretentious community halls i.e. yoga, Zumba etc. I am more motivated to go to a class at a set time each week than to do an exercise DVD at home, but I occasionally do a yoga DVD when I need a stretch.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 195 Member
    I bought 2 York Kettlebells in Jan and they are pretty good. I do 3 of the exercises on the chart that came with them and then run up and down the stairs for a minute.

    I also have a Zumba DVD and that old Ministry of Sound DVD with the 'Call on me' dancers in it. You can get old exercise DVD dead cheap online and they are just as good as the 'in thing' ones if you just want to shake your *kitten*.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I run (occasionaly due to lack of time)
    cycle to work
    pole dance
    hula hoop and I have just taken up aerial silks
    and when I have re built the grip strength in my hand (broke it) i will start doing parkour classes again

    who says exercise is dull - not me!
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    I do kickboxing (although not since last year as I'm recovering and rehabilitating a knee injury), I do the Nike training apps on my iPhone (free), cycle, walking (fast or hills), running and generally being active xx
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    PS if you are just starting to run then my friend really loved the 'Couch to 5k' running programme - it is an app that coaches you while you run :)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I am a gym member but I rarely go (should really stop wasting my money!) because it's so inconvenient from where I live/my route to work. I do loads of walking and did do running when I lived in areas that were better for running (London really catches my breath with all the pollution!). I also do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd. I do some weights at home too - I have free weights but I also do loads of just body weight stuff. If you are used to going to classes like 'body pump' it is actually really easy to choreograph your own routine to your own music since the patterns are usually all the same - like I usually do a squat track then a push up track, then a lunge track, ab track etc.
  • Gracebel
    Gracebel Posts: 25 Member
    I've just discovered 'lazy' exercise!! I've got a step machine (mine was from Argos last year & only just dusted off!!) which I can set up anywhere.
    Every evening I do half an hour which works out at 330 calories burned. I've taken it to my sister's who also has one & we do together while having a chat!! It also helps at those times when you NEED a treat, I get it out & burn calories to the amount in the treat (usually 115 for a twirl!!) so I can have choc for about 10 mins of stepping!!
    Good luck.
    Lisa xx
  • geecee77
    geecee77 Posts: 149 Member
    I am doing Leslie Sansones walking DVDs at home - really enjoying them :)
  • Twinkletoestasha
    Twinkletoestasha Posts: 53 Member
    PS if you are just starting to run then my friend really loved the 'Couch to 5k' running programme - it is an app that coaches you while you run :)

    I was with a gym over christmas but as it's getting lighter I've been told to start running...My mum did the Cardiff marathon within 6months of training (never ran in her life) she completed the 13miles in 3.5hours and lost 2 stones through training!!

    So I am going to get the above app and start training to run myself with mum..its free and as others said out in the fresh air..will hate it at first I am sure but hopefully it'll grow on me.
  • Walking, Wii Zumba and exercise bike :)
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    running, cycling, exercise dvds. I also do bootcamp (more expensive than the gym, but well worth it). In my local park there are some outdoor exercise machines - elliptical etc, I have never used them, but they look cool when I run past and there are always people on them.

    With all of this, I still pay for a gym membership because I am on a really low rate and if I lost it I could never get it back (and I go once or twice a week for a class, and the SAUNA). I think though I'll need to give it up in the next year or so - after exercising outside so much I HATE going to the gym (unless it is for the sauna).
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member

    I do both - I go to the gym roughly 3 times a week and burn about 400 calories each time on various cardio equipment, but it's pretty boring, so I also do an hour of Ashtanga yoga a week to help tone up

    My best fat burner though (because it doesn't feel like exercise) is my 3.5 mile walk to work, and back again, so I'm clocking up 35 miles a week (2380 calories) by simply commuting.

    I'm a huge fan of walking. All you need is a decent pair of shoes (or not, in my case), and a well stocked portable music device and you can go for hours (ignoring time constraints!).
  • Walking for me!

    I'm a gym member but work often prevents me going and I have little time for any exercise of an evening. However, it is keeping me sane to get out for half an hour every lunch time and just walk round the local park! If I do get time in the evening then I walk round the village too!

    You can also join your local Ramblers for a few pounds and join in walks round the local area. Friendly bunch and you get to learn new places to go walking!
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    You can also join your local Ramblers for a few pounds and join in walks round the local area. Friendly bunch and you get to learn new places to go walking!

    I like the sound of that.
  • Jaqfrog
    Jaqfrog Posts: 11 Member
    I have a desk job, and I don't exercise as much as I should, this I know.
    I tend to walk home from work, which is about a mile. And unless my hip's giving me gip or I have bags of shopping, I'm a fairly swift walker.
    However, recently purchasing an annual bus-pass may have been cheaper for my going-to-work-travel, but I need to look out for it making me lazy!
    I love dancing of a weekend at nightclubs too, bouncing around to bands like Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, The Prodigy and Skrillex definitely gets me out of breath and my heart bumping! A bit unsure how to log that kind of activity on here tho', I went for 'dance, aerobic...' in the end.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I love dancing of a weekend at nightclubs too, bouncing around to bands like Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, The Prodigy and Skrillex definitely gets me out of breath and my heart bumping! A bit unsure how to log that kind of activity on here tho', I went for 'dance, aerobic...' in the end.

    You mean there's no mosh option? Rubbish!
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    Am often found out on the mountain bike, sometime on horseback and more recently out running or playing a bit of badminton. I was a member of a gym a few years back, was ok but I'd much rather be outside whatever the weather.