
what does everyone think about starting a weekly challenge like some of the other groups do if I start one how many of you would get involved


  • Tonyjb2012
    Tonyjb2012 Posts: 19 Member
    I will
  • marca_june
    marca_june Posts: 37 Member
    I will do my best! I think it would be good to have a challenge!
  • BeckySmith44
    count me in
  • LouisAA1978
    i was think something something like lowest carbs ,highest protein , lowest sugars, or calories burn what do yall think other than the calories i want to challenge myself something i do bad on and want to do better do yall want to do a mid week to mid week or wait and start on sunday or monday
  • gingerjaley
    I like the calories burned or how many miles we did that week.
  • LouisAA1978
    the only problem with calories burned is i know the mfp calorie burn rate is more than you do i put my calories burned from my gyms computer some on here use a heart rate monitor and some just put in the time the exercise and let mfp set the burned calories but i guess we can say that we all use mfp
  • LouisAA1978
    ok i thought about it for a few days and starting sunday i will post a challenge it will be and exercise challenge with a little twist to make it more fair because everyone cant work out 1 to 2 hours a day for 6 days so i think i have a way of it being more fair yet still push us to do more than our normal
  • AnandBRR
    AnandBRR Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in for any Exercise Challenges!! :)
  • marca_june
    marca_june Posts: 37 Member
    I am not able to exercise at this time! Sorry.......
  • LouisAA1978
    im sorry marca
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    can we post on a daily basis to inspire one another, support, "you can do it" - "one day at a time (sometimes even one hour at a time" - honestly, just a few words of encouragement help me - does it help anyone else?
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    I would love it. I think it would be great to do weekly weigh ins and maybe a tip of the week, like what helped you that week. Or post any success be it scale, inches lost or some exercise you did well or learned a new one, stuff like that.