Geeky Stuff on NETFLIX



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Not TV shows, but there are TONS of great movies (geeky and otherwise) on there as well.

    A couple of lesser-well-known ones I've seen on Netflix recently and really enjoyed were:
    - Wristcutters: a love story, which is about the afterlife for people who kill themselves, which is just like the real world, just slightly worse. It's hilarious and quirky.
    - Ink, which is about people who control our dreams (some who bring good dreams and others who bring nightmares) battling over the soul of a little girl. I'm not describing it very well, but it was very good. If anyone saw the movie version of the russian book Nightwatch and enjoyed it you'd like this movie.

    They're not straight up space ships and aliens geeky, but there's elements of sci-fi/fantasy in both of them.

    I have the entire "Nightwatch" series....I'll have to check out Ink. It's in my que, just haven't been too motivated to see it.
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    I'm staying in tonight so I think I may have to check out Lovecraft later. I remember seeing the trailer for it before.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    The Walking Dead and Firefly are the best shows ever!! Daryl Dixon and Jayne Cobb.. mmm
  • alexa_ann
    alexa_ann Posts: 26 Member

    If you haven't seen it, get it. Get it NOW!

    Written by Steven Moffat. The man who made Doctor Who a household name. Er, title?

    (is anyone else offended by how trendy The Doctor has become?)

    The second season comes out in May. Again, with the sadly short seasons. The fellow who plays Sherlock has signed on for the next JJ Abrams Star Trek.

    I love Sherlock as well. 3 episodes was nowhere near enough! And thanks for the reminder, I forgot the next set was coming out soon.

    SHERLOCK. I love Sherlock.
    Season 2 is already out and finished with in the UK, my friend has a VPN so we cheated and watched it on BBC's site. You guys are in for a great season :happy:
  • missoularocks
    missoularocks Posts: 372 Member
    one of my all-time favorite movies Harold and Maude
  • OneSchrutebuck
    MST3K and The League are my current favorites that I have been enjoying!
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    The IT Crowd

    seriously... if you have never seen it... look it up. I added it to our queue one day just because the description of the show sounded hilarious. I'm now addicted and have gotten most of the people in my office addicted to this show.

    It's an incredibly funny British comedy with horrible short seasons, but you can watch it OVER AND OVER and still just laugh your butt off.

    I am normally not a fan of British comedy, but I ADORE the IT Crowd! The D&D episode in Season 4 totally cracke me up!!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    This is so very far from all, but this is what I've actually been watching lately, while working:

    Stargate SG1
    Stargate Atlantis
    and Seaquest DSV, which I don't think anyone's mentioned yet!

    Also, because it WAS mentioned--Ink is one of my favorite movies! It's very surreal, has minimal speaking, and is purposefully disorienting. It's also absolutely gorgeous.

    I also find this geeky: Into the Woods...I stream it often if I'm cutting patterns so I can sing along. It makes the time go faster.

    Tin Man and Jekyll are two other series that I watch over and over when they're up, but I don't know if they're still listed on the instant queue...
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    lately it's been Workaholics, Firefly and Tucker and Dale vs Evil

    Workaholics is freakin' hilarious!

    and Portlandia if you've never seen it! so funny!
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    Robotech The Complete Series
    Robotech The Shadow Chronicles
    Between The Folds
  • EmilyHelene
    EmilyHelene Posts: 15 Member
    Doctor Who
    Bcc Robin Hood
    I'm obsessed with Sherlock, seriously WATCH IT! pure genius!
    Office Space
    warehouse 13
    Weird Science
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Better Off Ted
    The League
    Dinner for Five

    I loved Better off Ted! I'm so sad they never made more episodes. I tried watching Portlandia and really wanted to enjoy it but it was a bit too much for me and I found the characters to be aggravating rather than funny or interesting/endearing.

    How about Ugly Americans and Archer? :D
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Archer is awesome!

    My favorite episode ever has to be the one where they were taking the fugitive back to Canada lololol, the bit with the train ha ha
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    Archer is awesome!

    My favorite episode ever has to be the one where they were taking the fugitive back to Canada lololol, the bit with the train ha ha

    Totally agree! Archer is great. I think my favorite is where Archer and Lana are going to protect the natural gas pipeline from eco-terrorists. Or maybe the ski lodge one, or the computer virus attacking the mainframe, or when Mallory starts dating Burt's too hard to pick, they are all hilarious! :laugh:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Okay, that's it - I've had Archer in my queue for months now and you've convinced me to finally watch it!
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Has anyone mentioned Red Dwarf yet? Or Black Adder?
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Has anyone mentioned Red Dwarf yet? Or Black Adder?

    Those are both great!
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I don't know who suggested Spaced, but THANK YOU! Watched it in marathon form this weekend and loved it! A friend suggested Black Books and I am now watching that.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I don't know who suggested Spaced, but THANK YOU! Watched it in marathon form this weekend and loved it! A friend suggested Black Books and I am now watching that.

    Black Books is definitely worth watching! We're watching Archer and Better of Ted currently.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I'm still trying to get through Farscape and Buffy for the second time. I forgot how many episodes there were.