


  • ravenclawseekergirl
    Hello to our two new members :happy:
  • cmazdog
    Hi I'm CIndy. I have a 10yr old boy both autism. He will eat anything and everything, oops except fish. He is overweigt, due to many things including the meds he is on, RIsperodone. Any others finding the issues with medications. Our pediatrician is always monitring his weight. I reaaly enjoy reading the posts of people affected, it really helps me to understand what my son is going through, even though he is completely verbal. I have an amazing husband and father so getting to the gym is fairly easy except for the 'guilty mom syndrome. We live in ontario and are fortunate enough to have an amazing school support system.
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Cmazdog,

    I live in Alberta and am really thrilled with the school system here too. According to parents I have met through my Son's programs who have moved here from other countries Canada is really ahead of the curve in services. I'm glad you have such a supportive Husband it's made all the difference with me too. No guilty mom syndrome for working out! In the end it's the best thing you can do for yourself and your family, being healthy and around for many years to support them :)
  • Revshart
    Revshart Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone-
    I'm the mother of a 4 yr. old with CP and a 9 yr. old diagnosed with autism and ADHD. My hands are full....but it's a good full! I'm mainly trying to stay in shape and finding the time to do that with a full time job is difficult. I've always been a lover of exercise and staying in shape. With my two children I need to make sure I stay healthy in order to give them what they need. My 4 yr. old is doing great and the cerebral palsy only affects her right side. I caught it when she was 9 mos. old so she has been in thereapy at a very early age. A lot of people don't notice it at first but her left arm and leg ar a bit longer than the right side which cause her balance to be off a bit. My son was diagnosed at about age 3 but again, I could tell something wasn't quite right at about 15 mos. He has been in thereapy since the age of 2 and is higher functioning because of that. I am blessesd with a wonderful family and friends that understand our situation. I live in Illinois and althought it's not the best state to live in I am thankful for the teachers my son has had and the the school district we are in as they have given us everything we have asked for in his IEP's and have worked so well with him.

    I am usually up between 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. to get my running and workout in before everyone in the house gets up. I will be running my second Chicago Marathon this year for a great group and organization....Organization for Autism Research.
    Good Luck to all of you in achieving your goals!
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a 6 year old boy diagnosed with autism at 2 years and an 11 year old diagnosed with ADHD. I have always been overweight, but now that I am getting older (36) I am starting to see some health issues do to the weight. I need to be healthy for my children, so here I am!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hello Misty it's nice to see some new blood around here. Welcome to the group.
  • Miska8482
    Miska8482 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello.. I'm Melissa and my 2 year old son was diagnosed with Autism in January. We are just a few weeks away from starting IBI (Intensive Behavior Intervention) therapy.. My life is super busy, since I work full time and juggling therapy and appointments. I hope I'll be able to squeeze in some work out time in between.. :)
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hi miska
  • blessedmom1102
    blessedmom1102 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Heather I am 27 and I have a 9year old son with Autism. I am on Dialysis and trying to lose weight so I can get a transplant. The stress of raising a child with Autism has made it so much harder to lose weight. I'm trying to more focused this time, My husband seems to be supporting me more now. Feel free to add me, the more support the better!
    Have a blessed day!! :)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Hi! I'm Heather and I have a 4 year old daughter (Lilly) with autism (pdd-nos). She's fairly high functioning but has a lot of emotional issues (especially lately since I just had a baby!). She's my quirky little princess :)
  • sblacks
    sblacks Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I have an 8 year old son with PDD-NOS and ADHD and two other children also. He is my sweet little boy and he is a wonderful gift (although it sure can be a challenge). He is taking medication for the ADHD which makes him not hungry, and he is a very picky eater and I struggle to get a lot of food (especially anything healthy) into him. I have not taken the time to look after myself since my 4 year old was born and I want to be healthier and provide a better example to my kids.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    31 year old guy here with Asperger Syndrome. Was not diagnosed officially until the age of 30. Currently living in Pittsburgh, PA. Originally from South Florida.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Welcome to the flood of new people! Special hello to our first bloke Contingencyplan. Sorry i haven't been around on the boards much lately. I've not been very well.
  • SnarkyMam0610
    SnarkyMam0610 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello Everyone, my name is Kristine I am 24. My oldest son (6) was diagnosised with Aspergers in Sept 2011, he also was just diagnosised with PTSD and ODD as well. I also have a 2 yr old son that has some Autistic traits and we are watching him as well. We are just starting down this journey and it is nice to know that there are other families out there that are going through the same thing! I was told by a friend of mine a few weeks ago that with everything that has gone on this year that I cannot forget myself. That I do so much for others, that its time to do something for me, and that is why I join MFP!

    Feel free to add me!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hello mammaP0610 Sounds like you have had a very busy year. Welcome to the group!
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone. I have a 9 yr old daughter who is developmentally normal and a 13 year old who has 15q11.2 microdeletion which presents with symptoms that look like a mix of ADHD, Aspergers, Global Developmental Delays, Dysmorphic Features, Sensory Intregration Disorder and a Heart Condition.....and he has it all! I have been through the diagnosis and therapy routes for the past 11 years and am proud to say that my son is graduating grade 8 this year and heading off to an ASD high school....nice to meet everyone
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jenny, we are in WV and I have an 8 year old son diagnosed this past February with Asperger's. It's been quite a bumpy ride so far. We are still in the stage where we are figuring out all of his trigger's and identifying the sensory issues, though we have nailed down the most obvious ones that made kindergarten and 1st grade total nightmares for him. 2nd grade went much easier and I have high hopes for 3rd.

    Up until this May I was a single mom battling for him on my own. But, recently married and planning a move to CA in a month! Worried about the big changes I've wrought in his life, but I have to think that CA will have a better support system in place than WV. My biggest issue is that it's tough figuring out on your own how to help him best, how to get past the little things that happen every day, and then be able to communicate that information to caregivers and educators in a meaningful way that will avoid the meltdowns.

    Anyway, glad to have found a group on MFP since I do spend a lot of time here. Trying to take better care of myself so I can be the warrior mom he needs.
  • lisa1231
    lisa1231 Posts: 16
    Hi everyone.
    My name is Lisa and I have an 11yr old son with PDD-NOS. I'm so glad this group was created. My son is a picky eater and will only eat certain foods - mostly carbs and dairy. Well he and I are both overweight. I've gotten him to work out with me at home. We usually do my walking dvd's together. The longest he went was about 20 minutes. He has focus issues. Anyway I'm happy to be a part of the group and feel free to friend me. :happy:
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hello to our three new members! Sorry that i couldnt day hi earlier, havent been very well lately. Will be doing so em updates to the group in the next couple of days.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    I'm Toni. I have a 2 1/2 year old little boy (Jordison) that was diagnosed w/ ASD subtype deferred and Apraxia last August. Apparently he is on the milder side - but no one can tell me exactly where we stand because he's not three yet. Apparenlty three is the magic number around here. He has been restested and had a follow up - but apparently they can't tell me exactly where on the spectrum he is due to his age. Lately - I question the ASD thing - although I do see where my little guy is a sensory mess. I know they can coexist - but I want to feed his sensory needs and see what happens there. From what I can tell - he is sensory seeking - and I need to lose weight to keep up with him :)

    Jordison wasn't speaking more than two words or pointing/gesturing at his 18 mth visit although he did everything else substantially earlier. After almost a year of services (EI, Speech, OT, ABA) his gesturing has improved greatly, he has nearly 100 vocalizations for workds, over 70 signs, he gestures, he's interested in other kids, and he even has imagination - (he's signed "boat" then climed in the laundry basket once - and then he said "truck" and started pushing the basket across the floor making car sounds.)

    I gained a ton of weight when I was pregnant - and then over the past year as we started going through the diagnosis process - I ate everything in sight and gained even more weight. Now - I'm leanring to allow for some me time so I can get where I need to be to give Jordison the right tools for his life - and to be here for him as long as I can.

    Please feel free to add me - I'd love to inspire and to be inspired.