Welcome - Introduce Yourself

My name is Linda and I have recently started the Weight Watchers Point Plus System. I am looking to lose 61 lbs to get to a healthy weight, and would love to meet other people with the same goal, to exchange, encourage and motivate each other. My points (29).


  • KanBrit
    KanBrit Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Marcia. I started WW Oct 2011. Since then i have lost 18 pounds. I love the WW program but it helps to have a support group.
  • TanyaDelAngel
    TanyaDelAngel Posts: 50 Member
    My name is Tanya and I just started today, my goal is to lose from 40- 50 pounds.
  • cjmfef14
    cjmfef14 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Candice and I started WW Jan. 28. I've lost 9.4 lbs:happy:

    Start: 234.4
    Current: 225.0
    Goal: 130

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mbeez99
    mbeez99 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Molly and I started WW on Oct 1, 2011. I have lost 30 lbs since then and I have about 50 more to go...cant wait for the support of the group!
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    Hello my name is Kiy and I joined WW + (online) on Jan. 22, 2012 and have lost 9lbs to date... Good luck to everyone!!!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Hello my name is Shelly. Just joined WW again this morning. I lost 20lbs on the program and thought I could handle it on my own and well, lets just say Im back. I had great success with WW. My goal is to lose another 20 pounds. I currently weigh 158.
    Feel free to friend request me.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    HI! I joined WW in early January and discovered MFP a few weeks later. I have to say I LOVE the support here on MFP. I've also found some great support on WW (online). They have me at 34 points.
    My start weight - i am going back to October 2011 (my highest) when i was 240. When i joined i was 231. I am now 220! I am also tall - 5'8". Looking to get down to around 160 to be in healthy BMI range. I havent weighed that 'low' in i don't know HOW long (20+ years i am sure).
    I have the same user name on WW if you'd like to add me.

  • ruthturb
    ruthturb Posts: 1 Member
    hello started WW in November, down 19 lbs 45 to go, wanted something else to help keep me on track i will see if doing both helps!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hello! I'm not a newbie to WW, but I hope it's okay to join your group. I have been with WW for almost 8 years now and have lost 115 pounds and kept that off for nearly 2 years. I a meeting member, use e-Tools, but love the accuracy of MFP now that I am goal. I've found it easier to maintain (or stay close) by counting calories.

    I love WW and all it's taught me over the years! And I especially love WW members because they are so caring, understanding, motivating and inspiring. :smile:
  • malloryjanay
    malloryjanay Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm not new to WW, but I hope you'll accept me to this group.

    My name is Mallory. I'm a 25 year old Registered Psychiatric Nurse from Saskatchewan, Canada. I started WW in July 2010 at 166.0lbs. I'm 5'4". By my wedding in September, 2011, I weighed 138.0lbs.

    Somewhere between working too many hours, a new husband, and a house renovation, I fell of the WW wagon. I was up to 145lbs when I decided to go back to WW on February 14th, 2012.

    In the small community I live in, WI/Meetings are only held once per week. Due to the fact that I'm a nurse and work 12-hour shifts, I cannot always make it to a meeting. I will be weighing in tonight for the first time in two weeks. Wish me luck!

    I guess I should say why I'm on MFP. I'm here because I've tried WW Online and frankly, the food database is horrible! I like being able to search anything and everything on MFP. That way, I can just calculate it on my WW app and keep track of both points/calories.

    All the best!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    My name is Mollie, I went to WW tonight and I was so inspired by the leader and she was awesome and I feel very good about it too. This time I am joining with the mentality that I am not giving up this time. and this leader seems like she will be with me all he way thru ups and downs. So I am getting ready to read the material and I am going to use etools so I will not be logging my food on MFP.

    I feel it is a win win for me. I have online support with MFP and face to face support with WW. I can't lose, right! or can I.:laugh:

    I am also going attend 2 or more WW meetings a week. This is similar to the Intensive eating disorder program that met 3 to 4 days a week. I paid all that money for the eating disorder program and did not lose a pound. I did learn a lot and it was worth it but now I am ready to shed these pounds once and for all. I have to learn how to do it with out binging and WW has you eating plenty of food so you are not depriving yourself which does cause binges.

    I look forward to getting to know you all better ove the next year or so.

    One day at a time!
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    HI, I'm Adriana, and I just joined weight watchers after my doctor told me to! I'm only about 15-20 lb overweight, but have really been struggling to get it off, in spite of carefully watching my food intake and exercise output through My Fitness Pal for over a year! I'd love to connect with anyone else who's doing this and help motivate each other and share tips & stuff...

    Right now I'm 149 lb, and my goal is 130 lb.
  • Swissy98
    Swissy98 Posts: 25
    Hi All,

    I'm happy to have found a WW group on MFP! My co-worker and I joined MFP a while ago. She is online all the time logging her food (via calorie counting), but since I'm doing WW Points Plus - I felt this site wasn't for me and I haven't utilized it much at all. Thought I'd give it another try using it for the support rather than a food journal (I'm logging with a food tracker at home) and an exercise journal.

    I love WW and think it's one of the most sane weight loss options around! In 1999 I lost 65 lbs and kept it off for a while, but it creeped back on - Ugh! I've joined off and on since then with no significant loss. I'm back at it - with my first weigh-in last Friday. I started at 263 and my first goal is 13lbs (5%) by 4/20.

    I want to start doing things that I love to do, but my weight holds me back - either physically or mentally. I'm just putting one foot in front of the other... over and over until I get there.
  • Hello beautiful people!

    I'm Monica and am joining weight watchers today. I need to drop AT LEAST 30 lbs. My goal is to be as healthy as possible when we decide to start our own family (just celebrated our 1 yr wedding anniversary)!

    Looking forward to all the support of this group and to offer the same to you!
  • Let's support one another and get on track together! I would love the support as well. I have been working out and dieting for the last two weeks. I currently have lost four pounds. My goal is to lose about twenty or thirty pounds. I just really want to get in shape :) I would love to chat and meet new people. I also am doing WW and would enjoy exchanging WW recipes. Let me know if anyone is interested in supporting one another. Happy eating everyone :)
  • jm614212
    jm614212 Posts: 5
    My Name is Jess, and I have lost 16 Lbs thanks to Weight Watchers Since January 2nd
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    I have joined WW today. Tomorrow will be my first meeting. I am a bit nervous and don't know what to expect. I am hoping to lose about 45lbs.

    It would be great to have a group going to share recipes and support each other :smile:

  • betterchoices4me
    betterchoices4me Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Nancy and love the WW program.

    I have lost 12 pounds on the program but I am having a hard time loosing any more. I have 16 more pounds to go; so I am almost to the half way mark. In my last meeting my leader said that the rules of WW are just guidelines and we need to tweak them for individual success. Well here I am - I am tweaking my plan with MFP and hope to get over the half way mark and down to goal.

    Looking forward to all the support, reaching goal and then the finish line - LIFETIME MEMBER and maintenance.
  • hheater
    hheater Posts: 52 Member
    Hello!!! I'm Hailey...I joined Weight Watchers online a few weeks ago, and MFP a few weeks before that. I've always been active and loved to eat fresh foods...but I haven't always been consistent. 2011 was a very hard year for me, and I've put on some weight, adding to my already overweight frame. I'm dedicated to getting back down to a healthy BMI this year! I lost 7 pounds in the month of March...and I'm planning on keeping it up! :)

    Starting weight (and highest ever known weight): 200

    Current weight: 193

    Ultimate goal: 145-150 (we'll see what feels good)

    I'm 5'4", by the way. :)
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    My name is Stacey
    I used to do Slimming World and Rosemary Conley diet but now want to do Weight Watchers.
    I started about a month ago and have lost 5lbs, finding it a little bit hard because i am already at a healthy weight but want to keep in good shape and health as my hubby and i would like to try for a baby.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as its nice to have buddies who are doing the same diet plan xxx