New members- say hello!



  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Megan from PA. I'm 24 and a Customer Development Manager at an International Brokerage firm. I'd love to say I work 40 hours a week, but as most of you working ladies know, that is not possible!! I'm one of those people who work off and on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is a bad habit to get in to!

    I'm getting married August 25th and have a 3 year old step son who is the absolute love of my life. I couldn't picture my day without him in it! I have 2 dogs, and English Mastiff and a Chocolate lab who like to keep my busy with walks in the spring and summer.

    I am a fill in instructor for kick boxing and cardio bootcamp and when I'm not filling in teaching, I spin, run, belly dance, rock climb, and teach yoga.

    I'm currently 125 lbs and my goal is 118.

    My fiance got me hooked on this, he's trying to drop 40lbs before our wedding and figured I wouldn't let him diet alone! I decided to give it a try with him and some of our closest friends :)
  • Maksimow01
    Maksimow01 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone---I am Danielle and I am 32. I live in Calgary Alberta with my husband of 2.5 years, am a corporate lawyer and work 50+ hour weeks (and sometimes much more!!). Over the last six years have gained 35 pounds due to a sedentary desk-job lifestyle and have decided that it is time to change! I am looking to lose 25 more pounds and improve my fitness level and would like to lose at least 15 before a trip to Vegas at the end of March. I have been on MFP for almost three weeks so far and love it--this is a great idea for a group!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Bom dia!

    My name is Casey, and I'm 25. I live with my husband in an apartment next door to one of my (two) nanny families in Bellingham, WA. I work for four doctors (two married couples) and care for a total of 6 kids, between the two houses - all under the age of 5.
    My husband is still in school full time to get his teaching certificate, so I work over 45 hours/week (MTRF and some Ws) and am "on call" a lot of weekends so that he can focus on school. When he graduates and gets a real job, I'd like to start using my Spanish degree (& Portuguese) to be an interpreter in hospitals or doctors' offices, so all my M.D. connections will come in handy later. :)

    When I joined MFP I weighed 152 lbs, and it was not flattering at all on my 5'5 frame... I'm now down to 133.5 and have a tentative goal of 125, although the ultimate goal is to be toned, so the number isn't the be-all end-all. Let's be honest: I want to be the hot wife in the bikini. :)
  • Hola!

    My name is Nitara and I am a 30 year old, married, work at home mama of a very precocious little crumb snatcher. ;) Just moved to a rinky dink country bumpkin town in New Mexico. I have my own business doing social media marketing for small businesses (yep, people actually pay me to do their Facebook posts. Brilliant!) and work varying hours from 25 and up. Unfortunately I keep floating off and onto myfitnesspal, and I really want to stay motivated this time and shake off this darned baby weight! Actually, I can't blame it on my baby. She's 16 months old now and I was fat before I had her. My short term goal is to lose 15lbs, long term goal is 30. I'm open to new friends and I'm very positive so any are welcome to friend me! I like to motivate others, even when I can't motivate myself.

    Good luck to you all and I hope we all meet our goals and come out looking fabulous and healthy! Just remember every once in a's okay to eat the damned red velvet cupcake! =D
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 26 and an engineer training in Korea. I sit on my butt between 8 and 12 hours a day 5 days a week. I don't have a gym to go to and it has gotten pretty cold so the hour + walks that helped me jump start my post grad school weight lost have become almost nonexistent. I was doing good with the exercise and calorie counting until about November and it has been down hill from there and I am starting to gain the weight back! Grrrrr! So I need to refocus and I hope this group can help me do that! I want to come home in April a size 8! which I am guessing is about 10 lbs away... (size 10 now)

  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Nice to meet ya'll!

    I'm Amy, live in Northern Canada and am 27! I have a job that I love with a communications company, but generally work lots of hours (50-65 hours/week), so it's sometimes hard to fit in a workout. My favourite right now would be spin class and a kickboxing boot camp that I do twice a week.
    I am single, and have 2 dogs and a couple of roommates.
    Until I was 23, I never had an issue with my weight, I've never been a tiny person, but I never looked huge. About 4 years ago I had some health problems that required me to take steroids that seemed to fatten me up. Between steroids and not being able to work out much, I ballooned from about 150lbs to 240. Since October I have lost 24 lbs, and am looking to lose another 60.

    Good luck to all the ladies, and I look forward to chatting with you all!
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Hi all

    I'm 26 and live in the UK. I work in eCommerce and on-line marketing, so sat down all day. I work the hours needed to get the projects finished. I sometimes have a great routine and work 9-5 and can leave on time for my martial arts classes but not always. The job has to come first sometimes.

    My start weight was about 183 before I signed up to the forum but then I logged in a little under. I'm now 177 so trying to get down, just down basically I will let you know the goal when I get there. About 135 would be nice but to look toned at 135.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Hey guys! My name is Catrina and I'm 26. I'm a Medical Technologist and work in a hospital lab in Dayton, Ohio. I work 3rd shift, which makes it really difficult to have a "normal" schedule. I usually work 40+ hours a week. It seems like we're always short staffed so there's always opportunity for OT and you can't really say no to that. I have 1 cat (Salem) and when my boyfriend moves in here in a few weeks he'll be bringing his kitty (Mila). I'm a vegetarian, so I don't really have a problem getting my fruits and veggies... its more of a problems staying away from carbs.

    When I was finishing college I was with this really lazy guy and I got up to around 170 pounds (at my 5'7"). We broke up and I graduated and moved to Dayton to get my certificate and started focusing on me. I got down to about 140 pounds. I started new medication and ended up down around 122 lbs. My body got used to the medication and I got lazy (and exhausted working 3rds) and I've been putting some weight back on. I'm not really overweight, I'm just trying to get back into a healthy way of eating and working out. I'd like to fit back into my size 4s without having a muffin top. Ideally I'd like to be 125-130 but really I just want to feel better about myself and look a bit more "toned".
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hello ladies!

    My name is Leata, I'm 29 years old (i still consider myself a young woman lol). I work in Human Resources as a workplace injury administrator. I also play competitive roller derby. I have a dog and two cats, and ofc a loving and supportive boyfriend.

    I've got another 10 lbs to go and it's wearing me down - with roller derby 2X week, curling 1X week, for the balance of my workout days, I usually stick to cardio, with some weight work to build my thigh strength (i do take a rest day).

    ETA: I'm from Northern Ontario, Canada :)

    I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you all :)


  • mebohan
    mebohan Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 27 (almost 28 yikes!). Have a busy year coming up, 10 year high school reunion in June, Canada Vacation in July, Brother's wedding in September, Boyfriend's brother's wedding in November! Completed my first half-marathon last March and have signed up for another one for my birthday this April!

    Work a desk job, exercise in the mornings. I've been trying to save money so no gym membership, and checking out DVDs from the library! I have enjoyed the Biggest Loser video, the Jillian Michels Kettleball workout, and this week I have the Shred in 30 workout. Since I can't have the dvds for longer than 1 week, i usually try to do 2 "levels" each morning or if I have 2 dvds then I will do level one of each.

    I have been on myfitnesspal for 2 weeks. The scale hasn't really changed, but my clothes feel looser (not ready for the next size down though) and my friends have made comments.
  • NoleenD
    NoleenD Posts: 38
    Hi All, my name is Noleen and I am 29.....soon to be 30! I live in Norwich (UK), I am married with 2 sons and a full time job working in an ICT Project Office. I work about 38hrs a week, my hubby works evening shifts so I at home with my boys. Joined MFP a while back but only really started using it in earnest since the start of January. I am noticing some real differences but still have about another 7-10lbs to go to get to my pre-kids weight. The thing I find hardest is having the motivation to exercise after working all day and then coming home, getting dinner ready and getting the boys to bed. My hubby is great and does most of the housework during the day, but once it gets to about 8pm I am ready to sit down and relax! Looking forward to continuing the lifestyle change with you all.
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name's Sam and I'm 29. I'm a computer programmer in Staffordshire, UK. I only started using MFP about a week and a half ago so not noticed anything much changed as of yet. In the recent past, I've done little to no exercise as I've just not felt like it after a full days work, which has no doubt contributed to the "food baby" I am currently sporting...

    The main reason that got me on my current health kick was finding a brand new, bright red stretch mark on my tummy :frown: I've gotten too fat, too fast, and I've had at least 2 people ask if I was pregnant :grumble:

    However, that little stretch mark has given me the motivation I needed to kick myself up the *kitten* and get it in gear. I'm determined to get myself back down to a UK size 12, though in all fairness, I'll be glad when I can get back into a size 14! I'm currently hanging around the top end of 16, with the occasional 18, and at only 5'4", I feel like I'm becoming ball-shaped. It's only 2 dress sizes so I'm hoping it shouldn't take all that long either (here's wishing anyway :laugh: )

    Looking forward to chatting with you all and hoping you all help me keep on the straight and narrow! xx
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    Hi I'm Pickles. I am 25, married, and a high school teacher. I suppose you could say the hours aren't crazy busy but I spend a lot of time outside the classroom planning and assessing. I am also working on a diploma. I'm about halfway to my goal, only 10 lbs to go! I try to keep motivated despite my students being so energy draining!
  • Hi I'm Jessica, I'm 28 years old. I'm a nurse working nights, 40+ hours a week and going to school full time. I was on here a while back and doing very well. I need to get back to it and looking for support along the way!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm 21 years old, just graduated from Tufts with a bachelor's of science in Biotechnology and Engineering. I'm working full time as a web developer right now, currently waiting to hear back from PhD programs in Bioinformatics. I got a few interviews so one can only hope! The plan is to start that in the fall.

    I try to exercise every day either after work or on my lunch break. I've really enjoyed Turbo Fire. I'm currently at 134.4, my goal weight is ~128-130. Almost there!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi! I'm Kaitlin - I'm a Consultant in Health Care and getting married this July! My current living situation involves 3 hours of commuting each day which really starts to add up! I've been on MyFitnessPal for a while but now seeing the whole "community" side of it which is so inspiring.

    I ran the Chicago Marathon last October and now I'm trying to figure out something to train for this Spring. I love working out and make that a priority, but I struggle with snacking! Good luck to all of you on here, feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hello ladies!

    My name is Jazzie and I am from the wonderful state of Texas! i currently work for a financial institution and working on my marketing degree as well. I work 40 plus hours a week and I am on the charity board as well. I also am a proud part of NA and spend a few evenings a week at meetings. So i stay busy but try and get a decent work out everyday.

    Lets do it!!!

    My goal is 25 more lbs
  • Elkcan
    Elkcan Posts: 19
    Hello! I'm Sara :)

    21 year old college student (Biology major) and part-time volunteer at several local charities. Right now I'm at 135lbs with a goal of 130lbs, but my biggest goal is to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle. I live in the Pacific Northwest (USA) and mostly workout at home or in the small gym at my apartment complex. My favorite workouts are yoga/pilates, HIIT cardio, and bodyweight strength training. Currently, I am working on the 100push-ups, 100sit-ups and 200squats programs in addition to regular cardio and pilates.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    Good afternoon!

    My name is Brittany, and I graduated in May 2010 from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus with a B.S. degree in Mortuary Science. I'm a licensed funeral director in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. I live in SE Minnesota with my extremely healthy fiance and obnoxious cat, Harley. Most weeks, I work between 40 - 60 hours. Being on-call evenings and weekends, my biggest struggle has been making the gym a priority even if I'm sleep deprived.

    I enjoy the group fitness classes at the YMCA. So far, I've tried spin, body pump, and turbo kick. Starting MyFitnessPal, I weighed 164.4lbs (my highest-ever weight). Being 5'8", my ultimate goal weight is 140lbs. I don't starve myself or try fad diets. I'm aiming for a lifestyle change - not just simple weight loss.

  • lnettles87
    lnettles87 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello I'm Lauren :)

    I'm 24 and work as a buyer in St. Louis, MO. I also volunteer and have my own side business out of my home so time is a precious commodity right now.

    I completed the half marathon last April in downtown St. Louis and have since been lacking on the exercise. I enjoy cardio over weight lifting. I recently tried P90X and it wasn't my thing and now I'm working on Turbo Fire which is going really well! Hopefully being part of the MFP community will help me stick with my routine as I'm working to lose about 15 pounds that I gained over the course of college and the years since.

    Overall I'm looking for a lifestyle change and hopefully we can all achieve that together. :)