Challenge of LENT

Chesspupil Posts: 20 Member
In attempting to deepen my own spirituality I have decided starting with Ash Wednesday last week to abstain from a few things, with the myfitnesspal goal of staying under my calorie goal each and every day and that if I go over that I must have the specifc exercise to cover it.

Praying to God that He reveals something about myself (and Himself) while breaking through the 'hold steady boundary' that I have serioulsy been trying to break through these last six months.

Already thinking about what my Easter dinner will be like!


  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    You can do it! Just think how good you'll feel on Easter :)
  • Chesspupil
    Chesspupil Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you.... I walked almost ten miles yesterday, 7 today... too bad it was in Savannah where there were lots of stuff to eat... I still stayed under the calorie goal (after adding exercise) by my estimation... but it would have been a great time to bust-the-bubble had I not eaten the extra food....

    Still moving forward.... Had to tell a friend I could have that drink with him.... at least he was real cool / supportive about it.