
Thanks for joining us! Hopefully with the support found here, we can all find our fitness and nutritional journey a little smoother! Please introduce yourself, and tell us a little about YOU!


    SMT4ALB Posts: 4
    My name is Susan, and I'm a mother to a wonderful 10 y/o little boy! I've been at the same weight for the last 12 years, and I'm finally motivated to get off my butt and do something about it! I've struggled most of my life with my self-esteem, and I got it through my thick head that I am the only one that can change my perception of myself. So here I am!! I joined Club Fitness in Wood River, and made my resolutions to eat healthier. I know it's going to be a tough, uphill battle....but I CAN DO IT!! :D
  • 2Big4MyBritches
    2Big4MyBritches Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Jodi. I am the stay-at-home mom to two amazing little boys, ages 4 and 6. Between my husband and I we have 7 children, but the other 5 are now adults, and out on their own. My husband is a coal miner, and was hurt underground in September of 2010. He has been off work ever since, and with him being home all the time, I got lazy, and put on about 25 pounds. That, added to the extra weight I was already carrying around is the reason I am here. I need to get rid of the excess pounds and get back in shape so I am able to play football with my kids in the yard again and not get winded before the end of the first play. I want to be an active mom and do things with my boys, the way I did when my daughter was younger. I'm always willing to cheer on my friends and hope for the same in return. Let's do this!!!
    SMT4ALB Posts: 4
    Welcome, Jodi! It's great to have you! Strength in numbers, right! :D We CAN do this!!