Daily Challenge! :)

Daily Challenge: Today, I want you to push your limits when it comes to working out. Ok, sorry if I sound like Jillian Michaels, I just realize that to get the best results, you have to work hard and feel the burn!

What am I doing this month? You guessed it! I’m doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred! So today, I challenge you to test it out and see if you like it. I know, it’s expensive, huh? Too bad someone doesn’t have that video for free online... oh wait… I do ;)

go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/SillaWinchester/view/great-workouts-from-tumblr-just-wanting-somewhere-to-store-them-lol-217294

There's tons of workouts too! Not just 30 Day Shred!

Choose any of them you like, but try at LEAST one, and let me know about it!

TO THOSE WHO HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS: Check out the different videos. The 30 day shred in particular has three people in there. Jillian is telling you what to do, a girl who is doing the pro workout, and a girl whose doing a modified easier workout. Whatever works for you!

Good luck everyone! :)




  • Christaaa78
    Christaaa78 Posts: 65 Member
    I tried to buy this video, once I heard about it here. But I can't find it in the Netherlands. I ordered a bootcamp video instead. Today I did a run, but I'm planning to do bootcamp on other days.
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    I am currently on Week 4 of Ripped in 30. My last day is Saturday.

    I loved 30DS it was the perfect starter DVD. Ripped in 30 is more intense. I would definitely recommend both DVDs.

    I am thinking of starting Turofire next. It looks like alot of fun.
  • leapinglime
    I did the Level One 30 day shred video and it nearly killed me! :L I hadn't realised how unfit I had become :/ But I'm glad I did it :D I feel all energised now :D

    Edit = Also just did the Pop Pilates Inner Thigh Video, my legs are killing me!! :D
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    I did 30 DS and LOVED it. I also have Ripped in 30 but haven't done it. I got to a bootcamp 3 x's a week and the workout is INTENSE. I wanted something for two additional days but just haven't been motivated to do it on the other days. Hopefully this will be the kick in the butt I need.

    Thanks for creating this challenge!!
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    OKAY, DAY 1 DOWN!!!! Woo Hoo!!! And I even got on the Treadmill and jogged @ 5.0 mph for 1 mile (12 min.).... love doing both together.... have excess bulge around my middle & the last time I did the 30 day shred, I didn't see a whole lotta change in that area, so this time I am adding the extra cardio (besides my other walks during lunch & @ night)..... jillian said CARDIO, CARDIO CARDIO is the only true way to get rid of the dangerous excess belly fat.... so I'm doing both..... I feel great!!! :drinker:
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Ok so I have Jiliian's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. So far I had tried BFBM and its a killer but I havent been too diligent with my workouts lately so starting today I will alternate between these two dvds and see where that takes me for Then end of March! I will workout 7 days a week because I know I can do it! I finished 30DS about 2 weeks ago and so I know that Jillian delivers results! Gonna let Jillian kick my butt for the next 31 days and then more!
  • gezman
    gezman Posts: 10
    Thanks for posting vids, didn't see this post until I finished my cardio this morning, will do a video tomorrow. For today I was on the treadmill, 8 miles at a 10min/mile pace, 3 miles at a fast walk. Let's kick March in the butt, good luck to everyone.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I've tried that before and I am just too overweight still for it - I can't keep up and I ache for days, which takes away from my regular work outs. So I am going to have to pass on this one :(
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    I will pass on this one, but I will challenge myself to take group classes Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Maybe even Sunday!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I live in a second floor apartment so I can't really do 30DS without disturbing my downstairs neighbor. I've tried it! So I'll probably have to pass on this one and hit the gym instead.
  • rachelsholiday
    rachelsholiday Posts: 12 Member
    I probably won't do 30DS, but I will challenge myself this afternoon!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I'm on day 9 of Insanity, I always push myself. I will get this done tonight when my sons go to bed.
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    Great challenge. I will be a day behind as work shifts and am a few hrs ahead in the uk. Just ordered vid this morning! Thanks for being so generous with your enthusiasm :)
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    AMAZING you guys! :)

    To those who cannot afford the video, or cannot order them, click on the link I posted because I've found FREE links to watch the videos! :)

    To those who have tried it, GOOD FOR YOU! Keep it up, test your boundaries today, try something new! :)

    If you guys can't do a specific video that's fine! The point of this daily challenge is to challenge your workouts today! You don't necessarily have to do the videos :)

    Good luck!!

  • ready2rockk
    I also live in an apartment so its hard for me to do some workouts. I just did banish the fat for the first time and some of the m0ves jillian did I couldn't do due to downstairs neighbours. I will prolly try this one again tmrw earlier in the day. I don't have a gym membership so id like to find something I can do at home.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Going to start 30DS in a bit... just trying to work up the courage because my calves are so sore from yesterday's boot camp that it hurts even to walk :( Only thing I've been able to do today is elliptical =\
  • mikda999
    mikda999 Posts: 41 Member
    I've had 30DS on hold at the library for a couple days and should be in by Saturday. :)

    Today I did push myself and walked for extra 10 minutes and even jogged for a block in the first since forever. That was scary, but it felt great!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I managed to get a 1 hour walk done today!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Ok, I did day 1 of 30ds. Going to try to keep this up throughout March and I took before pics so I can see if there's any difference at the end.
  • nniimmcckk
    nniimmcckk Posts: 74 Member
    Also just completed day 1 of 30 day shred. I'm not very fit so kept my movements pretty low. Found it hard to keep up when switching between circuits so just did it in my own time. I know this will improve with time. haven't got any weights so used cans of beans!
    I haven't got the DVD yet, how does it work? Level one until you find it easy or for a week? then onto level 2?
    Good idea about before and after pics. I think I'm going to do my measurements too.
    Now I think I owe 80 jumping jacks from yesterday :noway: ..........