Day 11/Day 1 (3/1/12)

Good Morning Ladies!!! Another Wonderful Day!!! Just finished my shred!! Feel Fantastic! A little tired but Fantastic non the less!! We have three ladies starting today. Good luck!!! Hope to hear from everyone on what they thought about it. I believe all of you can do this!! With the right support its possible. We will be here cheering you ladies on!! :) Everyone have A Wonderful Day!!! :)



  • MsB2bSkinny
    MsB2bSkinny Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning. Todays the day I get back on track. I hope this time I can stay motivated and finally complete the shred. I'm confidant that i will with the support from all of you :)
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    I know for a fact that without this board I would not have made it... There where many days when I just felt blah and didn't want to do it, I'd come on here and see that everyone had done it and they would remind me that I could do this and that hey it's only 20 minutes... It's hard but when you are done for the day it feels wonderful to have accomplished it!!! Happy Shredding to the March arrivals!!

    I'll be back later to log my shred, I'm hoping to get it in about 11:00 (CST) =)

  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    I'm back and I'm done :) Day 42 Out the door. I figure I need to get some cardio in other than just the 30DS I just need to find something fun, the Precor machine is getting boring and I haven't stuck with it :( I'd be losing better if I would get some cardio in... I need to buy some time LOL

    Cant wait to see everyone log that they got the shred in!!! Come Everyone, You can soooo do this =)

    have a great day everyone,
  • dear_prudence
    dear_prudence Posts: 22 Member
    DAY 1 - LEVEL 1

    I made it!! It was a killer in places but I made it!! And I think I will be sore tomorrow!! I followed the advanced lady for most of the time, although with the press-ups I alternated between a half and a full press-up.
    Let's see what happens tomorrow...

    Lea :-) x
  • dear_prudence
    dear_prudence Posts: 22 Member
    I'm back and I'm done :) Day 42 Out the door. I figure I need to get some cardio in other than just the 30DS I just need to find something fun, the Precor machine is getting boring and I haven't stuck with it :( I'd be losing better if I would get some cardio in... I need to buy some time LOL

    Cant wait to see everyone log that they got the shred in!!! Come Everyone, You can soooo do this =)

    have a great day everyone,

    How about trying Kettlercise? Kettle bell training is supposed to be a great all-rounder :-) x
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    How about trying Kettlercise? Kettle bell training is supposed to be a great all-rounder :-) x

    You know I've never looked into that, I will check it out for sure!! Great job on getting your shred in... See you tomorrow for sure :)
  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    That's Fantastic news Ladies!!! Glad to hear everyone's getting it done!! You are all Wonderful!! I'm so proud of you all! :bigsmile: