Tracking our Success: February



  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    February Progress:
    February 1: 277.6
    February 8: 272.6
    February 15: 271.0
    February 22: 268.6
    February 29: 268.0
    total loss for February was 9.6 lbs, so I fell just short of my 10 lb. goal. Actually I was at my goal last Saturday and Sunday, but then it popped back up. It's okay though. I'm terribly bloated, waiting for TOM, so it should drop again after that. Bring on March and another 10 lb. loss!!!!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I also had a very salty dinner and one extra glass of wine the day before... I went up 4 pounds!!! Anyway, I am COUNTING my low weight, and will use the 256 for the March Challenge beginning weight even if I weigh 260 again tomorrow. Ugh. THAT was a number I didn't want to see again. I drank a ton of water, exercised and and stayed under my sodium today so we will see. *sigh* Wish I could say it was the TOM but I had a total hysterectomy 5 years ago, and don't even take HRT anymore.
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Week 1 [2/8]: 301 [lost 4 lbs]
    Week 2 [2/15]: 301 [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3 [2/22]: 298 [lost 3 lbs]
    Week 4 [3/1]: 295 [lost 3 lbs]

    I met my 10 lb goal! Going for another 10 for March!
  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    February Goal: -15lbs

    Weigh In #1: -3.4lbs (2/6)
    Weigh In #2: -3.8lbs (2/12)
    Weigh In #3: -3.6lbs (2/20)
    Weigh In #4: -2.8lbs (2/26)
    Weigh In #5: -1.4lbs (2/29)

    Total Lost: -15lbs

    Whew! Didnt think I would make it to 15lbs but I did, barely. Now on to March...

    **Great job everyone on your achievements for this month. All of you are awesome and keeps me going. When I get down I come here and read all of your posts and it motivates me to keep trying! :)**
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Yay Kawanna! In fact, yay all of us! Looks like February was a successful month for us all, whether we hit our goal or came close. :drinker:
  • rllillis
    rllillis Posts: 12 Member
    I started February at 278 and I'm just one pound down so far, but I was to lose 12#s this month. I'm in a "Biggest Loser" competition at my gym and the person who loses the highest percentage of body fat gets $500. Not that I'm going to win, but I want to give it the old college try. The contest started Jan. 14 and I'm down 12 so far (I lost 4#s before it started). I think if I lose 12#s in Feb and another 12#s in March, I could win. If it were just weight, I think I would. This whole body fat thing is more challenging.

    Come on $500!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    So I'm 268 (per the scale right now). I only change my official weight on here every Saturday. So it still says 270. So I lost 10#s in February. Not my goal of 12#s, but it's still a little over 2#s per week. 12 was a little unrealistic, so I'll take 10!!

    Good news!
    At 277, I downgraded from "Class III" obesity to "Class II" obesity

    Challenge: To downgrade to Class I, I need to lose 25 more #s!! My goal is to have that done by May 19!
  • rllillis
    rllillis Posts: 12 Member
    February Goal: -15lbs

    Weigh In #1: -3.4lbs (2/6)
    Weigh In #2: -3.8lbs (2/12)
    Weigh In #3: -3.6lbs (2/20)
    Weigh In #4: -2.8lbs (2/26)
    Weigh In #5: -1.4lbs (2/29)

    Total Lost: -15lbs

    **Great job everyone on your achievements for this month. All of you are awesome and keeps me going. When I get down I come here and read all of your posts and it motivates me to keep trying! :)**

    Wow!! That's amazing! What are you doing? I feel like I'm eating right and going to the gym for TOUGH training twice a week for over an hour each session. The scale is just not liking me. What calorie level are you hitting on average every day? Are you working out! Maybe I can get on your plan and lose 15#s next month! That would be awesome!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Okay, so it looks like I am paying for that extra glass of wine and salty dinner for a 4 pound gain... Sigh. I had it in my hands and lost it. Goal: 10 pounds.

    Feb. 1: 266
    Feb. 8: 264
    Feb 15: 262
    Feb 22: 260
    Feb 29: 259

    So I only lost a total of 6 pounds, and even though I saw a new low on the scale it was not to be.
  • belgianal
    belgianal Posts: 29
    I weighed 279.8 pounds on 2/29/2012 for a total of 11.4 pounds for the month. That is 45.2 pounds since being on MFP and 50.2 pounds total. I started on 11/29/2011. :happy: