Hello Preggos!

SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
Hello Friends :)

I want this group to be fun, informational, encouraging, and did I mention fun? :bigsmile:

Pregnancy is awesome, but it comes with lots of ups and downs :cry: , certain stresses :grumble: , food battles :drinker: , hormone changes :explode: , and crazy body changes :huh: .

All of these can be great and horrific at the same time. :noway:

Personally, I get overwhelmed sometimes and need advice, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to just say "yep, me too!". :wink:

We all have those days. I wish we all lived closer so we could go out for tea and split a yummy muffin and blab about gross, weird, interesting, strange, abnormal, juicy pregnancy details. :tongue:

So, for the first matter of business, if you want to share a little bit about yourself, here is a leggo my preggo questionnaire you can fill out!

1. How far along are you?
2. Do you know baby's gender?
3. If so, do you have a name picked out?
4. Are you showing?
5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly?
6. How is your belly button looking these days?
7. How is your overall appearance these days?
8. How about your boobs?
9. How much weight have you gained so far?
10. Any swelling at this point?
11. How about symptoms?
12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms?
13. How are you sleeping?
14. Are you feeling movements?
15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions?
16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days?
17. How is your overall energy level?
18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do?
19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now?
20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?
21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake?
22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately?
23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near?
24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby?
25. Done much shopping for baby yet?
26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife?
27. Plan to take any classes?
28. Are you having a shower for this baby?
29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet?
30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal?
31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet?
32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby?
33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?

Have fun!


  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    My Questionnaire Answers:

    1. How far along are you?
    18w 3d
    2. Do you know baby's gender?
    We find out February 29th!
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out?
    We have names picked out for both genders
    4. Are you showing?
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly?
    No signs of the linea nigra, no new stretch marks, and a bit of a hairy belly. hehe
    6. How is your belly button looking these days?
    A bit more wide...less deep
    7. How is your overall appearance these days?
    I feel pretty good! Not too shabby :)
    8. How about your boobs?
    Ugh, sore still! They feel like pins and needles when I take off my bra. Tmi? Sorry...
    9. How much weight have you gained so far?
    3.6lbs--weigh in again on Thursday
    10. Any swelling at this point?
    A bit, but I think it's from too much sodium the past few days...
    11. How about symptoms?
    Not many so far. Typical breast changes/soreness, Fatigue
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms?
    Not so far!
    13. How are you sleeping?
    Fairly well, considering :)
    14. Are you feeling movements?
    Yes. They are just occasional and feel like pressure, maybe pushing below my belly button
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions?
    I had two the other day. They were very strong!
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days?
    Oh yes. I go, flush, sit back down and go again. lol :)
    17. How is your overall energy level?
    Much better now than it was in the 1st trimester
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do?
    Yep, but I have to turn in slightly awkward positions
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now?
    Favorite part is watching my belly expand. Least favorite is knowing I have to push this baby out! Also, I was working on losing weight before I became pregnant, so it is really difficult watching the numbers go up on the scale.
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?
    Yep, loving it a lot more now than the 1st trimester. I have to say, some days, I'm completely adverse to it and others I'm rariin' to go. I wonder if everyone is like that....
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake?
    I think so. 12 cups of water per day
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately?
    I"m a ravenous beast! I seem to love anything sweet!
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near?
    Yes, but I try to not think about it.
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby?
    All I want to do is visit baby stores. Waiting until we find out if we're having a boy/girl.
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet?
    A little...
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife?
    Midwife and LOVE it
    27. Plan to take any classes?
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby?
    Yes :)
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet?
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal?
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet?
    Oh yea... lots
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby?
    He is super motivated to get us in a good place financially and fix everything around the house before baby comes. We know life is going to get really crazy, so right now, that is his motivation.
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?
    Sure, but isn't that what this group is for? :)
  • kbobx
    kbobx Posts: 7 Member
    1. How far along are you? 25 Weeks 4 days :)
    2. Do you know baby's gender? Boy!
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Issac James
    4. Are you showing? You bet!
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? No stretch marks or Linea Nigra, but the peach fuzz on my belly has gotten a little longer!
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? Not out yet, but certainly on it's way there!
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? Hungry :)
    8. How about your boobs? Much bigger! Went up two sizes...
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? 11 pounds
    10. Any swelling at this point? In the fingers occasionally
    11. How about symptoms? Not too much right now! Just random cravings and its getting harder to move around :)
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? Nope, praise God!
    13. How are you sleeping? Eh.... wake up several times a night
    14. Are you feeling movements? Lots and lots!
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? not yet
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? haha yes!
    17. How is your overall energy level? good :)
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? lol yes
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? Favorites: Feeling Issac move and grow! I love it :) Especially when he has the hiccups <3 Least favorite... um probably the peeing and sleeping lol
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? yes
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? 12 cups of water
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? Hungry! Enjoying apples, salad, sour patch kids, and salty/sour things!
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? SOOOO excited and ready!!
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? You bet! Nursery is nearly complete and he has lots of clothes :)
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet? Yep!
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? Midwife
    27. Plan to take any classes? Started them last week
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? In April
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? Yep everything was great!
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? Magnesium (for you know what) and folic acid
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? Doing it at a birth center, hopefully at least laboring in a pool, waiting for the chord to stop pulsating to cut, completely natural with no pain meds, hubby is my birth coach, herbal bath with baby afterwards :)
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? He is so excited :) He is preparing in all sorts of ways! Loving the thought of being a daddy!
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby? I can't wait to be a mom!!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    kbobx, I love your birth plan! we don't have a birthing center near us, other wise I would love to do the same! we are working on our birth plan though and a lot of things are similar with our midwives. after our appointment on wednesday, we'll know a lot more about what we can/can't do at the hospital :) sounds amazing!
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    1. How far along are you? 29 weeks 4 days!
    2. Do you know baby's gender? boy #3
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? no lol
    4. Are you showing? yes
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? just my previous stretch marks
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? had to actually take my belly ring out yesterday but my button is still an innie
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? fine
    8. How about your boobs? too big
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? 19lbs
    10. Any swelling at this point? no
    11. How about symptoms? constant headaches, my hips just hurt all the time and my skin is so dry and itchy
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? no
    13. How are you sleeping? lol not much working the graveyard shift doesnt help any
    14. Are you feeling movements? lots!
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? yes and this is the first time i ever have
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? yes
    17. How is your overall energy level? very low
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? somewhat lol
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? feeling my baby move, least is not having my body to myself
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? yes but no desire
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? trying hard to drink more water
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? im always hungry it seems and i crave all bad food ugh and vegatables still seem to make me sick
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? very anxious
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? already did lol so were all ready
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet? yup just waiting for my pack and play to delievered
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? ob
    27. Plan to take any classes? nope never did
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? nope
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? yup
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? b12
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? yup having a repeat c section and getting my tubes tied
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? he has been amazing this time except he craves more than me lol which isnt helping my diet lol
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    1. How far along are you? I am 15w5d (due Aug. 15, 2012)
    2. Do you know baby's gender? Yes, it's a boy!
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? We're pretty sure we're going with Cael, but it's not 100% certain.
    4. Are you showing? Yes, it's my 4th child, so I started showing pretty early
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? I have stretchmarks from previous pregnancies, but no new ones yet.
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? Normal--mine never changes.
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? Pretty good.
    8. How about your boobs? They haven't changed very much, not even a whole cup size
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? I've lost about 10 pounds.
    10. Any swelling at this point? Not too much.
    11. How about symptoms? None.
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? I had a threatened miscarriage at 8 weeks, and bleeding and spotting off and on until 12 weeks. I've been on pelvic rest and exercise restrictions since January, but hopefully will be released from those when I go to my OB appt. on Wednesday.
    13. How are you sleeping? Horribly--I wake up several times and when I lay on my side for too long, my whole leg and hip go numb. I used to be a back sleeper, and I miss it!
    14. Are you feeling movements? Off and on, not daily but several times per week
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? Yes, since 10 weeks.
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? More often than pre-pregnancy, but less often than first trimester.
    17. How is your overall energy level? It varies. Some days I feel normal, some days I'm tired all day long.
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? Yes
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? I like shopping, preparing, etc. I dislike my clothes not fitting!
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? We haven't DTD since I got pregnant. Too tired at first, then put on pelvic rest.
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? I avg. about 100 oz a day, but I could stand to drink more--my lips are always very dry, so I know it's not enough.
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? My appetite has been ravenous. I'm hungry every few hours, but only able to eat a small amount before getting full. I've been enjoying bread and chicken the most during this pregnancy, and disliking beef and sweets.
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? I can't wait to be further along and welcome our baby.
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? I've been shopping. :)
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet? Yes, we had a lot from previous children...now we just need blankets and clothes.
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? OB
    27. Plan to take any classes? Nope.
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? No
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? No, I will be doing that in a few weeks.
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? Nope
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? Yes, historically I've been induced a week late. I plan for that to happen again. If not, I want to attempt a natural, unmedicated birth.
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? He's been having more cravings and gaining weight more than I have!
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby? I'm terrified of gaining a LOT of weight. I have been on both ends of the pregnancy weight gain spectrum, and I am trying to make good choices and not overdo it. Other than that, I am totally excited to be a mom again! This pregnancy follows a previous loss, so I've been very nervous since I found out, but still very excited the further I progress.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    1. How far along are you?
    13 weekswith my 3rd baby
    2. Do you know baby's gender?
    No, we find out in the delivery room
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out?
    We do have names for both genders
    4. Are you showing?
    In the evenings
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly?
    Just old stretchmarks from my giant baby
    6. How is your belly button looking these days?
    Same old
    7. How is your overall appearance these days?
    My skin is breaking out!
    8. How about your boobs?
    Spilling out of my bra
    9. How much weight have you gained so far?
    10. Any swelling at this point?
    11. How about symptoms?
    Maybe a little tired, not really any different than I was experiencing for about 6 months before conception
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms?
    13. How are you sleeping?
    14. Are you feeling movements?
    Little bubbles for now
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions?
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days?
    Too often at night!
    17. How is your overall energy level?
    I hit a slump at about 1pm every day
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do?
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now?
    I don't really feel any different right now, still kind of overwhelmed by this little surprise...
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?
    It's possible
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake?
    Yep, about 120 oz.
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately?
    About the same as before
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near?
    Not really
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby?
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet?
    Half-heartedly looking for a minivan...
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife?
    27. Plan to take any classes?
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby?
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet?
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal?
    Fish oil
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet?
    Get the baby out in a way that leaves everyone happy and healthy. Will probably be similar to the previous two - fast and easy.
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby?
    Still getting used to the idea
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?
    I had gained some random weight this past fall (30 lbsi n 3 months), so am starting this pregnancy 30+ lbs heavier than my last pregnancies. Doc wants me to keep my weight gain under 10 lbs, which is a challenge, when I was gaining that much in a month without being pregnant!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Sandi, I didn't realize you had 2 boys already :) Your house is going to be lively and fun!! Love it.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Also, Tubbie that's great about you having a boy too! Cute. :)
    Rachel, we all gain and lose weight and then get frustrated about it. That's why we are on myfitnesspal. I am overweight for my pregnancy as well, so I am working at maintaining my weight and not gaining more than 15-25lbs. I'd prefer to stay on the 15lbs side of things.

    How is everyone doing this morning?

    Stay strong ladies and eat your vegetables :)
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes i have a 6yr old and my lil man will be 4 in 26 days!! So i will have my hands full! Good morning! ! I wish i could do vegetables but they have made me sick all throughout this pregnancy ugh i can occasionally eat them.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Yes i have a 6yr old and my lil man will be 4 in 26 days!! So i will have my hands full! Good morning! ! I wish i could do vegetables but they have made me sick all throughout this pregnancy ugh i can occasionally eat them.

    Precious :heart:
    My son will be 9yr old in April. My (step) daughter turned 9 in November. I'm thankful that they are a little bit older and are excited for their new brother/sister and that they are also stoked about being able to HELP! hehe

    I hear what you're saying about vegetables. I've had a hard time getting myself to eat them. Yesterday I forced myself to eat a few mushrooms and baby carrots. The day before I ate a big bunch of celery. BUT, in the process, I realized that celery, while it has a bit of sodium, it has about 3-4 times more potassium. So, if you're struggling with controlling your sodium intake, celery is the way to go!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!! :bigsmile:
  • mommyishtar
    mommyishtar Posts: 2 Member
    1. How far along are you? 28 weeks, 2 days
    2. Do you know baby's gender? girl
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Kaitlyn Anastasia
    4. Are you showing? Yes
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? Stretchmarks from previous 2 kids; no new ones so far
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? Pretty normal
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? Decent weight and just about all belly
    8. How about your boobs? Same as pre-preggo
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? Well, I lost 30 in the 1st tri due to morning sickness. Gained back about 7 so far
    10. Any swelling at this point? Nope
    11. How about symptoms? Dry nasal passages, but overall pretty good
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? Gallbladder problems and Thoracic Output Syndrome
    13. How are you sleeping? Pretty good, except for getting up to pee every 2 hours
    14. Are you feeling movements? Oh, yeah!
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? Have been for a bit now.
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? Definitely
    17. How is your overall energy level? I need more sleep nowadays, but energy is almost as good a pre-preggo
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? Not easy, especially the under-carriage, but yeah
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? Favorite: baby inside me. Least favorite: aches & pains
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? Able to, just not much desire to unfortunately
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? I must be, as much as I pee! Don't keep track really
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? Great! Apples, bananas, strawberries, yogurt
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? Nah, not really
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? Nope - hoping that stage hits soon - need to do a lot of housework!
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet? Outfits, diapers, wipes, car seat, & highchair. Still need lots
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? Midwife (CNM)
    27. Plan to take any classes? Nope
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? Doubt it, but sister-in-law may throw me one
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? Yes
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? Magnesium
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? Hoping for a natural home-birth
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? Happy, excited, anxious, supportive, loving, etc
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby? Just that I'm excited to have my first daughter after two boys!
  • kbobx
    kbobx Posts: 7 Member
    SkinnyRuthy, Have you thought about doing it at home? That is what I originally wanted to do, but my insurance wouldn't cover it! That way you can control every aspect of your birth :)
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    SkinnyRuthy, Have you thought about doing it at home? That is what I originally wanted to do, but my insurance wouldn't cover it! That way you can control every aspect of your birth :)

    I have considered it, especially after watching "The Business of Being Born". But, I'm pretty certain our insurance wouldn't cover it on top of the fact that we live in an area that doesn't offer those sorts of services. There aren't any midwives in the area that would even do that. So, anyways, yep, thought of it, but we'll have to go with what we can for now... I would prefer a water birth but while I can labor in the tub, I can't actually give birth in there. Sigh. I do have a large fibroid tumor though and they need to really keep an eye on that because I could have quite a few complications from that in the form of excessive bleeding, etc.

    So, yea. But, I am so excited for you and very happy that you are able to go with a wonderful birthing plan :)
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    Rachel, we all gain and lose weight and then get frustrated about it. That's why we are on myfitnesspal. I am overweight for my pregnancy as well, so I am working at maintaining my weight and not gaining more than 15-25lbs. I'd prefer to stay on the 15lbs side of things.
    oh yes, frustrated is one way to put it! I gained about 35 lbs with each of my other pregnancies, and lost about 40-45 lbs after each of them, so going from a normal weight to being suddenly obese in a matter of months has been very frustrating! I was actually supposed to head to the endocrinologist to get things checked out some more when this surprise pregnancy came about, since I gained 30 lbs from Sept-Nov while following WW and being active (Slim Series at the time). So I'm starting this pregnancy at almost the weight I delivered at with my two girls. I gained about 5 lbs during the 1st tri with my others, so it's already a major feat to have not gained any weight yet.

    I'm doing Chalean Extreme (in the Push Phase now) and trying to get 10,000 steps and 25 flights of stairs daily. It seems to be working so far at maintaining my weight. I think pregnancy has somehow regulated whatever hormones were making me gain so much weight.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member

    Sounds like you are doing pretty good overall! Glad to hear you are finally going to have a precious baby girl. So sweet! I also see that you're having a home birth---that is wonderful. I'm a huge fan of the "all-naturale" way of birthing your baby.
    I'd love to hear more about that. Were your births with your boys home births as well? How did you handle pain?

    I gave birth to my son about 9yrs ago without any pain medication, ivs, hook-ups of any sort, etc. So, I know I can do it, but it is a bit daunting knowing what it's all about and going through it again. :)

    Hope you continue to feel well!

  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Rachel, we all gain and lose weight and then get frustrated about it. That's why we are on myfitnesspal. I am overweight for my pregnancy as well, so I am working at maintaining my weight and not gaining more than 15-25lbs. I'd prefer to stay on the 15lbs side of things.
    oh yes, frustrated is one way to put it! I gained about 35 lbs with each of my other pregnancies, and lost about 40-45 lbs after each of them, so going from a normal weight to being suddenly obese in a matter of months has been very frustrating! I was actually supposed to head to the endocrinologist to get things checked out some more when this surprise pregnancy came about, since I gained 30 lbs from Sept-Nov while following WW and being active (Slim Series at the time). So I'm starting this pregnancy at almost the weight I delivered at with my two girls. I gained about 5 lbs during the 1st tri with my others, so it's already a major feat to have not gained any weight yet.

    I'm doing Chalean Extreme (in the Push Phase now) and trying to get 10,000 steps and 25 flights of stairs daily. It seems to be working so far at maintaining my weight. I think pregnancy has somehow regulated whatever hormones were making me gain so much weight.

    I was thinking about that wondering if there were any health issues that were causing the sudden gain. If you were staying active and working out, etc, that seems a bit strange! I hope that all gets sorted out. You're doing a really good job, so keep it up, girl! :)
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Just found out, we are having a baby boy! <3

    1. How far along are you?
    27 weeks. Im due May 28. :D

    2. Do you know baby's gender?
    yes. its a girl!! <3

    3. If so, do you have a name picked out?

    4. Are you showing?
    Yeah. i look so fat xD

    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly?
    I have stretch marks & fuzzies on my belly.

    6. How is your belly button looking these days?
    Same as it always was. Never popped out.

    7. How is your overall appearance these days?
    Gross. Ive gained 50lbs :'( Ive never weighed so much before.

    8. How about your boobs?
    I love my boobs. Went from a 34A to a 36C. I hope they stay there after breastfeeding..my mom's did.

    9. How much weight have you gained so far?

    10. Any swelling at this point?

    11. How about symptoms?
    pretty much all except for those Veins & never had morning sickness (:

    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms?

    13. How are you sleeping?
    pretty good.

    14. Are you feeling movements?
    ALL the time!! she's CONSTANTLY kicking at my bladder...like literally every 5 seconds for 5 minutes. then stops for a while, then starts up again..little brat!

    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions?

    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days?
    all the time

    17. How is your overall energy level?
    pretty good.

    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do?
    No. xD

    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now?
    Least: Not being able to exercise or smoke (still have cravings like crazy!! dont worry, i stopped for my baby <3)
    Most fav.: the movements!!

    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?

    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake?
    Yes. I drink up to 8 glasses of water a day. i'd drink alot more, but im afraid to.

    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately?
    I eat like a freakin pig!! I used to control myself..now i cant xD
    Ive been enjoying the same stuff i did before i was pregnant. that hasnt changed.
    Im mad i cant have chocolate though :P

    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near?
    Nope! i have alot of education on that, so far. Im super excited!!

    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby?

    25. Done much shopping for baby yet?
    My grandmother has. OMG sooooooooooooooo much stuff!!!!!!!

    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife?

    27. Plan to take any classes?
    Yeah, when it gets closer.

    28. Are you having a shower for this baby?
    Yup. 6 days before my birthday.

    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet?
    i think so.

    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal?
    Nope. just prenatal stuff

    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet?
    Yup. all planned out.

    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby?
    He's obsessed. he cant wait! He was SOOOO happy the baby was a girl. he almost cried (:

    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?
    Nope. I have all that under control, thanks to Babycenter.com
  • ninasexy
    ninasexy Posts: 5 Member
    I came to myfitnesspal to lose weight for IVF, am still on awaiting a scan for the 21st of march which after I will be referred for the IVF.

    On Sat last week I found out I was pregnant, after I and my Hubby were told we had more chances of having a baby with IVF.

    My baby is a miracle.

    1. How far along are you?

    6 weeks it seems it will be forever ......lol

    2. Do you know baby's gender?
    not yet

    3. If so, do you have a name picked out?
    Still contemplating

    4. Are you showing?
    My belly is constantly bloated since I knew

    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly?
    I have always had a Linea Nigra even without being preggy

    6. How is your belly button looking these days?

    7. How is your overall appearance these days?
    Still the same

    8. How about your boobs?
    Sore nipples and bigger boobs

    9. How much weight have you gained so far?
    2 pounds so far

    10. Any swelling at this point?

    11. How about symptoms?
    I crave for food all the time , constant headaches and tiredness

    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms?
    Brown discharge I read its old blood

    13. How are you sleeping?
    Most nights

    14. Are you feeling movements?
    Not yet

    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions?
    Not yet

    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days?

    17. How is your overall energy level?

    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do?

    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now?
    Am so happy am having a baby...my first child after 3 yrs of marriage and 7yrs of being together
    Tiredness, eating too much and thinking alot on hoping everything goes well

    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?

    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake?
    I neva liked drinking this is first in hx am drinking like a fish

    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately?
    this minute is that the next is another

    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near?
    Am still far from there I wish time cud fly

    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby?
    Not yet

    25. Done much shopping for baby yet?

    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife?
    Not yet

    27. Plan to take any classes?
    No plans yet

    28. Are you having a shower for this baby?
    Might do

    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet?

    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal?
    Taking folic acid

    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet?
    Will be in hospital defntly

    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby?
    He is so excited!

    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby?
    Did anyone get discharge at their early stage?

    Have fun!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member

    I'd love to be friends---You can be healthy and pregnant too, even though it's not easy at all! I encourage you to get out there and do a bit of walking around the block or even marching in place at home or walk up and down the stairs a few times. It really does help. You will be ok---some of the weight gain could also be from not smoking during your pregnancy (GOOD JOB!!!!). Sometimes, when people give up smoking, they tend to gain. My advice is to do your best to not gain much more. Try and include healthy foods into your diet like milk, eggs, yogurt, fruit, whole grain breads, veggies, nuts. Maybe that will help a little! Try Nutella for the chocolate craving (if you can have it), and treat yourself well. You're doing wonderful and I'm so glad you're here.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I came to myfitnesspal to lose weight for IVF, am still on awaiting a scan for the 21st of march which after I will be referred for the IVF.

    On Sat last week I found out I was pregnant, after I and my Hubby were told we had more chances of having a baby with IVF.

    My baby is a miracle.

    Oh my goodness, congratulations!!!!!!!! You must be absolutely elated! I am just so so happy for you and wish you and your husband the best as you prepare for this little darling. Eat as healthy as possible and don't be afraid to get out there and do some walking and keep your body healthy and fit... just don't go crazy. :) Can't wait to hear how things progress. Prayers going up for this to be a healthy and happy pregnancy for your family. :heart:
  • ninasexy
    ninasexy Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks alot cos i need all the assurance, support, love and prayer anyone can render....................:happy:
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    for sure! :D
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member

    I'd love to be friends---You can be healthy and pregnant too, even though it's not easy at all! I encourage you to get out there and do a bit of walking around the block or even marching in place at home or walk up and down the stairs a few times. It really does help. You will be ok---some of the weight gain could also be from not smoking during your pregnancy (GOOD JOB!!!!). Sometimes, when people give up smoking, they tend to gain. My advice is to do your best to not gain much more. Try and include healthy foods into your diet like milk, eggs, yogurt, fruit, whole grain breads, veggies, nuts. Maybe that will help a little! Try Nutella for the chocolate craving (if you can have it), and treat yourself well. You're doing wonderful and I'm so glad you're here.

    Thank you!
    Ive been doing some prentatal yoga, but, i still keep gaining. D:
    & i think it is because I stopped smoking. Noticed I ate ALOT during the first trimester. Thats where i gained most of my weight. Now, it's just slow gaining. Which isn't too bad. I just hope I dont gain anymore lol. Im afraid something would happen if I gained too much. Ive been eating healthy. Maybe im just not exercising enough. I'll just do the stair thing you mentioned. :P
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    1. How far along are you? We have calculated about 5 weeks, but I haven't been to my first appointment yet.
    2. Do you know baby's gender? Nope
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Not yet, but I am looking
    4. Are you showing? Not yet
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? I do have stretchmarks, but that's what happens when you you have had five babies and one on the way!
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? Kind of like a frown...lol
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? I feel that I look good. Since starting my weight loss journey, I feel like I carry myself differently!
    8. How about your boobs? Sore and bigger
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? 1 lb., I usually lose weight when I am preggo
    10. Any swelling at this point? Not yet
    11. How about symptoms? Some nausea, peeing all the time, sleepy
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? Nope, and I pray it stays that way
    13. How are you sleeping?Not too great at night, but when I get a daytime nap in, they're wonderful!
    14. Are you feeling movements? Too early
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? Too early for that too
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? More than I'd like
    17. How is your overall energy level? Slow moving
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? For the moment
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? Favorite- knowing there's a little person growing inside of me that I already love so much, least-how tired I feel all day
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to?yes and yes
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids?probably need to drink more
    Average daily fluid intake?6-8 glasses
    22. How is your appetite? Hungrier than usual
    What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? Salad and red grapes
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? Not that close yet
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? Nope, just found out yesterday
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet?None
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? Midwife
    27. Plan to take any classes? Naw, I have done tbis 5 other times. I think I got this...lol!
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? If it's a girl definitely
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? I have not
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? No
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? Probably the same as before, don't want to be stuck in the bed, free movement, avoid pain meds if at all possible, hubby helps deliver!
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? We were both shocked, but very excited!
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy? Our last baby had to be in the NICU for a couple of weeks. Don't want to go through that again!

    Hey Mama's! I am new to this group. I am 29. Hubby and I are expecting baby #6!! It was quite the surprise since I have been on the pill for 2 years! Excited to continue my healthy journey through this pregnancy!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    congrats on the baby boy SkinnyRuth!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    1. How far along are you? 5 weeks - due 11/2
    2. Do you know baby's gender? Nope, but we will find out
    3. If so, do you have a name picked out? no name talk until we knew gender, and then will keep it secret until he/she is born
    4. Are you showing? Nope
    5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? stretchmarks from my last 2 pregnancies
    6. How is your belly button looking these days? normal - didn't pop w/#1, but did pop w/#2 so we'll see this time around
    7. How is your overall appearance these days? normal
    8. How about your boobs? normal
    9. How much weight have you gained so far? none, hoping to keep my weight gain at 20lbs or less
    10. Any swelling at this point? no
    11. How about symptoms? nothing, but I gag when I brush my teeth which was a dead give away tha I was pregnant, lol
    12. Are you having any complications beyond the basic symptoms? nope
    13. How are you sleeping? normal
    14. Are you feeling movements? not yet
    15. Are you experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions? nope
    16. Are you visiting the bathroom often these days? same as usual
    17. How is your overall energy level? same
    18. Are you still able to shave all areas you normally do? yes
    19. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of being pregnant right now? favorite is feeling that little one move inside you, least favorite is the extreme food cravings
    20. Are you able to DTD these days, or do you have any desire to? yes, but less than normal
    21. Have you been drinking enough fluids? Average daily fluid intake? Yes, 96oz most days
    22. How is your appetite? What are some foods you have been enjoying lately? already have cravings - chocolate
    23. Are you getting nervous or anxious about the end drawing near? it's not drawing near for me as I just found out I am pregnant! lol
    24. Have you been nesting/getting ready for baby? not yet
    25. Done much shopping for baby yet? none
    26. Are you seeing an OB or a midwife? OB
    27. Plan to take any classes? no
    28. Are you having a shower for this baby? no
    29. Have you had your anatomy scan yet? not yet
    30. Are you taking any supplements right now besides a prenatal? no
    31. Have you given any thought to your birth plan yet? c-section again - had with both my boys as well
    32. How has your SO been lately in regards to the pregnancy/baby? he's excited
    33. Any other thoughts, concerns, things to share about your pregnancy or baby? I am a mother of two boys - a 2yo and my baby is 6mo. I will have 3 kids 2 years old and under when this baby is born! Crazy!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    Sounds like a lot of new babies on the way! So precious :) Hoping for all of your pregnancies to go smoothly :heart:
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    congrats on the baby boy SkinnyRuth!

    Thank you!!!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I joined MFP in Jan and I was doing really well, then found out I was pregnant. I just found out this week so I havent been to the Dr. yet, but have my Apt at the end of the month. I have a 5 year old son who will be 6 by the time the new baby gets here. I gained 70 pounds with my son and I started out at 200 pounds :( I am currently around 200 pounds and do NOT want to gain that much weight again!!! Thats why I am so glad for this site!!!! I have raised my cals by 300 and am still exercising almost everyday!!!!