Who what where?!



  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    I'm Cassie from Iowa... I am 5'4" & in the 150s. My fiance and I are both starting p90x tomorrow. We have enough time to get 3 rounds done before our wedding in October. I would like to be in the 130s or even in the 140s after the first round, mainly I am concerned with inches and not weight. I am super competitive so my fiance and I are competing against each other for the best results based on inches/percentages. I am doing the nutrition plan minus the bars and recovery drinks. I make my own all natural protein shakes instead. He is not doing the nutrition plan so I hope this will give me a little advantage :) Would love to hear if people are trying the nutrition plan. I am also doing free weights and elliptical instead of chest/back and cardio/Pump instead of Yoga. But, i am keeping everything else the same! Good luck everyone...add me if you want to compare notes!
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, my name is Shaun, i'm from Michigan. I started MFP in mid August and I am down 38 lbs. from a high of 253. My goal is to get to 190 but I'm not too concerned with the scale. I want to be as ripped as possible for a man of 47 years old. I am not doing the nutrition plan, but I am going to concentrate on eating less refined and processed food. I am going to start round one in about 5 minutes!!!! I am so excited to get going and stay motivated with the help of this group!


  • Gamergl
    Gamergl Posts: 58 Member
    My name is Chris. I'm on Day 5 and have lost 4 pounds (ALREADY!!!) - well most of that was from excess sodium and water over Christmas - but hey!, still counts in my books!!

    In December I was doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30, and was seeing good, but slow results. Thankfully P90x came for XMas - it was actually a present for DH so we could work out together, but he's quite injured so I've started on my own.

    Add me so we can get this done in 2012!!!
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Paul and I currently live in the state of Michigan. I have completed two 25K races, 1 10K, 1 5K, and got thru 1 marathaon...just barely.

    I need to get rid of my belly fat once and for all and I'm hoping this program along with low carb, high protein diet is the way to go.

    Also I signed up to do a Tough Mudder come April so I really want to get in the best shape of my life and I believe I found the way to do it.

    Let's all encourage each other to stay on track with this and I know we will all reach our goals!

  • Pdot64
    Pdot64 Posts: 5
    Howdy from Texas! My name is Mark (or Pdot), I am 47, self employed and married. It was really cool reading everyone's "Who, What, Where?!". BigBri033 and I are in the same boat; 6'3". 236.8 and looking for 195.

    I worked out regularly until I was 30 and weighed 204. I quit working out and didn't eat right (life's little issues) and ended up at 304 lbs ten years later. I then lost 84 lbs and have been up and down since then.

    I have had P90X for about a year; never did it, just had it. I saw Tony on a Dr Oz rerun the other week and decided, "No excuses. Just Get Busy!"

    So, here I am, happy to be Bringing It and to be Bringing It with you guys and gals. Good Luck to Everyone! And, Brian, I'll be watching your progress to keep me motivated.
  • smm10
    smm10 Posts: 4
    My name is Sheila, I am 30 years old and from South Dakota. I am a married mom of a 1 year old. I am a RN and work in same day surgery, recovery and the emergency room. I am currently on my 6th week of p90x and have lost about 5 lbs. I do need to watch my diet more. I would highly reccommed following their nutrition because if I had I would have probably lost more. I am currently 144.6 lbs and hope to be at 135 by the time we go on vacation in March.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Hello I'm nelly im a mother of 2 boys ages 6 and 4 and my hubby and me tried to do it last october but I just finished the first 30 days and I was seeing awesome results I lost 10 lbs and I haven't gain them back now I'm trying to lose this last 15 lbs and I know I will if I finish this program!!
  • Awesome thread. My name is Joe, I'm 43 and live in MI. Currently 5'11" / 189. Married, kids, demanding career, etc.. Have always been as active as my family/career demands have allowed me to be (have done some 5ks and a Sprint tri in the past 5 years). Worked hard all spring/summer last year to get down to a lean and mean 180 (running, weights, yoga), then I injured my foot in September - needed a titanium plate and six screws to put it back together. Now, 4 months and 10 lbs of goo later, I'm cleared to begin working out again.

    I know I'll need a set program to really get back into the groove of 5:15 a.m. workouts. I have dabbled with some of the X routines (love the Yoga and Core-Syn discs!), and have a killer push-up/pull-up/core routine not unlike Tony's "chest & back" day. However, I have never committed to the full 13 week X program before.

    The leg routine kills my creaky old football knees, so I'll be modifying as follows:

    - Mondays: strength train
    - Tuesdays: Plyo (the MOTHER!)
    - Weds: strength train
    - Thurs: Cardio Brick (bike 20 min, run 20 min)
    - Fri: Yoga-X
    - Sat: 45-60 min run with my dog (weather permitting, otherwise another Cardio Brick)

    Looking forward to reading everyone's progress and inspirations!

  • gilliland_a
    gilliland_a Posts: 27 Member

    I am a grad student working full time in Nebraska.

    I started p90x Jan 2, 2012. I had an excellent first round last year in the early spring but did not keep it up. I have been doing doubles and focusing on diet as well.

    Best of luck to everyone.
  • Hi!

    I am a (female) scientist (full day) in Hamburg (Germany) and now hitting my second week P90X. I want to have the body I allays see myself having when I dream in front of the mirror. I am 1.62m/70kg. Having a full day makes it complicated to include the workouts, but until now, I'm mastering this quite OK I think.
    Eating clean is mostly easy in Germany (but you can fill yourself up with junk here as well...) so I just have to watch my fat intake (and sugar - my two weak points).
    So I go for: Bring it (cause I will keep pushing play)!!!
  • Howdy all. I'm a 4th year medical student getting ready to graduate in the spring. I first got into a regular workout routine in college, then let it slip some towards the end, really got back into it my first two years of med school and then dropped off completely for a year and a half. My goal is to go into residency with fitness on the brain and way too much work and shift in lifestyle to let it go. As for my specs, I'm 6'2" & hovering 190lbs +- 2lbs. At my worst I was 204 (not bad, but likely none of it was muscle), and as low as 180. At this point I'm ignoring the scale and just want to have as fit a self as I can be, day by day.
  • reconxo
    reconxo Posts: 1 Member
    New to the group. First week of P90, but this is my second round. Unfortunately I took a pretty significant break in between Round 1 and Round 2. I'm pretty sore this week, but not as bad as the first round.....I couldn't comb my own hair after that week. See you all around.

  • nickurbin
    nickurbin Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, My name is Nick. I am starting Week 3 of P90X. I have lost lbs. so far and back in the 220's. I live in Alabama on the Gulf Coast. I started P90X before and I had great success, but only completed 2 months. Life got in the way. At least, I told myself that for a little while. Now, I am realizing that it was a great lesson. Exercising and eating needs to be a lifestyle and not just a program. Overtime old habits can get you back in trouble. I am committed and inspired by people already on here. I hope we can share in this journey. Add me if you would like. I hope to pass anything that might inspire or help you on your journey. I wish you the best in your goals.

    Keep Bringing IT!